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Everything posted by PogoC7

  1. Yes, I thought so.
  2. What? Can you clear that up. Don't understand.
  3. The reason is; the U.K. is the second most powerful country in the World. If someone tries to mess with the U.S. or Britian they fell the wrath of both powers. Regarding the missle shield. DON'T THINK I WAS WHINING, but what range do these detectors have. Could they detect a missle from anywhere or just one flying over the Atlantic. They must have some satellite componients to this shield. What I think Britian will get from this is that it will become the next country to carry a shield, if this one poves succesfully. I don't know why we even need shields. Soon every country will want one and we will have the same problem as we have with Nuclear weapons; in fifty years.
  4. What if the missle was shot from South America? From the picture, it seems that the british can only help if the missle crosses the North Atlantic Region.
  5. PogoC7

    Drugs are Bad

    Must have been a very entertaining Webcam. A guy swaying back and forth until passing out. I wish I got to watch. Not really.
  6. I was thinking of writing something like that. But you put it better. Our security depends on a warning coming from the U.K.? What are the british getting from this?
  7. I thought so, but I didn't read it in the article. I don't think I saw it there.
  8. At the end. No humans were left on earth.
  9. Good to know. I always though that meat was actually meat flavored cardboard.
  10. According to Ed Hall's U.S. National Debt Clock, the U.S. debt is currently around five and three quarters trillion dollars. The national debt increases an average of $120 million dollars a day; it would cost us $20,000 per person to pay it off right now. The government owes roughly forty percent of this money to itself, through the Federal Reserve Bank and other government accounts. The majority of the debt is owed to foreign investors, insurance companies, banks, and other privately held entities. The money is used to operate the federal government, which currently costs around two trillion dollars a year. Debt is dangerous only when assets are declining in value and income is shrinking. During the '80 - present, asset values grew far faster than debt Most countries who are in debt (to the U.S.) will never pay it. They don't give a f**k about it. Only the U.S. feels they have to do something and eventually it will go down. But a third of the U.S. debt it owned to itself.
  11. I've seen god along with Marilyn Manson. She is a great women. Just alittle too slutty.
  12. Elves are satanic creatures. They are not afraid of anything, but passages from the bible.
  13. Empires can be formed with the power of the mind, not computers. If you are smart enough to gather many people behind a cause; you can form an Empire. Look at me. I am the horsefaka, my empire of lavage is very strong because the love is felt by all. To my dog, I am GOD.
  14. I heard that Tank (or the other brother; the one that DIDN'T die) got kicked off the set of the new matrix movies because he was too demanding of the staff. Matrix Trouble. Time for some NEO a*s beating.
  15. The U.S. debt is a irrelivant number. If the U.S. went bankrupt (JOKE) tomorrow, what would happen to the rest of the world? Plus, like I said; the U.S. debt is only 2% of the whole ecomony. *very small*
  16. Yeah, lets just forget about the other 41 other presidents. They didn't help build the United States in any way. Clinton was the best thing for BIG BUSINESS a.k.a. BIG BROTHER.
  17. It's all true. This man (WOman) is gay. I AM NOT GAY. NEVER WILL BE. Well, my friends used to call me hermit back in high school cause some nights I would just sit at my computer, but no one except this immature homosexual still calls me that. As you can see. This man has issues. I guess this man feels mad and can't do anything better then insult me tring to get a rise out of me. I guess his homosexuality makes him insecure in today world (I'm sorry for not putting up with his shit anymore, he has no friends ) and he thinks I really care. I DON'T. ***I suggest for the good of this site. This man be banned. His is very ignorant and if he dosn't have anything better to post then jokes; he should join http://www.jokepost.com:-o <--- In the mouth. ****
  18. Ethier this 80 year old man is a very selfish, or the donor is a saint. However; this is good for the medical world. Although, I don't know how many jaw replacements doctors will be preforming per year; anytime something new is done to better someone it's always a win situation. LOVAGE to the PEOPLE.
  19. Everyone, Just to straighten things out. Piccolo is a homosexual and yea, I am sad to say I know him. I've known him since high school, but he turned gay two years after (sadly, with another frined from high school hahahaha). He seems to have something against me because about a week ago we were working on a project for work and I told him that if he touched me I would kick his ass. Then I quit the project once he asked if I wanted my D**K sucked. ahahahahaha, I was like HELL NO. I'M NOT DOWN WITH THAT. Then I nailed him in the face and quit. I told my boss and he had Piccolo removed from my sight. Good thing. Only I wish I had never introduced (let his stupidity loose on science fourms). Sorry to everyone who has to listen to this HOMO whine about life and him tring to make fun of me. *Sorry to all people of fourms*
  20. Everyone, Just to straighten things out. Piccolo is a homosexual and yea, I am sad to say I know him. I've known him since high school, but he turned gay two years after (sadly, with another frined from high school hahahaha). He seems to have something against me because about a week ago we were working on a project for work and I told him that if he touched me I would kick his ass. Then I quit the project once he asked if I wanted my D**K sucked. ahahahahaha, I was like HELL NO. I'M NOT DOWN WITH THAT. Then I nailed him in the face and quit. I told my boss and he had Piccolo removed from my sight. Good thing. Only I wish I had never introduced (let his stupidity loose on science fourms). Sorry to everyone who has to listen to this HOMO whine about life and him tring to make fun of me. *Sorry to all people of fourms*
  21. People have a Field Day.
  22. Someone needs to be banned. I've got a site for you. http://www.nothingtosaysoImakejokes.com
  23. If he's smart, ill be Hawaii.
  24. So if Iraq wanted to buy Nuclear Weapons from Russia, America couldn't do anything about it. Esspecially after the Gulf War. When we armed Iraq, what was further in the past; no crying over spilt milf, but we do have to CLEAN IT UP. ;-)
  25. If Jerry Springer as president. He would open a can of WOOP ASS on Saddam.
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