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Everything posted by TheProphet

  1. Lost energy? As far as i know light can't lose it's energy! Altough in this situation it will lose it's intensity! But not it's energy level. Or well the CMB:s total energy level raminas the same! But CMB level per Space is lower due to the strectching of space! So then the energy hasn't been lost, just streched as well...
  2. Well in the this thread blike puts the math down for the all travels att c and the guy (don't remember his nick) with the funny dancing "alien" as an avatar also states that light travels att c due to avoid decaying! Fun thing was that i came to this conclusion about light without reading Greenes book.. I haven't fully read it yet either(stupid library) Lovely book.. im going to buy it as soon money offers Need more info on String Theory! Since it so hipp now and may describe so much Lorentz transforamtion in the locker again What i was saying is that Due to a constant c Light only travels x,y,z but not t (or most often don't travel t). So in it's frame time is constantly keept 0. That's my point! Darn tired now, but so interesting forum!
  3. One from the historiebooks: Einstein himslef always kept x,y,z from t.. It was Minkowski that came upp with the idea of Spac-Time combined.. so it becam 4d... but since Einsteins is most well known, he gets creed! Minkowski was further more one of Eintsteins teachers! Or even Bether his Mentor!
  4. 1. Sound is the moving of atoms, hence it's varied speed in different materials! Light on the other hand is eletromagnetic and consist of photons which always travels in a constant speed of 300km/s (if my memory serves me right) No mather form which Refernce plane u messuare! 2. read answer on 1. 3. Well we have defined time this way.. 1 sec i 1 sec. no more no less... but acording too Special relativity that clock measures time differenlty in different speeds.. so u got a point.. but light still travels att C when u travel at 0,8C for exampel, so for light the only affect is that u notice time to go faster on earth when traveling at 0,8c There are meny threads with the same or alike questions so please go and read them to for more answers =)
  5. Well.. i'm 23 year old boy from Sweden... Just this winter i have taken upp my studiying for researcher and probably in physics PhD i think it corresponds too.. altough im far far away.. (almost Star Wars far away, which i do like) I love reading about Quantumphysics, relativity and a whole lot och other physics (altough not newtonian) Other big interets are Cars and Racing (BMW:s mostly), Martial Arts, Finding a cure for my WAD injurie! Drinkin Beer (in the Sauna) and a gold old Singe Malt (laphrauig is one of my favs). And since im most Swedish my English have HUGH flaws! So please correct and don't neglect =)
  6. Martin: Well we hope that bush soon is out of the game for all sciences sake! I belive that photons just might go faster than light anyway... but only for short periods to then be canceled out by a slower one! But the sum of it all always remains C! So let's hold a thunmb or two for the GLAST and two down for BUSH... And for the moment Tachyons is place is still science fiction... but Gravitons seem to come closer to real all the time =)
  7. Thing is.. Light need no frame of refenrece as we do... very hard too picture.. trust me.. i had a headake for a couples of days figuring it out *lol*
  8. Since we are talking QM:s way of inteperating it.. I'll definatly have a go with Bhor! i love Feynman: but in some of his theorys is just too spaced out just like MW... Down from that i'll have some coines bet on String theory...
  9. But i wounder really how sure they are on that fact! Altough i find it too be the most possible and logical explenation! It could also be so that they really transported the particles themselves.. like a none earning, nothing done slingshoot split! String theory might hold the answer! But the question i like to ask is: I have to coins in my table, same labels and date: If the were to change place instantly i wouldn't be able to tell the differnce! This is for me a most possible outcome!
  10. First: I just stumbeld apone this forum, and im swedish so don't, so aparden my english and the newbie stuff =) I'd like to give u some sort of proofe for this. But all i remember is that Allen Greene wrote in his book (the elegant universe). That Light most surely can and will deviate light speed. He dosen't state why but that on the large scale these, as also interperated to back and forth in time, deviations cancel out! The neat thing altough with this moving back and forth most surely has to do with the "purpouse" of light itself. According to me light is the "ringbearer", or the perfect energytransporting entity! Why, well first of: since it never travels in "time". With that said i belive i must emphasize it further! Due to Einsteins SP relativity lightspeed is constant, why he didn't emphasize for light but for all non lightspead particles (us). Light on the other hand(to explaine why it's so perfect) always travel at same speed and thus never travel in "time" since time in it's "absolute" frame och reference is ZERO. A praticle that never feel nor know what time is never loses energy under it's travel and so forth... therefore it's perfect =) To stretch this "fact" further, photons can really do some amazing thinghies! Like being at 2 places (temporarily back and forth in time!) att the same instance or amazingly seeme to know whats coming(at time Zero, would u se somethings coming huh? it's already there then i guess ). This would explain experiments at berkley, where photons seems to be seeing forward into time. It might also explain Feynmans electron - positron - electron simultanity dilemmas, altough just might. That's my first post.. now i'll sour this forum thorugh!
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