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Everything posted by khaled

  1. now i get it ... out of my study experience in computer science, larger amounts of data = higher possible error %
  2. i don't get it, what have a truck with wheels to do with online gaming .. and data transfer rate between Client & Server
  3. Complex Geometry based on Euclid's Elements !
  4. that's the mathematical definition of "think out of the box" !
  5. it's a simple mathematical induction, if we say ,for example, that all atoms in the universe are K then how many combination are possible ? answer = K! K! > K
  6. Sisyphus, sorry, and i won't write my new thoughts in Replies again ... or maybe im not good enough to be a scientist,
  7. what do you mean by "the truck", you mean the Package that holds data for transfer ?
  8. if numbers would be real, 2.x + 2.x = 5.xx 2 + 2 ≈ 5 or if numbers have powers, 2^x + 2^y = 5 ..ex: 2^0 + 2^2 = 5 or that it is a false degoma, 2 + 2 = 5 (FALSE) ..etc
  9. im not totally mathematician, and it was always complex to me, actually im an Arabic person ... but im a researcher in mathematical logic, and discrete mathematics, sometimes i use Linear Algebra and Probability & Statistics, but i only know the simple principles ...
  10. try to think of the Screen of a Computer with resolution of N x M in pixel .. as a Matrix of size n x m so i was thinking about a way to work on a matrix using iterators, and a recursive factorization function for the diagonal ... if we use a pattern/series/stream iterators, but we want to make a unique representation but what if we use mathematics to solve this problem, and exactly i mean Linear Algebra try to think of the screen as n x m Matrix, then we can have n horizontal iterators + m vertical iterators, and the intersection of different iterators give us the ability to control the pattern, .. also, we can try using diagonal-point recursive factor function example: | a b c | | d e f | | g h i | a 3x3 matrix, so we have 3 vertical iterators + 3 horizontal iterators denoted as: v1 v2 v3 + h1 h2 h3 and we have the diagonal-point recursive factor function is DPF-function(..) a = f(v1,h1) b = f(v2,h1) c = f(v3,h1) d = f(v1,h2) e = f(v2,h2) f = f(v3,h2) g = f(v1,h3) h = f(v2,h3) i = f(v3,h3) void f( int Vx, int Hy) { Current.color = Current.getColor() + Vx() + Hy() ; if( Vx.X() == Hy.Y() ) DPF-Function( Vx.X(), Hy.Y() ); } what do you think ..?
  11. Answer.1. steps: 1. you have to use #include "f1.c" & #include "f2.c" in main.c 2. you compile using a C or C++ compiler which is in Windows dev-cpp or Microsoft Visual C++ express ..etc ,and in Linux gcc or g++ in the terminal 3. execute your program in windows it's a .exe file ,and in Linux it's a.out Answer.2. No, there is no possibility for doing that, because of two things: 1. if files are #included "...", you have to have them with the main.c 2. if you remove lines of #include "...", you will get errors for functions that have no definition, Answer.3. a 32-bit executable is totally different than 64-bit exe, .. you can notice that problem when you try to run a 16-but exe program on windows xp ! and to find its type is possible from right-click => properties in Windows, Answer.4. when you do a normal inclusion using #include "file.c" it's known as the static inclusion where the Linker links the included files simply, weather its functions were called or not, the way you want is known as dynamic inclusion, #include <library.h>, where you have to do three steps: 1. create a library reference file file.lib, placed into /lib file 2. create a dynamically-linked-library file file.dll, placed into /system file 3. write the include library with only declarations, file.h 4. make the Linker know that there are dynamically-linked-libraries needed .. the way to write .lib and .dll files is not easy Answer.5. the assembly code is "another story" because it depends on the Compiler, the Compiler technology, and not only the Architecture of the machine, but also the operating system it's compiled for ... .. but most of personal computers are on the 80/86 architecture, also calling functions requires special jumps after saving state in ASM ----------------------------------- good luck
  12. bandwidth to data in a Network Link is just equivalent to, speed to object in Space
  13. i use Avira Free Anti-virus, and if would pay money, i'd choose Kasper-sky ...
  14. i think you have to realize that there is "untold" step before writing the code, which is writing algorithm
  15. i think you want a cross-platform way, this is possible in one-way, Java Applets ...
  16. i can't tell you in numbers, it depends on many things: 1. your internet connection bandwidth 2. the host connection bandwidth 3. sometime the mechanism of the game
  17. notice that when you stick these two magnets together, each magnet is in the other one's field, it means that each one charges the other one partially, ___________________________ [_____________|_____________] v v v v v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ___________________________ [_____________|_____________]
  18. cosmic rays can be triggers from unknown source in the outer space for many things in nature ,, it led me to think it might be from God,
  19. i think it's better to think of a mathematical system that can have mass effects on the real world,
  20. it's not my first language, im actually an Arabic scientist
  21. maybe you should stop being mean to me everywhere, insane_alien
  22. it will be like "flying mines to heat", lol
  23. it also helps to think "out of the box",
  24. wireless, power towers, infrared laser, .. still there is no idea on how to transmit electricity in air without affecting livings,
  25. I know this is crazy, but what if ... I created an electron gun that charge high amount of electrons, then it discharge them in stream of connected packets of electrons ... electron: O electrical transcriber: |XXXX| ------------------------------------------------------ :::::::=========] [gun] OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO |XXXX| :::::::=========] ------------------------------------------------------ i once read that the American scientist Tesla tried to transmit electricity through air ... any ideas ..?
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