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Posts posted by GutZ

  1. Well I do think IQ do assess some sort of intelligence. I've never broken the 140 mark, but I am sure there are those here that 140 is there lower limit. I think there is a base intelligence. My question is how useful is base intelligence? Especially if a person doesn't exercises it.


    I worked with a heapful of scientist. I could tell right away who was the smartest, The guy who always thought. ALWAYS thinking. The other didn't like him much, but they didn't care because they had their position as leader in there own respective fields.


    The other things is how much or how does creativity come into play. You cant really gauge that. I say IQ is like any sport, some people are just genetically gifted, some have to work really hard, some have special abilities....but it comes down to is, is it useful?


    Are you using your intelligence for the better of mankind? You could add ridiculously long numbers together with in a few seconds, but if that's all your doing, In that case it irrelevant, if you get 90's in school, but you haven't really done anything with it....


    Too me intelligence always come back to survival, even tf it's hard to relate thoses two in todays world, really progress and survivial are the only important factors we have to face, and if your intelligence doesnt help you to do either...it's pointless.


    Sidenote: because the way society tends to make thing easier for us I noticed alot people rely less on themselves. It scary actually to see it happen. I guess that just means I am one step head, but it is frustrating to live in a scenario where your the only one thinking. especially when you need something from someone...I swear the movie "idiocracy* not so implausible..

  2. They're very good points. Sometimes we all have stupid days. Does anyone else ever get that brain-state when you can't even remember how to spell basic words you've been spelling all your life!? The other day, I had to think for a while on how to spell 'tunnel'.


    Personally, I'm not a big fan of I.Q. tests. I'm even less of a fan of high I.Q. societies. They seem awfully pretentious. But I.Q. tests themselves probably have their value of being a rough measure of some kinds of analytical skills.


    In my last I.Q. test, I scored somewhere in the region of 72. According to some charts, that's borderline retarded. Oh dear.


    Those online ones are fickle. I got once 80, maybe I wasn't like awake or something, but after I did it again ad guess half of it and got 110. I get higher on the pure logic pattern ones. 120 -140 range.


    I hate math and word question. Specifically because are totally redundant and boring. Who really cares what time stacey will arrive at the store if she walking at a specific speed.

  3. Yeah well look on the bright side.


    Model/Strippers/Attractive people generally don't have a hard time finding someone. More issues with filtering


    You would have me at "I am a model".


    good luck!

  4. You win. I can make any better new puns...you were always the best though...I shouldnt be so suprised.


    /Gives bag of Gold.


    seems like the majority of you stayed. This will be fun. I want to bug YT that was always fun. I hipe I don't get banned, I should read the rules over again. Then again what would be the fun in that? :P

  5. Berserk has ruined all ability to enjoy fantasy stories. I don't find either one of them that entertaining.. They both lack an interesting story. There no deepth to them, LOTR is essential walking with interesting characters, Harry potter is essential going to school and solving mysteries, that seem to happen every time he goes, with interesting characters.


    Berserk is an Anime. but the story is so well done. I am pretty sure anyone who has seen it would agree with me, The character are probably not on the same level of development as LOTR and HP, but the story is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. It doesn't do that Character intro 30 mins, happy 30 mins, Oh no! problem, 30, 10 sadness, 40 battle, 10 sadness, 10 happy.


    I dont like how every ending is happy. It pisses me off that a movie like I am legend (a good movie) is unpopular because the dog dies and he dies. When I ask people why they disliked it, they give that reason. how can you void a whole movie over one scene like that? Wasn't that the sole pupose of the movie, the tittle was obvious that the man would die. How could you not see that coming....errr


    Sorry for the rant, honestly not one single movie has sparked my interest ever since I've seen berserk, because that's the standard I hold for all movies, and I haven't seen anything come close to it.


    Movies being created today are more for making money than a good story. No one is willing to take a risk to make a really interesting film or story.



  6. 7_8, can't figure what the middle should be yet.


    [hide]The first digit is the sum of the second and third digits of the last number, the last digit is the sum of the first and second digits of the last number plus n, where n=0 for 101, n=1 for 121, etc.[/hide]


    Am I close?


    I think your right and it would be a 1- 718

  7. I don't think it's really helpful for you to categorized him so generally like Paralith states. Although people have similarities not everyone is the same as the other. I take most things pretty much with no seriousness attached. Others are opposite of that.


    The fact that you went to look it up at least proves your interested enough not to worry, I think your golden, just go with the flow. I wish my girlfriend would be so kind to put that effort in. She's not even a stripper/model either with big boobs. Nice boobs though. Round bum too. Not the most intelligent, but I am working on it....

  8. Wasn't there someone in a Manga with that name.... ;)


    "Humans are weak... but we want to live... even if we're wounded... or tortured... we feel the pain..."

  9. I was reading the book reinventing gravity by John Moffat. I was wondering wat your guys thoughts on it were? Specificially the idea behind dark matter not really being necessary? I think it even goes into the inflationery theory not being needed as well.


    It's been a while since i could talk physics with anyone...Which I really don't understand. It's so interesting, The very making of yuor existence...i mean....how is that anyway boring?


    anyways here is some background info:



  10. You probably don't remember me at all. In due time it will all come back when my non-sense slowwwwly creeps around, Before you realize who I am....it will be too late.


    Is severn still here? I miss that beautiful man. Crazy_alien...I remember an insane or crazy alien. Funny guy. Norman alber the guy I could never understand how his responses really pertain to the subject.

  11. I think deep down a lot of people prefer being told what to do, and not having to make up their own mind about any give aspect of how they want their country or state for that matter to run. I probably state this too often but a huge consequence to technologically advanced society allow for quicker everything, allowing so much to go on, that at the end of the day people just don't care. Pick a stance and support it. I am not saying it's not a good thing, I just think it sets the stage for large powerful governments.

  12. This is where those who know very little about string theory do one (or both) of two things:

    1.) Pimp their own ideas about ``quantum reality'', or

    2.) Preform intellectual fellatio on Lee Smolin and ``The Trouble with Physics''.


    Let us make wagers about merlin. My money is on 1 AND 2. (Apologies, of course merlin, if you are an actual physicist studying LQG or Euclidean Quantum Gravity.)


    What does that have anything to do with anything? Can string theory be proven at this very moment? no! You don't have to be a physicist to understand that. Whether it's right or not doesn't concern me, I am not trying to discredit it in anyway, but instead of insulting people, why not try actually proving them wrong.

  13. If your trying to lose weight....weightlifting isnt the way....You need to do the cardiovascular activities....


    I've done weightlifting for one and a half years and only gained weight (excluding muscle mass gain). for the past few months I've been doing more cardio and lost 20 pounds, you need to do stuff like h.i.i.t training if jogging is boring to you....but I warn you it's not that fun in the beginning


    Basically spirit as fast as you can for 45 sec, then jog for 2mins. repeat for like 10 -15mins or as much as you can.


    look into it. Cardio is very important.


    And for soreness what agentchange said is really good advice, because rest is very important.


    M Legs, Abs

    W Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

    F Back, Biceps, Cardio


    Group activities by action. Pull/Push, that way you are work one group one day, and the next day you don't over do that group and work out the other group, so there is a day rest between exercise, and have atleast 1 day rest with no weightlifting within a week.


    and also look at what you eat and try to make it far more healthier...


    At first it all sucks but you'll realize that later its because you body just is too good at adjusting to whatever you do, soon you' crave weightlifting lol.

  14. You should allow the theology and philosophy back on this site. We're human our brain work in a specific manner, so weh none hold a specific worldview vs another it's natural for them to clash...allow the hate and ugliest of our race to flourish, it's almost artistic.




    Ok ill be quiet again.

  15. I have recent acquired a DVD burner, recently only that it has specific system requirements. Is this for real? I tried it anyway just incase, and I see it crashes all the time...so...



    1.4 ghz Athlon AMD

    512 DDR ram

    40gb Hard drive


    I set it as the master and my CD burner as slave, I am not to good with hardware but I believe that is at least correct.


    Are there burners that don't require high specs, because I only that above. I looked around and it seems like most burners do not come with any requirements, but who knows...I thought the same with this one as well.


    I am totally lost as to how this can be, I can't even play DVD's with it.

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