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Posts posted by Lance

  1. I just looked at the specifications of the program, and I could be wrong, but it looks like it doesn't even do pcb layouts.


    I would recommend Eagle because you can get the full version free assuming its not for commercial use.

  2. I have never used OrCad Capture CIS (nor heard of it) but if its like eagle it automatically creates the board, components and tracks when you click on 'switch to board' from the schematic. All you have to do after that is space the components accordingly and set the width of your tracks.

  3. Those EM Shrunken coins are incredibly sweet looking. It's amazing how much that guy can shrink those coins with just a really strong magnet. (I forget his e-bay name, but he constantly has shrunken coins up there).


    Yep. I really wish I had some huge pulse rated capacitors so I could do that too. Unfortunately they weigh and cost a LOT. :-(


    The actual set up is pretty simple though. He just discharges a few capacitors through a few coils of wire.

  4. you guys realize all of this is defacing government property and is therefore illegal' date=' right?





    "Federal law specifically forbids the "fraudulent mutilation, diminution, and falsification of coins" (see US Code, Title 18 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure, Part I - Crimes, Chapter 17 - Coins and Currency, Paragraph 331). The key word is Fraudulent. As long as you don't alter coins with an intent to defraud, then you can pretty much do whatever you wish with coins, including squishing them on railroad tracks, flattening them into elongated souvenirs at tourist traps, or crushing them with electromagnetic fields. I take great pains to tell folks exactly what they are receiving and how the process was accomplished. This is also why those vending machines in tourist traps that squash pennies into elongated souvenirs or "funny" stamped pennies with Lincoln smoking a cigar are indeed legal (although they can't be used as currency anymore). The official position of the US Mint is that they "frown on the despicable practice" of altering coins, but they also agree that it is indeed legal to shrink coins."


  5. and who the hell would want to live in this condition' date=' where you're utterly dependent on others for [i']everything[/i], and you cannot live without life support?


    She isn't on life support. The "tube" is a feeding tube which gives her nutrients a few times a day.


    Thats why its not a matter of just letting her die.

  6. The very fact that the President of the USA,the Vatican and most important THE[/b'] parents of Terri are fighting for her life on the basis that the parents at least believe their daughter is still ALIVE.


    Dont forget Mel Gibson.

  7. Well it's supplying the same device (Ipod) with the same power that it would normally so I would have assumed that as the output of the charger was the same it'd be fine to use it wherever.


    But the problem is I'm not sure if the output will be the same. I don't know if the charger is made to accept both 120v and 230v. If it can accept either then I could just find some old European power cords and rig it into a travel charger.


    Or you could come visit some of us whilst your over here!


    I would but it looks like Im going to be pretty busy. :-(

  8. I'm sure this isn't the right forum but Ill ask here and see if anybody can help me.


    I just bought and received an iPod mini. The iPod did not come with an ac charger. You charge the battery with the USB cord.


    Thats all fine and dandy but the problems comes in when I travel to Europe. This summer I will be going to the UK and France. I will not be bringing a laptop so I have no way to charge the battery.


    I can buy the travel kit sold by iPod but I would also have to buy the charger which would total $90.


    So heres the question: The travel kit looks like its just physical adapters that fit into the charger for the outlets in the different countries and it *looks* like the actual charger will work with 230v 50hz. So, would it be possible to only buy the charger and then rig my own adapter from the cords of European appliances?

  9. Lance and Newtonian would like to argue that he is committing adultery only because they want to make the case that she is still "alive." If Michael were enjoying sex with her still' date=' they would then argue that he is a beast. :rolleyes:[/quote']


    Terri's parents filed for divorce on her behalf but the court ruled that because she could not speak for herself Michael would do it for her. Michael didn't want a divorce.


    Am I the only one that sees this entire ordeal as a tad bit suspicious? It looks like to me that Michael never wants Terri to wake up. 33 doctors testified that they would need to do testing to insure that Terri truly is in a vegetative state. Testing has never been done on Terri because Michael refuses to have it done, testing that would prove she was in a vegetative state. If she truly was brain dead all he would have to do was allow testing and this entire ordeal would be over and he could let her die quietly. Not only that but he was awarded enough money to take care of her for LIFE. He never has to see her again. He could pretend she doesn't even exist.

  10. How dare he pretend to have a life without the entire country, including people like yourself, not only weighing in, and controlling his life, but putting him on trial.


    Are you completely ignoring what hes doing? Hes not "having a life", He wants to kill his wife. You act as if this has nothing to do with Terri but is all about the personal rights of her husband to starve her to death. Thats not “life”.

  11. If my ears didn't deceive me this weekend, I thought I had heard that some senators who oppose the reinsertion of the feeding tube plan on a fillibuster to delay the voting on a bill which would force the tube to be placed back in.


    Nope, the law was already passed and signed with no filibusters. I think any senator that did that would be voted out pretty quickly in the upcoming elections.

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