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Everything posted by iNow

  1. Well, if that is what happened, that the government failed to act on misconduct, then yes. However, if the government ordered misconduct, then that is something else entirely. Hence, we need to investigate to find out what's up, even if we have a hard time figuring out potential motivations for government level sanctioning of these activities (or if that type of sanctioning occurred at all).
  2. Your post assumes that my examples were exhaustive, and a complete and total representation of his work. They were not, so this argument you're trying to use is pretty much an epic fail.
  3. None, but sometimes the soldiers placed in charge of said weapons are a bunch of bigoted religious nutbags more than willing to make "the others" with "different beliefs" suffer.
  4. iNow

    this is great

    It appears to be a TED talk. Those are usually pretty outstanding, but I agree that Peron should have given a brief synopsis or talking point.
  5. Good point, GDG. I like to think about it like erosion. You have a dirt hill, and it rains. The first time it rains, small channels begin to form, but nothing too deep or wide. Then, it rains again, and the water tends into those channels formed during the previous rain. As more water passes through the channels, they get deeper and wider. Each time it rains, the water is almost all routed into those channels, making them even deeper and wider, until practically ALL rain in the future flows down the hill in those grooves and nowhere else. Similar with neural connections, except with that there is also pruning/snipping of unused connections.
  6. I had one that did the exact same thing. I thought that part of the problem was I was loading songs using WinAmp, since I couldn't download iTunes to my work computer, but could download WinAmp. Long story short, I got the blinky yellow light every time I tried to use it, it wasn't playing anything, and listed itself as corrupted when connecting to the computer. I brought it to the Apple Store, the guy at the counter couldn't fix it, and he gave me a replacement.
  7. The brain continues to develop as you mature. Different regions which are used more get larger and often co-opt other regions to help spread the processing load. If your eyes don't send visual signals to the occipital cortex, then that region will emaciate. If it's not being used, other regions (such as touch and hearing and smell) may start "borrowing that area" for those senses. Basically, it's setup at birth to be used for vision, but if no signal gets from the eye to that region of the brain, it will be used for other things. It is not "purely" for vision. It's not some rigid infrastructure, but instead a dynamic and ever changing biological system.
  8. You're question is far too broad. It's like you're asking, "I want to eat food. Can you suggest some items which are food?" What is your application? What is your budget? What is your implementation timeline? Let's start there.
  9. Okay, oddly we seem to agree, despite appearances to the contrary. I was receiving quite a different message from your last posts in this thread, but it seems we're on the same page. Then again, your use of the word "or" does appear to force a choice.
  10. They are different things, but they are hardly mutually exclusive. Many of your posts recently imply that you have some sort of problem with investigations into wrong-doing.
  11. No, it's not. It is an abstract concept with no bearing on the universe. Once you realize this, you will have an easier time accepting the responses of others regarding temporal relativity. Now is a perceptual idea, not a fact of the universe. I've said this before... I'm sympathetic to your views, but it's philosophy, not science. Try not to conflate the two, as it will only lead you to further confusion.
  12. Screw you, Jebus hater! You and your ilk are so intolerant and disrespectful! We CAN have civil conversations on the topic, and if you think otherwise then you're a pitiful lost soul and you'll burn for all eternity with the other heathens and godless masses!! With kindest regards, <hmm... I probably should have misspelled something for effect> Kidding aside, we came very close to civility in this thread where the focus was primarily on constitutionality.
  13. Probably b/c you're an atheist. When you think of the types who DO make a big deal of it, it suddenly seems so blaringly obvious.
  14. The funniest part was that Psycho quoted YT when he said that.
  15. Also, it's spelled "accepts," not "excepts."
  16. Yesterday, on THIS WEEK, he was very proud to proclaim that "sometimes you have to do what is best for the people instead of what is best for your party." He said that if those other repub governors didn't want to the money (like LA gov Jindal) that he'd gladly take it, because people in his state are suffering and he wants to help them. Another governor who has stepped up and earned more of my respect for similar reasons is FL governor Crist. He's a republican who has made similar comments as the governator. That it's important to do what's right for the people as your priority, instead of just falling lock-step with the party. Good for them. A great big RIGHT ON! ... something I don't feel I get the opportunity to say often enough with the republicans in DC.
  17. No, I don't. I think there may be parts where visibility is more limited, but I really don't expect the same accounting gimmickry (which this thread was intended to discuss) from the current administration.
  18. iNow


    So, instead of me having to pull the data when I think about it, I can add that to my RSS feed and have it pushed to me. Very cool, indeed.
  19. During periods of inactivity, your body produces less insulin. It is the insulin which breaks down the sugars and leads to hypoglycemia. You have a fairly constant rate of insulin released from the pancreas throughout different parts of the day. This is known as your "basal rate." That basal rate tends to be lower when you are asleep, therefore less insulin in put into your system, and blood glucose levels remain relatively steady. There are also sugars in your liver which get broken down when glucose levels decrease during the night, so that is an additional method the body uses to help maintain those steady levels.
  20. Are you seriously trying to give me shit for standing up and arguing for the principles on which our nation was founded? If so, you've just made me respect you even less than I already did.
  21. Paul Krugman? Terri Schiavo? Wow, dude. Can you just answer the damn questions and stop with the red herrings?
  22. Yes, but Pangloss appears to be trying to make some sort of point about secrecy. He explicitly said that adding funds to the stimulus package for NSF is exactly the same as secret spending for war in Iraq. When I read this, it comes across as purely non-sequitur. I mean, zuh??? All you need to see that they are different is to recognize that one is being made and discussed publically while the other is not. Further, one is something which will have multiplier effects in our own economy and the other is something that will not (unless you're Haliburton). There are other differences, but the point has been made. The two are NOT equal. I'm sure (as usual) Pangloss has a broader point which he can support, but his posts to this thread seem to be relying on some secret language (winks and nods) that maybe we'd all understand if we spent countless hours arguing on politics boards with people using decoder rings. However, since I don't, I'm failing to make the connect he's trying to draw. Listing NSF in the stimulus and providing funds to them = secrectly funding war in Iraq and lying to the public about the specific amount of money going there? I'm just not making that connection here, and it seems rather elusive and based on some desire to conflate the actions of Bush in Iraq with the actions of Obama with the stimulus. Hell, even Pangloss' first response in post #2 of this thread is tries to tangentialize this to be about "bush bashing" instead of discussing the change described in the OP about accounting practices.
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