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Mosheh Thezion

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Everything posted by Mosheh Thezion

  1. GESH... talk about closed minds... YOU (Atheists here) BASE YOUR VIEW ON science... but it seems.. you take everything as perfect and adopt big bang as absolute truth.. which is nonsense, as our science is only 300 years old, and it is illogical to presume, the first theory of creation (big bang) would be accurate and perfect. IN FACT.... MANY ... MANY SCIENTISTS WILL AND HAVE... OPENLY OPPOSED BIG BANG... and refute it... as NOT PROVEN... NOT PROVEN BY A LONG SHOT, IN FACT.. UN-PLAUSIBLE. SEE --> http://www.cosmologystatement.org/ read that.... also.. let me say this... From : http://empiricalchurch.org/createvolutionism/ Basically, what I propose here, as part of theory, is itself, reflective of the dimensional progression proposed for universal development. As it is found the +pos Photons from our sun, our star, applied to our closed system planet, have what can be called a right hand twist in it’s nature and this twist also happens to be found in all the Amino acids used by life forms. So all proteins are also right hand twisted, as is DNA and centrioles, which control cell mitosis. Thus, the progressive dimensional nature of life form development is clearly evident, manifested in increasing levels of complexity in molecular structure, and then cell parts, where the earth as a whole could be thought of as one big cell, then individual cells & then organizational multi-celled forms et c... And.. even if.. my views on land animal formation is completely wrong... in general... it fits... as a predestined evolution based on natural laws. laws.. predestined since the birth of the universe.... hence... PRE-DESTINED TO OCCUR... ON PLANETS... LIKE OURS... OF WHICH.. THERE MAYBE MANY. also... NOW, along this line we can consider Genesis, and its proposals. ( Note: The bible never actually says the world is 6000 years old.) BIBLICAL RELATIONS -king James- Genesis : chapter one Verse 1 : In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. ( 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D) Verse 2 : And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (perhaps 4D, and we see how the applied energy might be imagined as the application of Gods spirit, since its moving apon the waters, would be the applied force of creation.) Verse 3 : And God said, let there be light: and there was light. ( 5D) Verse 4 : And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. (perhaps this is 6D, where the developed photons convert to something more.) Verse 5 : And God called the light day, and the darkness he called night, and the evening and the morning were the first day. (Still in 6D… but moving through 7D) Verse 6 : And God said, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. (A firmament, a mass in 7D, and 8D where that mass was then divided out into space, the ether, being a tranindental fluid, being the waters.) Verse 7 : And God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the water which were above the firmament: and it was so. (9D, 10D, 11D) Verse 8 : And God called the firmament heaven, and the evening and the morning were the second day. (The heavens are complete, 8D threw  15D, atoms exist, and planets and the bulk of the heavenly bodies began to form…) Verse 9 – 13 Day three, we see the formation of the earth, the forming of seas, and the growth of plants such as grasses, herbs yielding seeds, and trees of fruit… Verse 14- 19 Day four, we see clearly a discussion regarding the brightening of what are called the stars and sun, where by in theory it relates, to how it was the increase in potential energy from our sun, in its early years, that drove the rise of the nerve in plant and bacterial forms that existed earlier, which would give rise to all mobile forms of life. Verse 20- 23 Day five, we see the seas give rise to the moving creature, such as bugs, and then specifically he mentions birds next, which as we know today, are the ancestors of the dinosaurs, and says how they filled the earth. Verse 24 – 31 Day six, it’s said again that more animals were made, to include cattle, and then mankind is made, where its seems we are given dominion over all other forms, of life, which we know today is due to our human design. Our brain.. And it’s said, how we, these animals made are to replenish the earth, which suggests that somehow the earth was emptied of life, allowing for new forms to emerge, to refill that earth, which is all well in evidence today, as mass extinction’s of the past, which allowed the mammals, us, to rise up, rather than simply being eaten by the dinosaurs. Verse 29, I find to be very interesting, for it states specifically that we, mankind are supposed to eat plants, as our meat… and it just so happens that modern biology shows that indeed mankind, by design, is a vegetarian animal, from the design of our teeth, to the enzymes in our stomach, and shape of our intestines, none of which is meant to handle meat, even today. The only reason we modern humans can eat meat is because we cook it, which breaks down the structure of the muscle, making it possible to digest it. But without cooking, raw meat is not digestible and potentially sickens us with germs and parasites. Then jumping ahead, we see how Adam and Eve, for reasons, ate that which was in the midst of the garden, the tree of knowledge, and immediately there after, they left the forest, chapter three, and were wearing animal skins for cloths. Well there is only one place to get animal skins. From the hide of dead animals, killed, skinned, and most likely eaten. Which is what I propose that the tree of knowledge represents, and it was this massive increase in fat and cholesterol that allowed mans eyes to be opened, or made conscious, for our brain is basically a big slab of fat and cholesterol to begin with. Thus with such a diet, it could reach its full potential, or even grow beyond it natural levels for a vegetarian diet. This image shows that my proposal for a dimensional progressive pattern... is not really a new idea. So now again.... its not perfect... as a theory or proposal... but.. it shows.. Genesis is not far off from what modern science shows us. Even if you modify these images to show big bang.... it would still fit... generally. and.. so... MOONTANMAN, As you argued... you see no waters... ok sure. but... Genesis is 300O YEARS OLD... they had little knowledge... and it is easy to see that Moses, when referring to the waters... was talking about deep space, as he could see it.... from the earth.... THE DEEP. The bible... is full of metaphors.... to describe things... with words they can relate too... THEY COULD NOT USE TERMS LIKE "space-time"... or deep space.... AS THEY DID NOT KNOW THOSE WORDS... THEY DID NOT EXIST with any meaning which would of been worthwhile to use. They used.. primitive terms... to describe things in primitive terms, which YOU... AND I... would call something else. I suggest you open your mind, and consider that for a 3000 year old theory of creation... its still pretty darn cool and fitting. THEY HAD NO MODERN SCIENCE... no telescopes... no Hubble... but we do, and yet... Moses did a damm good job describing it all. If you cannot see that, then clearly you are not even trying. -Mosheh Thezion
  2. apparently... Am 241... yields alpha particles... but.. Am wrapped in Be... will yield good neutrons. What is key... is to determine the Mev of the neutrons... as 10Mev... will require 4 inches of lead. 5 Mev.. 2 inches.. etc... Typical Am241...(from smoke detectors) emits alpha particles mostly, and would be a weak neutron source. I would not recommend playing with it, as its not a toy... and used in the wrong way, could be bad. A better neutron source, is something like... http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/neutronGenerator.html which can be turned off... but again... NOT A TOY. -Mosheh Thezion
  3. as such... it cannot be used to dis-prove god either. and if you read... you will see... my belief is not based on the bible... I respect the bible... because it is my view.. that Genesis... at least.. is very fitting to science and evidence... if you can get past your biases.
  4. There is no actual evidence for BLACK HOLES... the evidence which exists... is of... massive super dense objects... which are dark..... the evidence... does not actually suggest holes... or inifinite mass density... or anything of the kind. big black super dense things... yes... but that is all. In fact... black holes orginates from the fact.. that stars leave behind core masses.. of neutron mass density or so... with variations.... super dense objects.... some... who are obsessed with fusion as the only fuel for stars... say... the cores are made by the super nova... but.. those cores.. could of been there when the star formed... instead of made by the star. as such... the entire idea of black holes.. is (could be) based on a false premise... and so.. MAY NOT EXIST AT ALL. -Mosheh Thezion
  5. eh no.... any sound file... can be made into text.... and read quickly... instead of waiting for you to finish speaking... I mean seriously... it must come in text form... so it can be broken down for value. if you... do not write it down... that would require than I DO IT FOR YOU.... AND THAT.... is not anyway to explain such a thing.
  6. ok.... I wrote... showed... lines from Genesis... The Bible mentions all of this.. the creation of matter..and its division / speration into bodies in space. Read it.. Verse 2 : And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. here... we see... the earth.. was without form... literally. space was dark... and space... is described as the waters... and gods spirit.. moved upon it.. as in, added energy too. Verse 3 : And God said, let there be light: and there was light. here... LIGHT FORMS.... and is described in a most primitive form, as god said... words.. sounds.. being vibration.. added to space.,,, hence making light. Verse 4 : And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. (perhaps this is 6D, where the developed photons convert to something more.) THIS EVEN FITS BIG BANG.... LIGHT... BECOMING MATTER... sub atomic particles. Verse 6 : And God said, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. So here...mass was formed... within the waters... which is space. (A firmament, a mass in 7D, and 8D where that mass was then divided out into space, the ether, being a tranindental fluid, being the waters.) Verse 7 : And God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the water which were above the firmament: and it was so. (9D, 10D, 11D) that mass... is then distributed across space. Verse 8 : And God called the firmament heaven, and the evening and the morning were the second day. the heavens.. as we know them.. deep space is complete.... with all matter in place... as we know them... galaxies.. etc. (The heavens are complete, 8D threw  15D, atoms exist, and planets and the bulk of the heavenly bodies began to form…) so... right here... we can see that Moses... said it first... and Big Bang... copied him. So.. now... First of all... I do not base my belief in god based on this ... no... I base my belief.. on the fact that superclusters... are spirally expanding clouds.. made of.. galaxies... and galaxies.. are spirally expanding clouds of stars... and stars... spiral in the same fashion... and atoms.. likewise have orbitals. the differences being seen as the super-clusters... would of started expanding first... then galaxies were born... AS PROVEN BY THE HUBBLE TELESCOPE... to start as small balls... which expand outward into spiral clouds. stars... also follow this pattern but the evidence is not in... on exactly how they form... but.. but... based on the evidence shown.. it is likely that they start as large neutron like masses which explode with great spins.. to form the spinning clouds that form those solar systems... as is also evidenced that galaxies look... as if they did the same thing.. and the giant core masses... (some call black holes) at the center.. would seem to be that original mass that exploded to become galaxies... atoms.. likewise.. have this aspect.. of electron emission... the issue is then of scale.. and quality.. which appears to transcend ... change... and vary in degrees from super cluster formation to galaxy formation.. to star formation and atom formation... it is this pattern.... of formation... clearly in evidence.. which... then suggests a dimensional progressive pattern I propose as field theory... and that field theory... of dimensional motion.. can have only one cause.. which would be the application of energy from some outside (outside our universe) source.... and that source.. for lack of a better term.. would be GOD. So that.. is why I believe.. because the evidence suggests it.... and theory... makes sense of it... all of which.. suggests a source of energy.. and most importantly... that source of energy.. would of had to have a specific quality... a quality that resulted in our universe.. exactly as we know it. This... has nothing to do with evidence for god... or views about god... what it is.. is justification for believing a god probably exists.. as the source of energy in creation.... and that is all. and that... is significant .... very. -Mosheh Thezion
  7. Who are you? and are you able to discuss things that Mooeypoo refuses to do? You.. are correct that what i wrote in 1994, is flawed... to be sure. but luckily god... is not based on things I have written. you cannot use my mistakes as an argument against a god. The discussion... i attempted to have with mooeypoo.... was about evidence... evidence in the heavens... and how genesis... fits guite well. I suggest you respond to that... if you are going to talk to me, as that, is what I would want to talk about. The question is asked... what justification do I have for believing in a god.??? Well.. if you are not willing to discuss that... then why are you responding for mooeypoo? Should I repeat myself... or can you scan back and read it yourself? I showed evidence... of super clusters.., galaxies.. and stars... and related it to genesis. -Mosheh Thezion
  8. ok... its not a theory... its not even a hypothesis... if that makes you happy. its delusional drawing of a madman... which... just so happens to explain for the formation of the universe, but.. at this time is not quantified. Now... having said that... Can you say... it is crap? Because I want to hear you say... the concept of a dimensional progressive pattern is nonsense... or not. I offer you something new... a new perspective on the evidence.. another way of looking at the same evidence.. and it fits. For you.. to ignore it... says more about you, than it does about me. I share this... as a gift.. and to hear you tear it apart... for what it is. You.. most... are wanting to tear it apart for what it is not. Mind you.. this proposal... contains many of the aspects of big bang, and string theory, and chaos theory... but with real clarity... dimensional clarity. I am not afraid to say... I would need help to improve it... quantify it... as the math required to express it, must be dimensional, and transcending from dimensional levels to dimensional levels... and I have found it difficult to quantify because as far as I can tell it needs a new system of math, which allows for dimensional progression from 0, upto no less that 16 dimensions... so yes.. I need help... lots of help. I said from the beginning .. its a work kin progress... which... I claim... can be found to fit the evidence.... it literally explains for it, conceptually. mind you... this is not my first discussion of it. I have done this before, and those of wise mind and science skill, eventually... learn to like it.. and consider it... yet, others... who get upset.. never like it, as they insist it fit into the box they think it should fit.. exactly... and they are wrong. IT ONLY HAS TO FIT THE EVIDENCE. -Mosheh Thezion
  9. And.. why do you... make a lot of general statements... and ignore the discussion you so strongly began with me.. directly. You.. now... include me... in a general response to the group... as a means to avoid discussing what I have presented. if... this is your tactic in argument... then it shows... you have no argument, because you refuse to discuss evidence... and facts. You... say the bible does not fit... but I have shown you how it does... AND YOU IGNORE IT. You.. at first.. did not even know the 'topic' of this thread. Clearly... someone else needs to represent the atheists here, as you, do a very bad job. Should I re-post what I have shown??? Or is your only winning argument to avoid the argument? You say... you want to be convinced.. but when shown convincing evidence... facts.. YOU IGNORE THEM. -Mosheh Thezion
  10. How about some text... and pictures... so i do not have to listen to a sound file???
  11. I cannot help but wonder, what is the point??? our world is covered with forest fires. Volcanoes spew as much Co2 as human kind.... and our Oceans obsorb it.. and convert it into rock, via... lime... So.. whats the point... why fear Co2 as vented waste???? I would think the best option... is its collection and conversion via nuclear energy to create hyrdocarbons to burn as fuel. (Well established tech) I.e.. if we collect CO2 from the air.. and make fuel from it... then we have a clean carbon cycle. Sequestration does seem... nuts... in the long run... as it has the potential to kill entire valleys of people... as CO2 is heavy.. and if squezzed to the surface.. in abundance... could kill many. I would not want to live anywhere near such a sequestration site... in fact... if i did.. i would move. But its use... as a product to make other things, instead of let loose as waste, is perfectly reasonable, and should be encouraged. -Mosheh Thezion
  12. again... i offer a presentation of a dimensional progressive pattern... which can be found to fit evidence. It explains why...... fundamentally... why... atoms exist... as they do... as you already have the numbers you ask for. for example.. The most important question of why... to be answered for electrons.. is why do they interact with photons.. and form inductive fields... why? To this I propose a basic model for an electron.. which allows for this. The obsorbtion spectra of Hydrogen for example... having to do.. with its orbit... and rates of spin, relative to the oncoming photon which could be obsorbed.. or not. I am not afraid to admit.. i cannot give you specific as you desire... but given the evidence.. the facts of energy levels.. it fits, and is explained for why in theory.. based on design. I do not imagine this will be enough for any of you... I admit that. This is meant to be food for thought... i said.. its a work in progress... which to my knowledge fits it all. My gain from this conversation will come.. when you can show me something that does not fit.... for if it does not fit.. it shows the flaw, and the flaw.. leads to clarity through the fog... the fog.. which veils.. the equations which would give me.. the keys to the universe... which is what you are basically asking me for. That is what you want... and i cannot give it to you. But that does not bother me... as the concept.. theory... still has great worth and value, and my hope is that you.. who consider yourself smarter than me, could use it. -Mosheh Thezion
  13. no sir.. i did... answer ... directly... if you do not choose to see it.. that is on you. i will repeat. you said.. "All of these are physical phenomena that were explained by physics, not by the bible. In fact, for thousands of years of belief in God, mankind was OBLIVIOUS to the explanation of why these happen until proper science emerged, incrementally, explaining them." I said... Actually... your wrong again....(except about the sceince... science is awesome.) The Bible mentions all of this.. the creation of matter..and its division / speration into bodies in space. Read it.. Verse 2 : And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Verse 3 : And God said, let there be light: and there was light. ( 5D)<br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; ">Verse 4 : And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. (perhaps this is 6D, where the developed photons convert to something more.) THIS EVEN FITS BIG BANG.... LIGHT... BECOMING MATTER... Verse 6 : And God said, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. (A firmament, a mass in 7D, and 8D where that mass was then divided out into space, the ether, being a tranindental fluid, being the waters.) Verse 7 : And God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the water which were above the firmament: and it was so. (9D, 10D, 11D) Verse 8 : And God called the firmament heaven, and the evening and the morning were the second day. (The heavens are complete, 8D threw  15D, atoms exist, and planets and the bulk of the heavenly bodies began to form…) so again... YOU ARE WRONG... IT FITS VERY NEATLY... EVEN WITH BIG BANG THEORY. lets start with this... focus on this.... evidence in the heavens.... space... and Genesis. As... justification for belief in a creator.. as the source of energy that caused this formation... / creation. -Mosheh Thezion
  14. No sir... i was asked for new tests... but lets face facts... 1000's of scientists are doing tests... to test everything... I base theory... ON THEIR RESULTS. It is not easy... to develop new tests... have you ever tried???? The first thing you must do... is make sure someone has not already done it. I base my proposals on the results other have found.. To quote Newton, "If I have seen farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants." That... is exactly.. what I am saying... nothing more. -Mosheh Thezion
  15. I responded to your direct response AT ME. IT WAS YOU.. who attacked me.. based on things others have said... so again.. your wrong. I never said "just because"... you keep saying that. If your only argument is the "strawman"... then.. I guess you have no argument... BASED ON THE EVIDENCE I AM DISCUSSING. oh well... -Mosheh Thezion
  16. again... so you want me to show how it fits... well... I will have to post all of modern science.. but ok... starting with... If you want me to get specific.... it would help... if you could request a particular branch of science. The claim I make... is as huge as all modern science. Where do you want me to begin.? To start... the dimensional progressive pattern... is suggested... first and foremost... by the motions of Super clusters, Galaxies, and stars.... Their motions... with left over core masses.. and massive galactic cores... all... suggest a pattern. it took me 7 years... and 7000 pages of hand written notes... to finnally see it... Dimensional motion... is motion on space... itself. 1D... 2D.. 3D.. if we force it to keep rising in levels of energy as motion... we get time and the fundamental particle (4D) , we get photons(5D)... then magnetic fields(6D), then matter 7D)... and also.. the big bang... (at 8D) And if that matter... which is energized space... under tension... is made to rise in energy again... what would it do? WHAT COULD IT DO? it could.. break down... and spread out.. and take up motions.... more and more motion... in space. 9D, orbiting super clusters... 10D orbiting galaxies.. 11D orbiting stars... 12D orbiting atomic cores... all... higher and higher levels of dimensional motion... on matter in space... matter made from that space. This is simple stuff, yet highly complex... You ask for mathmatical proofs... which I cannot provide, as there are too many variables to consider. I post this... because so many of you are blinded by big bang logic... which.. is flawed to say the least. I stand by again... the statement... that provided any evidence.. I can show how it fits. if you want me to provide it all... it will be no less than 300 pages. -Mosheh Thezion
  17. 1) the thread is called " What is your justification for believing in a God? so... you are wrong. ITS ABOUT WHY WE BELIEVE..... THE JUSTIFICATION TO BELIEVE... NOT JUSTIFICATION FOR HIS EXISTANCE. YOU.. are clearly wrong.... everyone can see that. I am not discussing evolution am I???? again... you make stuff up. I am talking about... the evidence in the heavens... space.... clear... undeniable evidence. YOU CANNOT IGNORE EVIDENCE. Actually... your wrong again....(except about the sceince... science is awesome.) The Bible mentions all of this.. the creation of matter..and its division / speration into bodies in space. Read it.. Verse 2 : And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Verse 3 : And God said, let there be light: and there was light. ( 5D)<br style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; ">Verse 4 : And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. (perhaps this is 6D, where the developed photons convert to something more.) THIS EVEN FITS BIG BANG.... LIGHT... BECOMING MATTER... Verse 6 : And God said, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. (A firmament, a mass in 7D, and 8D where that mass was then divided out into space, the ether, being a tranindental fluid, being the waters.) Verse 7 : And God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the water which were above the firmament: and it was so. (9D, 10D, 11D) Verse 8 : And God called the firmament heaven, and the evening and the morning were the second day. (The heavens are complete, 8D threw  15D, atoms exist, and planets and the bulk of the heavenly bodies began to form…) so again... YOU ARE WRONG... IT FITS VERY NEATLY... EVEN WITH BIG BANG THEORY. NO ONE SAYS... SCIENCE DOES NOT WORK... that is not in question. I say... the evidence... from science.. supports god as a theory. Yes, but... the universe is real... very real.... or do you deny this? gesh. I say, God created nature, to serve us.... we would need it... wouldn't we??? I say its very well done, wouldn't you say? Scripture... did inspire science... as it is the question of creation, THAT MAKES US ASK... HOW????? IF WE DID NOT CARE ABOUT CREATION AND EXISTANCE, THEN WE WOULDNT BE ASKING HOW... OR WHY... OR ANYTHING. You.. really seem to hate religion, to the point of being irrational. No... again... YOU MAKE ASSUMPTIONS.... I NEVER SAID ANY OF THOSE THINGS. I NEVER SAID GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS... NOT ME. I... SAY... "God gives us life and the will to live, but after that does not get much involved. Why would he???" YOU... HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU ARE TALKING TOO... IT SEEMS... DO NOT CONFUSE ME WITH OTHERS. Again... so what... does not a farmer kill off bad crops??? does not someone who wants to evolve flys, have to kill of crops??? And.. did not evolution... as mass extinctions.. end up causing our evolution???? SO YES... GOD KILLS ... AND HAS KILLED.... and we should be grateful... as it caused our evolution. also... you.. seem to think... that scripture.. written by men... is actually the words of god. I NEVER SAID THAT. YOU.. ASSUME TOO MUCH... AND THAT MAKES AN ASS OF YOU.... BUT LUCKILY.. NOT ME. YOU.. seem very confused. Scripture.. all forms of it.. in all world religions... are attempts to be godly... obey god.. and set standards for behavior in people.. who are naturally wild and barbaric. Religion... has done more good than harm... as it generally promote good.. with a few exceptions... as you know. But on the whole... religion seeks to ask and answer the same questions of science... the how.. and why.. etc. Do not blame religions... which formed before we had science. We have science today... so we can form a new religion based on science to ask those same questions.. of how.. and why. FOR YOU... TO BE BIASED AND ASSUME... ASSUME... THERE IS NO GOD.. AUTOMATICALLY... IS... not very wise... is it... as YOU HAVE NO IDEA. again... no it does not.... IT ASK FOR A PERSONS JUSTIFICATION FOR BELIEVING IN A GOD. YOU... ARE JUST WRONG.... WRONG.. WRONG.... THAT IS NOT WHAT IT SAYS AT THE TOP OF THE SCREEN. Not you maybe... with a closed biased mind... but most... can see the patterns... the evidence... and can say... ok.. maybe. Can you? Again.... just because men... like you.. who wrote religions... were wrong.. and confused... do not blame all religion or god. And the flaws of men... are not evidence that there is no God.. it only proves men.. are flawed... you.. should understand that much, you... should really understand.... I HAVE PUT FORTH... EVIDENCE... FOUND IN THE HEAVENS. THEY.. SHOW A PATTERN OF UNIVERSAL FORMATION.... THAT... IS NOT RANDOM OR CHAOTIC... but patterned. patterns... mean... design... This thread asks... why do I believe.... and I believe because the abundance of evidence suggests it... NOT BECAUSE OF SCRIPTURE. I,, accept scripture... when it fits science... and or is perfectly logical and reasonable... which most of it is... (most.. not all) try again. -Mosheh Thezion
  18. A HARD TIME GETTING ALONG WITH GOD???????? I WOULD SAY.... "God gives us life, and the will to live it, but after that does not get much involved, and you SHOULD NOT EXPECT HIM TOO." We have free will... freedom to choose... if god got involved with everything, everyday.. then we wouldn't have free will. You cannot have it both ways. God, as our heavenly father, wants us to prosper on our own, just as YOU WOULD WANT FOR YOUR CHILDREN. -Mosheh Thezion
  19. I know what I have been asked for, and when I build a proper lab.. I may come up with some. As of now... it is signifigant enough.. to use.. and fit.. all the results FROM ALL PAST TESTS... ALL EVIDENCE. The fact is.. there is a mountain of evidence.... if... it all fits... then... IT FITS. You.. are asking me for more than this.... new tests... but they are not needed... IF ALL EVIDENCE FITS. BUT... yeah... your right... the burden is on me... and all I can hope to discuss at this time.. IS ALL OF MODERN SCIENCE AND ALL EVIDENCE. I FOR ONE... THINK... that would be enough... for now. And... any theory... to be worth anything... MUST BE ABLE TO DO EXACTLY THAT. -Mosheh Thezion
  20. I have heard... that... 30% of our waste... is excreted through our skin...... which is why we smell like crap, if we do not clean it off. but.. that %... maybe wrong. often i eat papaya... and the next day... If i wipe behind my ears... low and behold it smells like papaya.... hence.. a better diet.. may allow people to smell better... but not by much. Feces is Feces.
  21. ok.. evidence... for non- randomness... lets start big.... and work down to the small. 1) Superclusters... spirally expanding... (they look just like galaxies... but.. are made of galaxies.) 2) Galaxies... spirally expanding... from small clouds... expanding.. spinning.. outward... as proven by hubble. 3) stars in orbit of galaxies... with their planets... following this same pattern.. of spinning.. orbits (minus the evident expansion) 4) Atoms.. follow this in kind... spin of orbital electrons. Here we have the basis.. for reality... truth... undeniable... symmetry ... beautiful repeating patterns... from the biggest to the smallest. this alone... suggests natural patterns of design.. of nature.... Then... We include that stars leave behind core masses.. which are likenned to giant nucleons the size of planets. This.. then is evidence... that matter.. IS NOT LIMITED TO EXISTENCE AS ONLY small neutrons and protons.... fact. This all in turn suggests... a progressive break down.. from giant mass.. creating the super clusters... and the pieces... exploding to become the galaxies.. and each piece... exploding to become the stars... and solar systems. This being further evidenced by the massive objects at the center of galaxies. This all suggest... the foundation of Atheism which is.. big bang.... is simply wrong. This does not prove god.. of course... but it proves and suggests very loudly.. a natural pattern of repeating design... which gets a little different at each scale. I do not see chaos or random events here... the evidence suggests... a pre-destined pattern of formation. -Mosheh Thezion
  22. I stand by the idea... that every test... and every bit of evidence you can find... WILL FIT. To ask me to find new tests... is asking a lot.. as 1000's of smart minds.. are running those tests right now. My claim... is that the actual evidence... of all these tests... the real evidence... will fit... if not perfectly.. then generally... and it is the imperfections... which lead to consideration which will result in clarification of the details..(number of dimensions) ... or problems in quantification as discussed. I built theory.. by studying the flaws of modern theory... how theory does not perfectly fit... and that.. lead me to this.. I... am not saying that... I have it perfect... that its done.. that its perfect... hardly. its a first step. I show you the dimensional progressive pattern... I can show you how all.. ALL.. the evidence fits... that... is a big deal... it has value. I... share this... in hopes... that you could use it... that is all. It fits... and I dare say.... any test being done... will support it, if you can get past biases in interpreting the results. many hold biases... and presume evidence says one thing.. when... low and behold.. I can show that it can say something else entirely. I use the term... unifying field theory... simply because that is what it does... but its not finished... not by a long shot. -Mosheh Thezion
  23. if you think... for a moment... about what the most fundamental particle... or thing.. in the universe could be????? And then you ask... what is the smallest thing we know of... you get one answer.... there cannot be anything smaller than... an electrostatic line of force.... it has no mass... it exists only between two points in space, and cannot be observed unless and until it acts on those two points.. NOTHING ELSE CAN BE SMALLER. its one dimensional.... ONE DIMENSIONAL.... and is one of the first things modern science discovered. and for some reason... everyone seems to forget about it. Modern science... started... by studying charged objects.... literally. From this fundamental thing... it is my view.. that everything else can be made. -Mosheh Thezion also... T=CR... meaning... that static tension... is the one thing that can exceed the speed of light. for... if C is very small.... and R is very small.... then T... is very small. if C.. is composed of two plates... 3 light years apart... and R is... .1 then... T... the timing constant for 1/5 of the field to form... is super fast. Remember static force... tension... forms at both ends at the same time.. they say... as such... exceeds light speed. -Mosheh Thezion
  24. The simple answer is... ENTROPY.... We live... in the range... of entropy... of the range by which energy moves from one state... to a lower one... and the heat loss.. is our life force. Star trek... said it best... "Time is the fire in which we burn" Time.. where by these chemical processes occur.. and the excess energy of those changes... allows for all life to exist. plants.. obsorb energy... we eat plants... chemical changes.. occur.. and we.. obsorb and take up the excess... That extra energy.. in this process of break down from a higher state to a lower state... is what powers all life. Entropy.. is our friend.... -Mosheh Thezion
  25. I would say... we do not want fairness.... what we want.. is fair treatment... treatment... as if we are one big family. the key part of this.. has to do.. with lending... and profiting off each other.... robbing each other by using money tactics. I.. propose a simple fix. From : --> url deleted which reads... in part... deleted by mod
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