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Everything posted by rigney

  1. Yes, most times I bite off more than I can chew. In this instance all I can say is: Thanks!
  2. There's clearly orders of magnitude of difference in the amounts of BS coming from each side. Even fact checking sites that go out of their way to bend over backward to try to make it even can't do so. I will certainly give you an "attaboy" on your last statement.
  3. Thanks for your trouble. And since I don't have the computer knowledge to get it done, maybe someone else will give it a try.But i did some scramble search after your response and came up with this. http://www.factcheck.org/2009/08/twenty-six-lies-about-hr-3200/ Also this. Is there any truth in politics, other than what it takes to win? Damn! http://factcheck.org/2012/06/obamas-outsourcer-overreach/#.T-4NAA6FXJU.twitter
  4. Since I seem to stay confused on many issues as a conservative leaning right winger, would someone either from the left or right please explain this link to me. I realize it seems to be a biased spin on a troubling situation, but is it? At the end there is some great satire with Bill Maher and others. But actually, I was more interested in the bill. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=HcBaSP31Be8&vg=medium
  5. rigney

    Yay, GUNS!

    What is the answer Bill? This guy looks like he has a arsenal equal to that of the rebel forces in Syria. While he does look a little off course, that doesn't make him a nut. Looks and even actions can be very deceiving.at times. Question is, how did he get all of these weapons? Someone had to make the sale to him. I have a friend whom I've known for over forty years who is a gun dealer. If I was to beg him to sell me a fire arm without a background check, he would probably think I was a nut. Before he makes a gun sale to anyone, their background is run through local police departments probably to include the ATF and FBI? I'm not sure where the buck finally stops, but done correctly it is a lengthy process sometimes taking days. Some years ago I purchased an M-1 Garand rifle from him as a momento of my time in the military. Seven or eight hundred bucks as I recall, without bullets. Buying it required my valid state drivers licenses, where I was born, my current local address and phone number. And that from a friend that I have known for years. To have the money this guys weapons must have cost is amazing in its self. A small fortune at least. Can you imagine what they would cost through illegal sales? No way could he have made these purchases legally without someone being wise. I have witnessed a furnace at Ford's Brookpark Casting Plant eat up literally thousandss of guns confiscated by the several police forces surrounding Cleveland, Oh. Since that foundary has recently been closed and razes, I have no idea of where or how the guns are disposed? Just remeber the old agage "guns don't kill people, people kill people".
  6. Pardon me Mooey, I wasn't trying to be deceitful and should have explained my position better. Guns of any description are not playthings. And the massacre that took place in that theater a few days back probably couldn't have been stopped had there been twenty armed police officers seated in the building. A nutcase intent on doing what he did, must have done quite a bit of planning to pull off such a scheme. As for me? I detect you are a bit leery of my honesty. Don't worry too much about me. I don't own an arsenal and have only one semi-automatic weapon, which I "do not" keep loaded. Not even an empty clip in the grip. As each of my seven children grew, I wanted them to know and understand weaponry, so I taught them as my Dad had taught me. My three daughters are well trained in the use of weapons. Guns are not shameful things to own Mooey and is really a privalege we received from some pretty wise people years ago. The shame is that some are in the hands of felons and nuts. How can it be stopped? It can't! Even if advocates of banning fire arms eventually win out, perps and nuts will find ways to get them. My advise. Obtain one and become proficient in its use. And if you are a scardy cat like me, i suggest you keep it (somewhat) loaded and with you at night. You may even feel safer if you keep it in the head board. Me, I prefer the comfy feeling of mine under my pillow.
  7. And why not? Someone wanting to "cap" your ass may have only one round to use and that to him is considered fully loaded. With a five or six shot piece, I always managed to leave the chamber under the hammer empty. Well, you can take a 'WAG'. Regardless of how you approach it, isn't BS a great repriebve?
  8. And who will make the argument? i'll not argue with military personell with qualified expertise. A discussion, perhaps? Bring them on!
  9. I did not mean to equivocte, my explanation was to mean only that there was no cartridge under the hammer.
  10. I can't fault a safety been built into such a beautiful weapon other than protecting the ignorant trying to use them.
  11. I have little knowledge in many catergories of expertise, but arms; (guns, knives, explosives and bludgeons), to include baseball bats, are special types of arms familiar to me. And safety! Have you ever seen a revolver with a safety built into it?
  12. I suppose my ignorance is that I've never seen a revolver with a safety on it.
  13. The perp. will have both, a car, arms and anything else needed to pull off a job. Someone will sell it to him under the counter or over the fence. Think different? Get real!
  14. Read your last statement and give me a definition? Because while the police and firemen are on the way, I'm face to face with a perp praying, "please don't kill me 'til the police arrive". Sure! "Me Moon", not him. Actually, you're somewhere in the ballpark. Ain't gonna do me much good in the bureau drawer with a cable tied through the firing mechanism.
  15. Evidently, you are not too well trained in the use of fire arms.
  16. i would be totally at the mercy of, hopefully; a good fire department. But then, are you at all familiar with fire arms? I understand. When I say fully loaded, under the firing pin there is no round and you must squeeze the trigger, revolving to the next chamber which should contan a cartridge. With a round in it, it is prepared for discharge.
  17. Somehow, believing you were a "Hick" like me; i would have thought your understanding fire arms would be second nature. Evidently i was wrong.
  18. No! Things that go bump in the night are to be expected. Paranoia was the mind set of this "Gentleman" who killed those 12 people in that theater. To jest in frivolity at those dead makes you either an idiot of the first dimension, or a kid.Take your pick.
  19. Are you by any chance, "a blonde"? Just joking!
  20. If that's all it takes to unhinge your phyche, for heaven sakes; don't even have one in the house. Simply leave it to the discretion of the perp.
  21. Unless children are involved, the best place for your gun at night is under your pillow, with the safety off and fully loaded. Otherwise, you don't have a gun even if you own a thousand. Yes! Guns and their use should be understood, not reviled as murderous weapons.
  22. No! Only that there is enough BS streaming from both sides to make anything believable.
  23. Since you are not keeping your promise of waiting until November, how about addressing the items I brought up. It was just one little nibble and I could hardly keep from helping myself to it. This comes from snopes. http://www.snopes.com/politics/taxes/realestate.asp
  24. Utterly nauseating to watch and/or listen. However, the following link will give you something to think about come January.Remember Bush seniors remark, Read my lips, No new taxes? Sound familiar? Hmmm! http://www.gop.gov/blog/10/04/08/obamacare-flatlines-obamacare-taxes-home
  25. If that's the way you see it, yes.
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