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Everything posted by Skye

  1. I don't think you'll find a country in the world that doesn't have ethnic minorities, I don't think you could create one. Even if you split Iraq up into Kurdish and Sunni and Shia Arab states, what about other groups, like Armenians?
  2. You could look at developing patentable techniques and tools.
  3. I posted that image a while ago, I got it from some old lecture notes. It didn't have a reference.
  4. Skye

    article request

    Balderdash. 294105a0.pdf
  5. Earthquakes! Ok, in reality I think it's more the kind of divisions that would set several powerful nations against one another, such as in WWI, rather than individual nations.
  6. I think bin Laden would know about it already. I recall a report from a couple of years ago where he was saying to the Taliban that he was moving some fighters to Iraq, and I think he also mentioned that funds were tighter so he couldn't provide them with as much. If this program is having much of an effect you'd think they'd be aware of it in general terms.
  7. There's been soft tissue found before. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=9875&highlight=dinosaur
  8. It depends on what happens as a result. A larger island isn't necessarily bad, a smaller island isn't necessarily bad. If you start to see things like species diversity and richness dropping though, it's probably a bad thing.
  9. Hmm well that's what you get when I post wasted. Severian, what are your thoughts on this bouncing universe idea?
  10. You'll see 28% NaCl sometimes. Not so much in a molecular biology lab, but alot in analytical chemistry. (It's '28% NaCl' this, '28% NaCl' that, all day long). In any case I presumed he's making a stock from salt crystals and water. If you already had a stock your method would be what you'd want to use though. Na= 23, Cl= 35, so NaCl= 58.
  11. Just to be clear, this is first trial of embryonic stem cells, adult ones have been trialled already without alot of success.
  12. Yes, when you write 28% NaCl you would normally need to specify whether it is w/w, w/v or v/v, where w=weight and v=volume. The first is solute (NaCl), the second is the total solution. So the first (w/w) would be 28 grams of NaCl in a total of 100 grams of solution. This isn't used very much. What is used alot is w/v, so you would put 28 grams of NaCl in 100 mL of solution. If you don't see a specification you generally assume it's w/v. When you make these up weigh out the solute first and add it to the vessel (eg. volumetric flask), then fill the vessel to 100 mL with water. Of course it doesn't have to 100 mL, I just used that for ease.
  13. First let's worry about modernising the current systems of agriculture, the distribution of agricultural products and the economic systems. Most third world countries have plenty of land if they use it efficiently. They'll need to modernise their systems first so that it could supply this scheme anyway. This idea would cost alot of money. If money weren't a problem then third world countries could just buy food, the first world produces an excess.
  14. Well I don't know why you wouldn't just use genetic engineering. Our digestive system probably isn't large enough for this to work anyway.
  15. The problem for Africa is many countries are diversifying from the dominant subsistence farming. The populations are growing in the cities while remaining static in the rural areas. The rural producers need to change from subsistence farmers to modern industrial style farmers to match the modern industrial demographics.
  16. There shouldn't be a discussion of gods in a scientific setting because the philosophy of science as it stands now can't be applied to them. That's easy enough to police, and I think it is within the evolution forum. The problem isn't that people advocate creationist theories, it's the repetitive criticisms of evolution. It seems fine at first glance to allow apparently scientific criticism, but the problem is that the same criticism is often posted many times, so that by the second or fourteenth glance it becomes simply tiresome. There have been a few attempts to solve this problem, such as FAQs and the SciWiki site. The problem is that the bulk of the people are posting the criticisms as an end in themselves, rather than a means to find answers. There's a legal concept that you should let ten guilty men go free rather than imprison one innocent. I think we have a greater than 10:1 ratio though...
  17. It's a shame that a lack of a strategy is being voted on. It's not as though there hasn't been a strategy up to this point. There's been a phased handover of power to the Iraqis. This has happened regardless of what's been happening on the ground for the very sake of keeping up progress. By the same logic this should continue.
  18. Wait, does this also mean that as you look back in time organisms don't become infinitely small?
  19. Skye


    Hamas really didn't need to focus on Israel, they could just attack Fatah. Interesting article: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2006/02/19/INGMQH9TVQ1.DTL
  20. Deep sea fish also have biochemical adaptations to living under pressure, stronger proteins and membranes. This may pose a larger problem for them living at 1 atm since you can't acclimate their biochemistry. The enzymes are commercially interesting though, especially those from hydrothermal vents, because higher temp/pressure leads to better reaction kinetics for bioreactors.
  21. If chickens see they have eggs in their nest they lay more to create a clutch. If you have hens that aren't laying you can trick them into laying eggs by putting white plastic balls in there.
  22. Oz got rid of 1c and 2c coins a while ago. Inflation makes them useless.
  23. JBS Haldane. This should go in that Haldane thread, I suppose.
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