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Everything posted by PogoC7

  1. "Thats why America will rebuild the country under a Iraq central government (which is already highly evolved)." WHY? are you a professor? Never said U.S. would shower them with flowers. I said make the Iraq people happy. Don't know what makes you happy, but for some people, it is not much. Allow then freedoms of speech for one. Empire do fall quickly today. Look at sports. '85 Bears was a sad example. It's called working together. Arguements like this are said because intellegant one's can not be thought of. Attack and REBUILD. Iraq was had no plans of REBUILDING. Janpan seems happy. Not much American influance other then music and dress style. Islamic groups go to Africa, give people weapons and start blood religous conflicts. Never said America would rule with a Iron Fist. The U.S. is not the bringer of pain to the Middle East through out the years. Leaders of countires have done more to hurt the region the the U.S. If your going to put words in my mouth like "So you ARE suggesting", then I can't waste my time repeating what I say. How about saying something like: Americas first intrests are itself and it's $$$closest allies$$$. Once America is done raping Iraq's golden land, hopefully there will be some left for the people.
  2. Look in the history books. When a group of people in a nation are repressed to a certain point, they revoult. This can not be more true in Iraq if the people were to live in an stricken wasteland. This is why it will be better for others if America was to gain control of the oil. Iraq citizens are smart, so they will not stand for America reaping all the benefits of Iraqi Oil. America knows this. Thats why America will rebuild the country under a Iraq central government (which is already highly evolved). This will lead to the bettering of the living standard. Iraq will no longer be wasting money on weapons to protect itself from America or other countries. They will not be buying radar systems to be blown up by ALLIED AIRCRAFT patrolling the No Fly-Zones. Now, protection will come from the U.S. The more people are happy, the less America has to worry about problems from those people. American rebuilding Policy. http://www.thinkaboutit.com The best thing to happen to a country (certain) is to be attacked and rebuilt by the U.S. P.S. To Say3. America is not the only bringer of pain to the Middle East in the past. Right?
  3. People may not understand, but we don't know everything that happens in the hierarchy of the money world (not claming I do, for those one liners). If Opec was Microsoft and people who profited heavily off Microsoft were funding terrorism and pushing their belief on to other people in underdeveloped countries. Would it be ok? We wouldn't have to rid Microsoft, but the BAD SEED would have to be removed. Saudi's abuse of oil money: http://www.rferl.org/nca/features/1997/12/F.RU.971223151001.html
  4. It's sad that the American people have made the international community think of American politics as weak. During the Clinton admin. Countries laughed at us because Clinton got some yum, yum. America shouldn't have over reacted on such an irrelevant issue, while the Middle East was a boiling pot for hate. Now after Bush was elected, people who openly criticised (freedom Iraq does not have) him for being a drug addict, alcoholic, ect... These people are those who feel they were cheated on election night. The American media got into it and in turn influenced the international community to think Bush is a bad and useless president. I believe that when Bush's term will be over, he will be remember as a president who overcame extreme doubt other then an useless puppet. In America, it may look as if people are against this war and oppose Bush with a firey vengance, but the truth is. Our soldiers are in the Middle East and we support them 100%. We might not agree with our government, but we know that what is done is the best for the American people and whatever decision is made about any issue, the American people will support it. In a year we will be able to voice our opinions and bring a change if one is needed. If the American people look at Bush as a leader, I believe the international opinion about war with Iraq and other BS would be much different.
  5. Anyone else finds it funny that France, Germany, Russia and China are telling the US that it must go the multilateral route on the Iraq issue, yet say that the US alone must engage in direct talks with North Korea? Intelligent: Ummm, OK. The war is about oil. Fine. Lets look at the Middle East. Do these people see themselves as belonging to a Nation (Iraqi, Iranian, Afghan...)? No, they associate themselves through religion. Either one is an Iranian Shi'ites, Iraqi Sunnites, Saudi Wahhabis (Shi'ite Muslim or Sunni Muslim). The great evil here is Saudi Arabia and their monopolistic Opec. By now (if you can look past popular belief) it is clear that the Saudi government is the center of all the conflict and terrorism in the Middle East. Wahhabis, such as those held responsible for the police murders, are the followers of the teachings of the 18th century Islamic scholar al-Wahhab. Financed by wealthy Saudi families, Wahhabi missionaries have been sent to various areas of the Islamic world. Think of Saudi Arabia as America; they are just as rich, but the rich fund extremist groups and run the country to teach Islamic fundamentalism to children (Osama the Goat Lover). Saudi Arabia is a religious dictatorship not much different that that of the Taliban. Does that seem to bother the United States? Not really. Occasionally we make peep or a small squawk here or there about an issue, but really, our government is too concerned about keeping the peace with the Islamic fundamentalists. If the oil flow gets cut off, our lifestyle will be changed. It is high time that the United States takes a long look at the energy we receive from the very radicals that are so interested in our eventual downfall. It seems the Islamic nations would be interested in promoting peace in the region, as it is conducive to pumping more energy out and reaping the benefits, that is- more money in their pockets. It is an odd irony that these countries are overtly plotting (and funding) for our (and Israel’s) downfall. Without the money flowing in from the United States where would they be? Exactly where they are now. By this, I imply that the dictatorships and oppressive regimes of the Middle East are not great models of modernity and progress. They regularly oppress and imprison their own citizens, all for the slightest challenges to authoritative monarchies amid military oligarchies. The truth is that Middle East dictatorships, without our money, would change little the vast majority of people live in squalor not much different than they were living in hundreds of years ago. The wealth is overwhelming controlled by a few families that are intent on preserving the purse strings and the scepter that goes along with it. America can go to war with Saudi Arabia now, but that would not be looked at by the international community in a positive manner. So a solution: Iraq's oil reserves nearly match those of Saudi Arabia's and with America "invading" Iraq; they will have control of the oil. America has already put bids out and American and British oil companies have plans to put out oil fires (started by Saddam), and take over production in Iraq. What does all this mean? Opec's monopoly will begin to crumble. Countries what fund their group of Islamic terrorism will not have the resources to do so. Indirectly crimpling the Saudi's control over oil production in the Middle East and eventually leading to the destabilizing of intricate terrorist networks through out the Middle East. Who better to control the oil then the number one oil consumers? Free Markets Would Be OPEC's Undoing: http://www.mises.org/fullarticle.asp?control=784
  6. Well, IN AMERICA, there was a presidential election months away and the American people did not support Bush going into Baghdad to out Saddam. They though America's agreements for Saddam to disarm and no longer be a threat to his neighbors would hold (LOL). Plus, our mission in the Gulf War was to out the Iraqi Army from Kuwait. Planes in the Desert to TRAIN TERRORISTS TO HIJACK AIRCRAFT. The U.N. is a JOKE. America in the No Fly Zone IS LEGAL. Protecting others who live in Iraq from Saddam is a 24/7 hour, 12 year mission (Turkish-Kurds). http://www.realclearpolitics.com/ ----FACTS
  7. IN THE PAST. If he was smart, he would be a $$great ally to the U.S. by now.$$
  8. To all the people bashing the U.S. Lets just leave Saddam in power so he can continue to arm himself as he's done for 11 years now. After the Gulf War ended in 1992 was he supposed to rebuild his military? Saddam not disarming just shows his lack of cooperation. Can all you haters please be quite. I still haven't seen one comment on a resolution for Iraq. All you girls do is bitch about America's pressure towards Iraq. I still have questions. Should Saddam be in power in Iraq or not? Why hasn't Saddam disarmed? The U.N are losers who have proved in the past that they cannot handle a situation. The U.S. does not follow to the U.N. Other way around. If Saddam wants to rule his people. He can fully disarm. Give proof and rule with an iron fist in peace. P.S. We have been attacked. Iraq has been firing at Allied Aircraft in the No Fly Zone for the past ten years. Plus, we don't attack any country we want. Saying that makes no sense. You could be saying this because you’re just jealous of the U.S, but I don't like to say that. Satellite photos have shown commercial aircraft and training camps in the Iraq Desert. I see the reason for training camps, but commercial aircraft. Umm, wonder what those are for? If you’re against Bush, against Saddam. Then you’re for a peaceful resolution. So what are your Resolutions? Should we just leave Saddam alone? Should we give him a deadline to become a peaceful, cooperative ally? Should they ask him to leave power? You haters should realize that Saddam will not be in power for much longer and the real issue is the rebuilding of Iraq. You know, what $$$France and Russia are scared of.$$$
  9. Ummmmmmm, because we are AMERICA. America defending itself is legal. Don't see your personal feelings about "law" stopping the U.S. Sayonara³ a.k.a. Losa Boy. So you want Saddam Removed or not? Don't understand your ways little man. What are you trying to say? Are you just mad at the world? Don't see any intelligence in ignoring the fact that Saddam is a criminal. I have a resolution. On our way to Iraq, stop by Sayonara³ place and give him a taste of American Reality in the ASS. On second thought, you would probably enjoy it. So, maybe a trip outside your room would be more appropriate. Unless seeing where you live makes you vomit. Hey, it happens.
  10. A week out of their Daily Hellish lives won't make too much of a difference. The real issue is what happens after Saddam's is removed from power. This will take the cooperation of many countries. The "mistake" America made in Afghanistan was that they let extremist control the public (after Sept. 11th). Which lead to continued rape, beating, and moral crimes. I believe America will not let this happen (especially in Iraq) and the government plus the public will be controlled under thigh, safe, and humane conditions. Has anyone on this site ever spoken to an Iraqi Doctor or immigrant who now lives somewhere else. They support America's stance to Remove Saddam (the reason they left). They are afraid of innocent people dieing (friends or family), but those worries are caused by protesters false claims. Many Iraqi people are very smart and at one time they did have good educatinal systems and citizens were happy. E-mail some professors and ask them what they think. Although the e-mail will probably be monitored, ask the professor to use encryption. http://search.yahoo.com/search/dir?p=University+Iraq&o=&g=&n=20&h=C&r=Regional *One can only Dream* MUST SEE: Baghdad University - Saddam University - About The University. FUNNY STUFF!!!! http://www.salun.org/general.htm ---NO LIKE SADDAM. America should drop flyers saying: "Iraqi citizens: Please do not mind the loud explosions on *date* at your nations capital and weapon facilities. This will only be temporary. We appreciate your cooperation. Thank you."
  11. hahahahahaha: Bush's policy on Iraq - Removing Saddam *rance Humping Russia - Thats why France is alway the first to throw a spaz whenever someone mentions Saddams removal of power." I never hear Putin speaking. Britons public opinion - Soldiers working side by side in Iraq. Let me see some Resolutions to Iraq PEOPLE. All I see is The Bush Bash Revolution. We can let Saddam rule his people until he decides he's had enough. For that time, we can let him continue to have his country sanctioned, have inspectors visit (live there), and whatever else crazy things his mind comes up with (raping GOATS). From Yahoo News: France, Russia Germany: No Case for War http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=535&ncid=535&e=5&u=/ap/20030315/ap_on_re_eu/france_iraq_7 "Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix is to present his latest report on Iraqi disarmament on Monday and lay out his plans for upcoming inspections. He is expected to present the U.N. Security Council with his list of top priority questions that Iraq must answer about its chemical, biological and missile programs as early as Tuesday." What Questions? He must have a very long list. Blix: Whats your favorite color? Random Iraqi scientist, soldier, General or official: Red, white, and black.
  12. Clinton opposed the UN council when the United States did the bombing campaign in Bosnia. After that America did not get more involved and let UN troops "handle the situation". NO GOOD. I like to see people actually doing something such as protesting, compared to eating Taco Bell and McDonalds, in America now. But what surprises me more then Bush's pressure towards Iraq is when people (IN AMERICA) protest Bush; sometimes to the point of being a war Mongol. These people are those who just do not like Bush (Election Night) and it's become an International issue and joke. Are these people supporting Saddam? They never protest Saddam's Lack of co-operation with the UN council, Inspectors and crimes to humanity. Soldiers in Iraq are told the war may begin ANY SECOND. They are scared to the point of walking to the border and surrendering already. Once America smothers Iraq in an orderly fashion, it will make up the money it has lost through oil. GOOD ECONMOY. For other countries also. . France is just greedy because of their relations with $Iraq$ (France opposed the new U.K. Resolution before the Iraqis did). Russia is along for the ride behind France, but Russia knows they cannot expect too much. America is not ALONE on Iraq. Britain has stressed many times that they will have a significant part in a war with Iraq. What will happen to Iraq when the United States and Britain take power? GOOD THINGS. I doubt we'll see a regime similar to Saddams'. Public opinion on the war is still for REMOVING SADDAM. He has just won the "election" for another seven year term, so I understand inspectors visiting for the next $seven years$, but THINK OF THE PEOPLE. WOMEN AND CHILDREN. <<<<<:Cry:Tears of Pain:Cry:>>>>>
  13. WHOLE lot of NOTHING. I understand believing in the unknown somewhat, but this is just ridicules. Maybe a DEATH STAR. I would think that first, before a natural planet. Then it would truly be over. WHY!!!!!!
  14. I'm not sure if this is true, but Jupiter hides many orbits of asteroids. If one was detected by astronomers coming from behind Jupiter, we would only have about three months to prepare. I would like to know so that I can do stuff without worry of tomorrow (without killing myself. No worry about School, work, family...). I would still love my dog (take her out and feed), but that’s about it. I also think companies should make everything free so I can get that Trans AM or whatever. It would lessen crime in those last days too. QUESTON: Do we watch orbits of asteroids compared to our Moon? What if a giant astrodie hit the moon and knocked it off its orbit, causing the moon to crashing into us or leaving its orbit around Earth. This would be equally damaging over time (eradicate life on Earth) to life on Earth.
  15. Swimming in Water. Compared to the plane example. Water is the closest thing to weightlessness on Earth, plus easier to do (It's for everyone!!!). Unless you suffer from Aquagenous urticaria, then you better have some money for a 0g plane trip or write to a charity.
  16. PogoC7


    If life does excist in our Solar System. It maybe in the Atmosphere of Venus rather then the soil on Mars. http://www.accessexcellence.org/WN/SUA09/venus297.html Much more intresting planet then Mars. Be weary of these life forms coming to Earth.
  17. Yeah, old people like us will be saying "What the hell is that?". It will be a sad day. But anyway, I hope this can accomplished. I will feel very good if my kids live in a world where energy is so efficent. Better vision then a post-nuclear apocalyptic nightmare.
  18. Don't know about the site, but Venus is a very intresting planet. What about life in Venus's atmosphere? Early Venus is thought to be very similar to Earth (oceans, greens...), but because of it's lack of a moon or it's closer distance to the sun; it suffered a runaway greenhouse affect. Now the atmosphere is made up of 96.5% Carbon dioxide (CO2), 3.5% Nitrogen (N2) and less of other SO2, O2, H2O... If life once lived on the surface, I think it can live in it atmoshpere today. Rotation of Venus is also a good subject to read about. Links: http://spacelink.nasa.gov/NASA.Projects/Space.Science/Solar.System/Pioneer.Venus/Venus.Discoveries ---Venus Discoveries http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2002-09/ns-vmb092502.php ----Venus may be hiding life (short article) http://www.astrobio.net/news/article311.html -----Life in the Clouds (longer article) http://www.spacedaily.com/news/saturn-titan-02b.html ----Life: Not as we know it. (also long) http://www.pd.astro.it/hosted/MOSTRA/E-MOSTRA/NEW/A2011VEN.HTM -----Includes rotation, but other subjects also (atmoshpere, surface...) http://bres.de/english/knowledgebase/venusplanetoflove/ -------Rotation
  19. Thank U
  20. *Flags from OUT OF THIS WORLD* The first Martian flag, a red circle on a black background, was designed by Mark Knoke in the late twentieth century. Clearly inspired by the Japanese banner, it's obvious what it stands for: a red planet in the blackness of space. Throughout the twenty-first century the flag was used by the Mars Society, the colonists and Unacodema. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Mars gained independence in 2100, the need was felt for a new flag that had more relation with the current state of the planet, on which the colors green and blue were establishing their position next to the original red. With the green of the vegetation more or less positioned inbetween the northern seas and the red south, one could argue that the planet designed it's own flag. A diagramatic representation of the four supervolcanoes and Valles Marineris was added.
  21. http://www.utas.edu.au/docs/humsoc/philosophy/Time_Travel/lectures.htm ----Lecture Program about time travel. LONG, it's like taking a class. Have not looked at any of the lectures (17). Just seems to have large amounts of information. http://www.physics.gmu.edu/department/research/tachyons.htm -----claims to have possible experimental evidence for the existence of Tachyons http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/ParticleAndNuclear/tachyons.html -----Tachyons and General Relativity http://dmoz.org/Science/Physics/Relativity/Time_Travel/ ------Many time travel pages. Good reading. http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1936/anderson-lecture.pdf ----The production and properties of Positrons (PDF) I know most of this is just theory, but I wanted to add something to the "Impossible to travel backwards in time" arguement. Might have been in another thread, but I thought this thread would be more appropriate.
  22. The reactions I expected from haters. No counterpoint. A real picture. Would not waste the time to photoshopping that. Look at all that space and those BIG cars too. No minis here. Link removed - country bashing.
  23. Sounds intresting. Great thought, great women. But a question. That lumpiness comes from a network of individual atoms — but atoms that are themselves composed of small packages of space-time? So what does that mean. Update: 2006
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