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Everything posted by studiot

  1. It means more than that, which was my earlier point in post#11.
  2. No because say one real number, a is equal to another real number is equivalent to saying that a>b and b>a means that a=b. Now for a complex number the definition that Acomplex = Bcomplex is more complicated.
  3. Snow is frozen fresh water. Seawater is salt, what is the freezing point of seawater? The ice age timing is well defined by the Milankovich cycles. It has to do with the variation of the tilt of the earth and when the southern and northern hemispheres are at perihelion and aphelion which affects the radiation input to each. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/milankovitch.html
  4. Thank you for that clarification, imatfaal, +1
  5. Forgive me for commenting on your discussion about playing with the presentation of the figures, and I do understand the issues about improper scaling of charts, but what about the provenance of those figures themselves. What does the 'fraction of the general' mean? figures I have seen are between 90% and 99% extinction for the end permian event, and the references I gave go with this figure. Please also note that the original BBC report I linked to presented a balanced view that the BBC are famous for in that they presented both sides of the discussion ie they presented the counter argument as well.
  6. Here is the film of the book The Day the Earth Nearly Died by M Benton. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xw5o16_the-day-the-earth-nearly-died_shortfilms PS the book is good too (written by a professor of geology)
  7. Which one? By my count I made two in my post you referred to.
  8. Thank you, John for that full and frank exposition. +1
  9. That's what I said, but I can't draw molecues here. RRC=O + H2 goes to RRHC-OH
  10. Doesn't the ketone have a carbonyl group with a double bond between the carbon and oxygen which is reduced to a single bond to an OH group, leaving one bond free on the carbon that has the other half of the hydrogen molecule attached to it?
  11. Try looking here https://www.google.co.uk/?gws_rd=ssl#q=extraction+of+essential+oils
  12. Not so. Perhaps you should revise some mathematics, rather than insulting me (and others), since this is the second time you have done it, in this thread.
  13. Because you have just described a circle with an infinity of complex numbers. Since there are an infinity of such circles, your would have an infinity of complex numbers filling every place in the list.
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-32397220 Comments?
  15. 1) I will have to think about your model. 2) You don't calculate experimentally you measure. If you want to measure friction and MOI or other parameters, you can do mechanically exactly the same as you would do to take measurements. Add a load in parallel and measure the difference. The mechanical load can be a flywheel of known properties. The input can be measured and the time to run down from one speed to another, after removal of the drive, can be measured.
  16. There are two separate ideas here. The terms water vapour and steam mean different things to different disciplines, physics, engineering, meteorology, geography/geology. The physics version is probably the best to stick to since it is consistent with lots of other aspects of physical science such as "vapour pressure". This asserts that the gaseous form of a pure substance is called a vapour. So on this definition water vapour is the gaseous form of water and it is invisible. Gasses do not form solutions. Assuming they don't react chemically with each other, they coexist with each other in any space or volume offered to them. Their pressures are additive. So this sort of water vapour and air is a mixture of two gasses not a solution of one in the other. This leaves the problem of the fact that water can form myriad tiny droplets dispersed through the air. These droplets are visible and comprise water in the liquid state. This is what clouds and fog is made of. Again the technical term for this arrangement is not a solution, but a disperse system. It is sometimes called an aerosol. The 'background' substance (air in this case) is called the disperse medium and the sunstance spread through it the disperse phase. These phases and mediums can be in any state here is a table. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dispersion_(chemistry)
  17. The Boltzman factor and the equipartition system refer to different things. First the equipartition principle This should not be confused with a partition function Z, which may be related to the Boltzman factor. When a system has different modes of accepting and storing thermal energy, translational KE, PE, rotational, vibrational etc of its molecules, the EP asserts that the total energy is divided equally between all the modes. Each mode has an average that represents it, so there is an average molecular velocity that represents the average spped of the molecules at any given temperature and so on. But, of course, the actual velocities are distributed about this average. Further since the kinetic energy depends upon the square of the speed the distribution will not be symmetrical ie there will be many more slow molecules than the fast ones to balance the average. A partition function, Z, is an equation or function that describes this distribution. A particular partition function is the Boltzman distribution, where the Boltzman factor comes in to play. It is assumed that there are a finite number of molecules and a finite number of energy levels available to the molecules. The partition function describes the distribution between these levels. If there are only two levels (1) and (2) or between any pair of levels we label (1) and (2) the Boltzman factor applies. This is the ratio of the population or number of molecules in each level N1 and N2, in terms of the energies of those levels, E1 and E2 and the absolution temperature. [math]\frac{N_{2}}{N^{_{1}}} = e^{-\beta \left ( E_{2} -E_{1}\right )}[/math] Where [math]\beta = \frac{1}{kT}[/math] T is the absolute temperature and k is Boltzman's constant. The total can be reckoned by summing over all pairs. It should be noted that these calculations assume that the system is in thermal equilibrium.
  18. What you are describing is known as the well ordering property. Integers, rational numbers and real numbers can be put into a continuous list in order of size a<b<c........ and so on., Where a, b, c are integers, rational or real numbers. But this is not true of the complex numbers that do not possess this property.
  19. Thank you for that thought SJ. I often do just that when I move folks onto larger drives, or they just get more modern computers. So they always have their original available if they want it. External cases are OK for old drives, for backup or data drives that you only need accasionally. The trouble is that drive Windows demands a lot of empty woring space. Once the Windows drive has reached 50% full, performance is downhill all the way and the drive gets worked harder and harder. However perhaps the idea will be of use to someone else.
  20. No they are usually bust and I have to fix them. This one came with an incorrect battery (wrong voltage), but was otherwise OK. I changed the 2x0.5G RAM modules for 2x2G of faster RAM from another dead laptop, deleted all old users, disabled UAC and now Vista is really flying. I am considering moving everything onto a larger HD as this one at 100G is 60% full. So far it has cost me £12 for a new battery.
  21. I get given laptops (like the one I'm typing on now).
  22. I didn't, one way or the other. I was offering a spin-off point that I don't think you made or denied. Feel free to comment on what I actually said.
  23. Thnak you imatfaal. I'm up in Dundee for a few weeks so I was trying out codecogs to prepare for a reply to the statmech question. The text was as it came, I will only fiddle with it if it doesn't work.x I used to have a signature line If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.
  24. Tesing Testing [math]P_{i} = \frac{e^{-\beta E_{i}}}{Z}[/math]
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