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Posts posted by GutZ

  1. Inow, you know it's hypocritical. I don't think you are wrong, I think ultimately we should work towards that goal.


    Just like cars where we are trying to eliminate CO emission, we should as too try to find a way to minimize the harm of smoking.


    I jsut think an all out ban isn't going to be very helpful or realistic. If you've smoked you know the addictive aspects of it. I quit too, I know...and because if that I am more accepting of it. I personally rather have some person smoking while I pass by than have a society full of craving extremely irratible people around....


    I think in that case...epecially since I nearly wanted to kill everyone when I quit smoking, it would be actually safer to my health...


    Who would even follow it anyway? all you will do is waste police time enforcing it...

  2. Is the only evidence to dark matter through gravitational effects though. There must be something else i am missing....would it theortically have a structure of an atom without protons and electtrons and still have weak/strong N forces binding it together? It would have no charge either right....

  3. I don't care how many nukes Iran has...they launch one and they will lose their country. They are not just going to go mindlessly launching nukes. They are not in a good place to start pissing off the world. Iran is not that dumb, and they can't launch 300 nukes at the same time leveling the whole world at once so...It would be in their best interest to follow suite if this happens.


    The arms race will never end...We have to stop it at one point or we'll always try to trump other nations. I don't want there to be hydrogen bomb being stockpiled, or any advanced weaponry that can take out a single country in one blow because we are constantly competiting to put our unfriendly neighbours in check.

  4. Well, I smoked cigarettes for over a decade, and I've now quit them for good. I'm not too worried about second hand smoke making me addicted... Frankly, that's just stupid.


    Plus, I smoke nice cigars a few times per month, so it's not like I'm some anti-smoking nazi.



    Anyway, secondhand smoke... The harm is real and measurable, and I'm not looking to prevent you from smoking, just prevent you from doing so near me, my family, my friends, and all of those strangers who shouldn't have to be impacted by YOUR personal choice:






    Do you drive a car?





    So yeah if you could like stop using it around other people....that would be great. I know walking everywhere would be hard but....I don't care about you or any of your concerns....just mine. Thanks.

  5. Ok so like I have no real evidence because aliens stole it from my house, BUT I can link you to some obscure math I really don't understand myself, and relate it some how to my theory....then I am going to make a logical jump based of a wiki entry.


    then act like everyone else is the crazy one.

  6. I enjoy pushing buttons...I find it orgasmic. I Just quit smoking so my opinion is biased. I start at 13 and M a 25 years old now so that's quite some time.


    All I know is that people who complain about it are usually hypocrites.


    It should be up to the owner, as long as they warn about the enviroment, I see no issue. I live in Canada though and pretty much all buildings except your house and some apartments don't allow you to smoke indoors.


    I am cool with that. Outside is good for me. If people don't like it....tough.

  7. To the OP...the biggest thing that jumps out at me is the obvious: Who determines what practice is good or bad and then rewards it? Who is it this great arbiter of truth? God? Me? You? That business? The entire republic?


    Well I was think more along the lines when knowledge comes from trial an error (which I would believe would be a huge part in finding out that is the best way....was that when we DO find out that we impliement them. Regardless of political BS.


    Example we know if a company isn't doing well, and they pay their CEO bonuses in the millions...that not helping anyone except CEO and leaving the mess for the general public to clean up. I don't think that's far. I would like to see if a company is failing that they do something about it. Personally I wouldn't care if they fail if it didnt have that much effect on the economy. I like freedom, I believe a company should be able to do whatever they want, but if they purposely or ignorant screw up I think just like safety policies and government regulations, either fine or tax bonuses like Obama wanted to impose.


    I think that this way of organizing our society is crucial. Who know how long we are going to last on this planet, I think it's time, and I think we understand enough that we ALL should have a common goal of progressing as rapidly and intelligently as possible....that will never happy if we let people do whatever they want.


    It's not a fair stretch I think. We limit behaviour all the time, there are rules for everything. It just seems the the corporate world lacks it, and they wouldn't need it if every company ran well like Berkshire Hathaway or companies with AAA credit. Maybe model after the best, see what they do and makes regulations around that.


    Basically make it less likely for a company to tank once it gets to that level, and not to reward failure. Every company so far that I worked for has the mentality of short term profit. I told everyone around that a specific company would die withn the next 10 years....2 years later it filed for bankruptcy, and for what? This was an industrial company that made Die castings for ford and honda. They had the contracts, LOTs...the problem was the mangers were dumb, they forced workers to work beyond their limit, paid them horrble, turnover was ridiculous, the machinery rand at about 60% efficiency, and they NEVER repaired them properly. Again it didn't matter at the time because they were making the contractial agreements but jsut barely....This was a well know company....


    All they would need is slight adjustment, and they would of been fine...To me...it's a waste. Freedom in market and business is there to give the opportunity to grow, but it seems like lat 10 years people haven't really taken it seriously...


    That's why I brought this all up. :)


    Sorry for my sentence structure spelling and grammar...I''ve been painting all weekend with not much sleep and I had to finish off the rest of my beers before I left so I tried my best to make sense,

  8. Even a neo nazi shouting Obama is deserving of murder should have rights to say so. What if it was not a neo nazi, and someone trying to make a point? Maybe they just felt like saying it.


    I don't think anything that doesn't cause direct harm should be taken away from people. Ideas and words harm those that allow them too. I am not saying that I wouldn't clock a guy standing infront of me insulting my Girlfriend or whatnot (that's my choice reaction). Because anything can be offensive. Some religious people find evolution to be quite offensive.



    Mooeypoo, you are a well adjusted individual, but alot of people are not. We would of been hung many thousnads of years of for the things discussed on this board. That's not time dependant. People can think up all sort of irrational reasons to have a specific idea or voice hushed.


    Therefore Freedom of Speech must remain pure. As long as you make rational stipulations there are 10 other wanting irrational ones in place.

  9. Cool so we are sort of set up this way already. It;s still up to congress to make or create regulations then? ( I know nothing so explain it how it works if I am totally off) If this is the case though it's also up for abuse as well especially if companies have money to contribute to government campaigns and such during elections and such. You can persue congress to not pass a specific regulation right?


    I guess it's more or less government again who is dropping the ball on this whole financial crisis? Was the bush era built upon creating alot of counter-productive regulations?


    Also what are your ideas where regulation is limited and where regulation is too much involved?


    Do you think doing a lot of fine-tuning to current regulation would help or be a waste of time?

  10. I was wondering what the fine people of this forum think about regulation. I know roughly the idea of capitalism is to create a fair and free playing ground.


    It seems to me the train of thought is you either have capitalism or socialism.


    What if you could make both parties happy and make regulations. Not just any regulations but something that will really cut down on greed and bad management of capital.


    We have regulations I know, but we don't really enforce them. These days companies don't even have to answer to the president. Really reward good behaviour, and make it difficult to be bad companies.


    I m not saying "tell them how to run a business". They can do whatever they want, but why not if they choose to be stupid, not give them tax breaks. If a companies only concern is short term profit like it is now, they will continually place the economy in danger.


    If a company becomes enviromentally conscious and meet critiera as in they pay the workers decently why not give subsidies to those companies. Big or Small...if you do well and you do well for the economy (substainable business practice, fairness, and good captial) Here's tax breaks for you.


    Wouldn't that be better? Instead of waiting and hoping things will turn out or wait for another issue to wake companies up, why not try to keep a consistant stable economy by giving proper motivation to go in the right direction.


    Then it's not pure socialism vs captialism.


    Decrease waste and increase effiecency is the idea behind any stable system. Why don't we apply that to our economy as well?


    I think anyone who purchases or deal within in economic system should be responsible to maintain or do it part to maintian it's balance. I don't believe in the aspect that it's not the responsibility of a company to help out. I think thats a BS cop out. The reason they make profity is because it exist, because there are consumers, but the same for the consumer, I don't think bad consumer habits should be rewarded either. I think it time we take more control.


    Your thoughts below.

  11. I had a guy attack me with a bat, he didnt get very far. No gun or anything. I am one of those quiet people, who got pick on a lot as a kid and decised one day that it's not going to happen anymore. So now I have 4 years of martial arts training, and I've been weightlifting on and off for 3 years. I can bench press around 240-260 pounds. (never do max bench, but I can do 225, 5 times so...) I use to be like 5'10" 130's now I am 6'0 200ibs (though I should be more like 185 :( ).


    I wish others would do the same. In our society people believe you have to be either a jock or a nerd. Be both.


    Have the intelligence to know when to fight, and when to walk away. Ultimately don't sell yourself short. You still do have to survive, and I don't believe in relying on other things or people to do it. If you feel inferior, make yourself superior.


    The best thing about it those who are assholes, pricks don't have the same level of motivation. They PREY on weak individual, you'lll rarely see them in the gym.


    IF you do its funny. especially when they are not the biggest guys there, and the people they usually would pick on are bencing 3 plates lol. sutble revenge can be so sweet.....


    So basically guys...do what you can, take a class a week of Karate, mauy thai, BJJ, judo, Krav maga...or start going to the gym and feel as arnold calls it "Teh pomp"

  12. Walk into a bar...


    No sorry, I am wondering if someone would like to attempt to explain what exactly is a field in terms of physics.


    Is it a place in space that has special properties? Do all forces have a field and what the different if they are vector or scalar. EXACTLY, and as simplistic as possible. So Norman don't even think about it.

  13. The way I see it I have every right to complain. If I don't like what you are doing I have every right to express it.. Whether you change your behaviour is up to you. You might value your relationship with me and decide it far more worth not to continue the action.


    That's a reciprocal relationship. Youtube doesn't like what I am doing, It can ban me for the site. As an individual I don't bring much to the site, BUT the accumlation of users do.


    So if there is somethig Youtube does that a bunch of people don't like regardless if it's warranted or not, they have power. Just like those who try to shut it down.


    Now it's youtube's responsiblity to manage this enviroment. To keep everyone happy. Youtube is in an unfavorable position, but that's what happens when you try to make profit. If they don't want issues then either don't censor and deal with lawsuits or...listen to complains.




    PHYSIC's Boobs was not expected. I didn't think it would happen, I though when do the boobs come into play...and then there was boobs.


    nice boobs btw *tips hat*

  14. ooh, i beg to differ. skinny may be unhealthy, but god i think its so beautifall. not nicole richy, but like many models today. skinny, but not see through. what a good catch frase.



    ewww you like that! wierd man. I livke women who has a little meat, and.curves.


    I don't need to see skeletal structures and feel bone all the time....GROSS! :P


    I'd take girllfriends body over most models anyday.

  15. Isn't that how a democracy is supposed to work? Instead of getting mad at Obama for not doing what the majority doesn't want him to do, how about we work on trying to turn that majority into a minority?


    I am mad at Obama because he is in the very position to do that. I think he should spend more time being a leader than trying to maintain his position as one.


    The reason why it's still illegal is due to misinformation, and that people are easy to manipulate. How long as this issue been around. It's not like people haven't been trying to pursue people to look at the facts.


    Democracy is flawed. We don't really live in a true democracy anyway. I wish it were more virtous for a leader to actually lead, even if the majority doesn't follow, assuming that it's the right thing to do. Freedom is one of those fundemental aspects to human that is important.


    Government is redudant and so is democracy if it's self defeating.

  16. So long as less than 90% (or A LOT) of the people disapprove government is not going to change anything. Obama is a politician, and he's no better than Bush in a lot of regards.He says he going to do something to get votes and approval to get and keep their position. people contribute to his campaign he has responsibilities to others, and in today's politics that's more important than doing what is correct. It's too bad because he's a smart man. This is how it will be for a while.


    What is correct is legalizing it. I really don't care if other people dislike it, or hate the smell, or whatever, that's a stupid reason to take away someones freedom to choose. I have to deal with ignorant people everyday, why can't we make ignorance illegal? it's far more danger to the public.The whole idea about it being for safety is BS. It's a plant. If we can't trust ourselves to regulate how we use it, we might as well take away all thought processing out of everything. Let's just have the government tell us what to do. We should have not brushing your teeth be illegal as well. You may think I am being ridiculous but that's only because this whole issue is ridiculous.


    A few signatures....Done...No Armageddon.


    I am seriously debating on whether I should even follow politics anymore. personally I think hitting rock bottom might not be bad for civilization to ****ing wake up. This whole world could use a reset or pause button right now.

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