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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. All of the stars in the galaxy were moving away from us at the same time, whether they were in the front or the back. Therefore the whole galaxy appears to be moving away from us. Doesn't matter when the light from individual stars was emitted if they were all moving away.
  2. The only thing springing from nothing is your argument. You can repeat "it had to have a beginning" as often as you like. It doesn't make it true.
  3. No one is claiming we can. Who said it just sprang out of nothing? When they said it did they provide an explanation? If so, then perhaps it is logical, but you just don't accept it. Of course it does. (At the very least my assertion is as valid as yours.)
  4. Confusing for me also, but I suppose he is saying that photons and light are two different things, with light being considered from the viewpoint of a larger thing. Just like a wave of water moves forward but the water molecules move in a circle and end up roughly where they began, we must also make the distinction between what a photon does as opposed to the larger wave. Happy to be corrected if my analogy doesn't work.
  5. What I mean is that if your mind is made up and you are not willing to consider what others have to say, then it is a waste of time talking about it. I do?!?! Holy shit! When did I come to that conclusion? I have to start paying more attention to what I believe. I can't believe that a supreme god is in full control because Thor has not yet defeated Aditi, and until he does, it seems as if control is divided. Well, a singularity is a point at which a function takes on an infinite value, and a god is a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes. What is the difference between a singularity and god to YOU? And when you say "you people", do mean us backpackers, or us handsome young men?
  6. We ARE there to witness the Big Bang. It is happening at this very moment. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that the Big Bang describes how the universe began. It does not. It explains the large scale evolution of the universe over time. While some may offer theories of the 'beginning' of the universe, no scientists claim to 'know' how it began.
  7. So in other words, the answer is 'Yes'. Except of course when the answer is 'No'. Your ability to equivocate is amazing.
  8. So anyone who is physically unable to work, can access available social services and then begin working?
  9. If you don't have the physical circumstances to work, then how is working an option for you?
  10. So when you said "Everyone" has the option to earn and spend money, what you meant was "Not Everyone" has the option to earn and spend money.
  11. What were you expecting for my response?
  12. Can't speak for most people. I like my minivan.
  13. So is the end of humans by internal combustion engine.
  14. There are a million steps between here and there. We've taken one. Calling out the worst case scenario at the end of a million potential outcomes is hyperbole. No, it's higher with internal combustion engines than with genetic modifications. (I can make unsupported claims too.)
  15. Why not? Can you put any numbers to the risk genetic modifications?
  16. Yeah, I'm not going down the same road for 'supernatural' that you led us all down for the word 'predetermined'.
  17. Internal combustion engines also have the potential to wipe out the human race. But the likelihood of either cars or designer babies doing so seems like hyperbole and not a strong reason to stop progress in that realm. Each new step, from drugs to surgeries to test tube babies is met with fear. It is important that we keep the fear of change in reasonable perspective.
  18. su·per·nat·u·ral ˌso͞opərˈnaCH(ə)rəl/ adjective adjective: supernatural 1. (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.
  19. It is about the ethics of genetic modifications.
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