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Everything posted by jordan

  1. Has anyone happened to read the ant-Moore book that's out? I picked up a copy briefly of one of Moore's books and then picked up the book that was inteded as a rebutal. I was just curious if anyone's read it. Through the first few pages it was pretty funny, I thought, because it was very sarcastic. It basicly portrayed Moore as an immature guy who has to make a movie whenever things don't go his way. Found the title: "Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man". Anyone read it?
  2. Does that means it's a good idea or a bad idea?
  3. I think, after having the whole gay marriage debate yesterday, that it would be interesting to see Sayo have to debate a controversial topic with himself. No matter what side of the arguement he's on, he seems to always make it look better. So I think that it would be fun to see Sayo have to give both sides of an arguement.
  4. I never hoped to imply it was the main reason, nor did I hope to start into the discussion again. I just hope you don't think they are all coming out now is because they truely love each other. Special pleading might be true. I think some of them do it for the attention only. I think some of them do it for love only. I think some of them do it for a combination of the two. I doubt that the big boom in the gay community is just because people woke up one day and realized they didn't like the opposite sex. I think a lot of it has to do with the increased publicity though.
  5. jordan


    Why does the circumfrence shorten when it is spinning?
  6. Just remeber that there is a hidden motive behind just about everything (even the gay rights movement). Nothing is as people would have you believe it is. I don't want to sound like a conspiricy theorist, but for the most part I think that's true.
  7. It's so hard to argue with you when you make so much sense.
  8. Fair enough. I shall look into the subject more someday and refrain from commenting more until then.
  9. Honestly, I don't look at this issue as being whether you like gays or not. It has little do with them at all. All I know is that they are looking for acceptance, which I am glad to give except that they haven't given a good reason yet. All I've heard is "they love each other1" and "you're just intolerant2". Well can they explain why they have to chose a different lifestyle then most and parade it around? Why have they been unable to lead a normal lifestyle? Have they tried? I don't really think they all have. I would believe that it is more about the attention and rebelion for most. 1: Acceptable, but see ensuing questions. 2: Not a good reason at all.
  10. Alright, I resign. There are too many fronts to continue this and small things are starting to bias anyone who would read the thread anyway. Just to hit a few things though: 1) Someone a while ago mentioned me arguing from the point of the Bible. I don't use the Bible in arguements and I didn't in this one. All my statements about two different sexes were derived from what I consider common sense. 2) When they wish to change something, they have to have a justifiable reason.
  11. But what I'm still not getting is this: what makes them special that they can do something obviously "wrong*" and get away with it? How are they justifying it besides "for the benifits and they 'love each other'"? I don't really see why they should have the same rights. Are you hurting the rights on an alien who crossed our borders by sending him back? That alien didn't do anything to you. But if you can't work within the bounds set up and withheld in this country, I don't see why you deserve the rights that this country offers. *Wrong in the sense that it doesn't make any sense to have two people of the same sex when the whole purpose of male and female was to have two seperate sexes.
  12. Would that mean we've found intelligent life on other planets or not?
  13. Whoever controls the sacrament of marriage. I really don't know how it all works, but I know it predates our Constitution and therefore has little to do with "our freedoms". You do have to draw the line somewhere. I'm not saying that this is where everyone should draw their line, but let me ask you: when is it going too far? For me, it's here, where people are going around what is considered normal (male and female is obviously more right than anything else) and trying to break into rebelious territory for attention.
  14. Yep. I was joking . No, I guess what I'm getting at is this: If you put a perfect sphere of helium in a container of air, which way will it go and why? I don't really know what the up and down side of the balloon have to do with it because the density inside is still the same at the top and bottom.
  15. That's great. I like this guy already. But if that's the case, maybe it's best to wait until he has most or all of the books out because I don't really like waiting.
  16. I don't see why not since they set up the club in the first place.
  17. That's fine. I just wanted an estimate. Thanks.
  18. Because it's not their place to barge in on and then claim discrimination when the don't get their way.
  19. I guess I can't properly artuculate what I want to say. Basicly, you've seen many married couples who all are properly married. You know that they should be married. Though I can't define exactly who should be allowed to marry (there are so many factors) you still know it when you see it. Homosexuals don't fit the "you know it when you see it" category. So I guess I don't understand why they should be allowed to tell everyone "we can get married because we want to and you can't stop us". What do they have that couldn't be found somewhere else with a little effort that entitles them to ammend the definition of marriage?
  20. That's what I was afraid of. I started reading Stephen King's Dark Tower series under the recomendation of a friend. I'm on #4 out of 7. They've gone from 150 or so up to #4 which is 600-and-some. I don't think I'll have time to read that series, at least not until next summer when I have more time. Any projection on how many there will be?
  21. I don't really see why, but alright. People are allowed to get married because marriage was set up so people can get married. New people propose we ammend it so that a wider range of people can get married. I say that's fine as long as they can show that they are the same as those who the sacrament of marriage was intended for. I meant in general. When people get married there are a few things in mind: Do they love each other, Can they start a family, Will they foster a good family etc.? As of now, I haven't heard a fair explanation of how they fulfill all that. Yes, technicly they can have a good family but that means adoption and letting in adoption means that anyone can fulfill that requirement. By the obvious differences between male and female, I don't think the point was adoption. Rather, I think the current movement is based more on the attention it is currently recieving than on the actual marriage, for a part of it at least. And that isn't enough to radicaly change one of the oldest standing traditions. There is a difference between right and wrong and it's alright to say that once is a while. You don't have to accept everything. Sorry I couldn't address everything but this post is getting too long.
  22. I stopped down to the library to look for the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series but they were all checked out. But before I go look again, I was wondering how many books there are and how long they are.
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