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Everything posted by PogoC7

  1. Yes, I know the IRA. And I don't think I was talking about Britains stance on terrorism. I was speaking towards Sayonara³ stance on terrorism. But anyway. America can do whatever they want. Cause we CAN. Plus, it seems Britain recognizes terror theats, they are and have been backing the U.S. since Sept. 11. Just to add. I lived two apartment buildings away from some of the terroists which flew a plane into the towers. These idiots were so stupid that the first week they were here; they almost go kicked out by the assosiation. They kicked people at the pool, they kicked a dog at the elevator. Don't know why the commity did not do anything about them (not a member), but I don't know what kind of freedom these "soldiers" thought they had. Compromising their mission. One day I was walking my dog past their building and I saw them on their 5th floor balcony. Three of them. One was sitting while the others were leaning against the wall. They were eyeing me like crazy and I did the same. It looked as if they were on TONS of drugs (had the black under their eyes like I've never seen) and I thought they were drug dealer, so I didn't really mess with them. I actually started walking faster around the dark construction area near their building becuase I thought they might come down and shoot me. Thats the image they gave off. Just wanted to add how dumb these terrorist were and why they most likey can't get another attack on America.
  2. You two must be B/Fs, cause as I remember. I was called an Idiot by both of you before I said anything . But hey, I just state my opinions about the war. You two can critisis all day about the issues with no real stance. I still have yet to read what you (Sy3) think the U.S. (or sister Britian) should do about the "looming war". P.S. You think I would put my real age on my Bio. I am actually 98 years old (very active; school, working out, ...) and fought in WW2. My 12 year old grandson helps me on these posts. He also gets a good laugh at your daily comments.
  3. hahaha, no. Your an Idiot. Oh, and in case you missed it the first time around - Iraq does not have nuclear weapons. Never said they did. Please, go crawl back into your hole (mom's crack). I see Sayonara³ and you have a "personal" relationship. First post and you already call someone an Idiot. You must have many friends.
  4. Sayonara³ is an anrgy man. He's mad at the world. To Sayonara: Please, don't kill yourself. Plus, you seem to put words in my mouth (along with others). I understand your agruments, but I can't take them seriously when you switch the words up. Plus, I am writing about things that can be done. All you do it critisis and your opinion of who is bad or what should be done about Suddam, is lost in your ranting. Or never stated.
  5. In school now, but once I have time to respond to all the non-sence Sayonara³ wrote, I'll respond with the FACTS. Yes, terrorist did live among us. They lived Two Apt. Building aaway from me. I saw them on there balcony smoking cigs. I thought thy were coke dealers cause they looked F**cked to all hell.
  6. Right, we know what Countries terrorist groups work from. Only the Countries (backed by international communities jealous of America) won't let us operate or enter the countries. Your opinion about capitalism and America is backed by the English punk mentality like the Sex Pistols. Johnny “Sayonara³” Rotten. Open your arms. Accept America was a friend. We did protect the world from communism. We haven’t been kicking anthills. We’ve been helping your country and others become ready to protect yourselves and work as a whole in peace. I live in America. Isolated from the Middle East and your side of the world. You should feel more threatened of terrorist on your Country. I guess until your Country is stuck by terror, you’ll still be blind to the fact that terrorists can’t live among us. Big Ben Sucks.
  7. Not a very good question, it sounds somewhat selfish. Israelis have been dieing at the hands of terrorist for years. America is new to the threat of terrorism. Only America wants to do something about it. Ummm, We let terrorist take things one by one. But America has the might to strike with full force and take these "rebel groups" or terrorists out quickly. Before they can fight their so called capitalist wars. Terrorism is a state of mind. A terrorist is a person who has experience such injustice that he or she is driven to the point of killing people. Image a father who needs food for this family and is driven to the point of stealing from a store. They have no hope for the future and they can not live with that fact. I understand that they see America everywhere and they can not drive to the local BK or get a job or have the freedom we have. It's sad, but we all have to put our powers together (countries), and make their situations better. Once the Afghans are living happy, productive lives, they will not want to be terrorists. They'll be happy and any terrorist threat on Afghanistan (even if directed towards America) will not be appreciated. Same with Palestinians.
  8. PogoC7

    i hate xp

    Norton Anti-Virus has a good undelete program. You can get it off Kazaa. Filename: Norton anti-virus 2003
  9. Yea, but hopefully we are becoming more envirarmentaly aware as it seems. The more we explore and understand the oceans the better we will be. The Coral reefs are one of the most evolved organisms on earth and they can help us in ways we can't imagen. They can repress sponing because they know of a storms. They are highly evolved, they have existed for more than 450 million years although in the ancient past it was first the blue green algae and later the sponges, not corals, which were the major reef builders. We must protect these structures and I do believe they it's illegal to tamper with them. More reef information - http://www.coralreefalliance.org/
  10. The ignorant are those who only watch CNN or other News Channels. I hardly watch the News Channels (they have become so popular after Sept. 11, that they always need a story), I watch to maybe get the jist on some Celebraty news or watch ignorance argue (and laugh), but I've converted to the getting my news off the Interent about 5 years ago. Plus, the news channels are not influenced by the government at all. When I watch the U.S. news channels I can easly see their bias, they also have many "characters" who argue different ponits all the time. Only the points seem to be very broad and they do not like to get very detailed because it will confuse the viewers; who will just turn the channel. Personally, I believe that those Characters have such BIG HEADS that no one will change their views and all we watch are pointless yelling matches. I mostly listen to NPR http://www.npr.org/audiohelp/hourlynews.html news when I'm in my car or search the interent on a issue. I've also got a question about a site (mostly odd news). This used to be one of my favorite news site. http://www.NewPower.org --- Its NOT UP anymore (closed 3 years ago), but I was just wondering is anyone else knew that site. Plus, whats you favorite news site?
  11. When Bush first came into office, his priorities weren't war and terrorism. Bush was cutting down on globalization (closing buisnesses abroad), and he did want to look at oil possabilities in Alaska (remember comedy centrals show "Thats my bush", loved that show) so we weren't so reliant on the Middle East oil. Now, after Sept. 11, all people hear is terrorism, but thats how it is. I do feel better now that we are aware of threats. Isreal shows that you can't let terrorism happen, although, terrorism is a state of mind when a person is driven to the point of wanting to kill. But Iraq adds to the injustice which leads to terrorism. We also have people protesting and they have their points, but they all call Bush a war mongal and appose war. But they also say they don't support Suddam. So what is the solution? We have inspectors there forever and ask Suddam to leave peacefully. We have given him a pardon (become a anonymous millionaire). There are also Iraqis protesting. They are walking the streets with AK-47s and flags of Suddam. Funny how they are the only protestors SUPPORTING SUDDAM. Opinion isn't a big vertule in Iraq. Seems we actually do have the same views towards Iraq. Yes, it is sad. NATO (people who are incharge of united war, not UN, UN has to approve war) has 18 members: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Czech Rep, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom (Given: U.S.). 16 of these countires DO NOT appose action against Iraq, only France, Germany (which has troops working with American already), and Belgium want "peaceful" resolutions. Scary what they really want. FOR GODSAKE, they won't even defend their NATO ALLIE Turkey ( article: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20030215/ap_on_re_mi_ea/nato_iraq_107 ). People seem to be bashing, but the main problem in this thread is Suddam. So can I hear some peaceful resolution other than the same comment or arguements, over and over. Suddam has used chemical weapons throughout his regime. 1988 - he used them agaisnt Iran, he had arcenals of weapons (biological) after the Gulf war, but now those weapons aren't accounted for? He shot 39 missles into Tela Viv during the Gulf War. Civillian dying is not the issue (Suddam kill more civilans then U.S. troops). The U.S. does a very good job protecting the civilians. The proof is in the puttin. We are an intelligant civilization, we appose war because we know the consiquences. But the U.S. (along with other countries) are not looking to kill people, they want to help keep our world safe.
  12. America would be happy to not put so much effort into problems on the other side of the world. America has it's own problems. Mexico is in horrible condition and we have crazy militants in South America. People's living conditions there can also rival middle easterns or Europes or N. Koreas. America would be happy if powers such as; Europe, Russia, Japan, China, were more assertive on threatening issues (N. Korea, South Africa, Iraq and the middle east in general). America put large amounts of money in rebuilding countries and when countries show they can handle themselves (just being aware of threats). Then America will start letting go of their grip on countries.
  13. I know that; the sooner Saddam is out of power, the better off Iraqi people will be. Saddam is a greedy bastard and he would make a better corporate leader, then a country's leader. What has America done in the past to countries which they have gone to war with (and won)? They rebuild the country. If the United States outed Saddam back in '91, then maybe Iraq would be a peaceful leader in the middle east. Corporate America, bad. What America stands for, good.
  14. Yea, but it seems to me, people forget quickly in the middle east. Plus, it's a different time. The key now is Arabs unitieing against the U.S. and the western world. If he was to bomb is own people now, it would go against what Osama and the Arab militants are preaching. And have you seen the people who formed a human shield around Bagdad. Funny Stuff. What are these people trying to promote, they arn't even Iraqi!!!! I see if they want to protect the people of Bagdad, but I doubt too many civilians will die in Bagdad. America freed Kawait and how many civilians died? Not many. These people should be protesting against Suddam because he is about to kill thousands of his own people to fight a war he can not win. Article: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20030213/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_574
  15. Will Suddam bomb Arabs? If he does bomb turkey, it will only help the U.S. on there propaganda war in the middle east. This leader bombed his own people. Who knows? The U.S. wants to defend Turkey, but you really don't know the true politics which happen behind closed doors.
  16. Turkey: Muslim 99.8% (mostly Sunni), other 0.2% (mostly Christians and Jews)
  17. Idiots are easy to manage. They'll do whatever their asked without question. If someone opposes them, they are too ignorant to respond intelligently. They just "stick to their guns," and piss you off with tedious repetitiveness.
  18. Play ION shell games. Or ASM games. They are much faster. My personal favorite is Penguins because it's fast, hard to beat, and it's a classic.
  19. PogoC7

    Rofl ++

    Yes, I'll have nightmares.
  20. Prospecting Beneath the Seas For decades, scientists have searched for plants that contain disease-fighting compounds. Some powerful cancer drugs are derived from a flower that grows in the forests of Madagascar. But experts say a better place to search for these natural medicines may be among the myriad life forms that dwell in the ocean. As NPR's Eric Niiler reports, researchers are now scouring the seven seas in hopes of finding the next blockbuster drug. Full article: http://www.npr.org/display_pages/features/feature_953341.html On my way back from school I was listening to the radio while they talked about this subject. Sounded intresting (esspecially about the whale bones), just wonder what everyone thinks.
  21. You people are always complaining. Buy a TI-83plus or TI-86. Download some games and play those during class if you don't want to learn. Thats what I did, plus the calc helps you with high school math. It helps to the point were you don't need to learn shiznat, only use it to pass your math courses. If a teacher asks you what your doing, just tell them your programing some homework or note to the calc. Game Sites: http://www.ticalc.org/ ----best http://www.calcgames.org/ ---good
  22. Wow, makes me feel much smaller. How will this information help us. We already thought all that to be true, right? What other advances will this lead too? This seems to be a good foundation, but the real questions are still to be anwsered, but not by me.
  24. The Possibilities of Colonizing Mars to Sustain Life. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mawong/Mars-homepage.html
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