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  1. Could you please contact me directly at jrpeterson9@msn.com? Thank you very much for your response back.

  2. Could you please contact me directly at jrpeterson9@msn.com? Thank you very much for your response back.

  3. ok so i want to know if there is an easier way to figure out how many times you would have to double a number before getting to certain number. (other then going 2x2x2x2x2x2x2 question two lets say we take the number 1080 is there a way to figure out how many times it had been doubled assuming the start point is 1 what if the starting number was 4 any way to figure that out besides the long way and this is not homework, i was just folding a piece of metal on itself over and over (like Damascus steel but i used indium since its soft and doesn't require heat to get the layers to bond but it also doesnt add any strength i just wanted to see how many layers i could get. unfortunately my computer needed a reboot and i forgot to write down the number it was roughly 3.8^43 layers ) so each time i fold it the number of layers doubles, so it got me thinking about interesting not about the number of layers in the indium, the indium was 0.8mm thick so based on those numbers i believe each layer would be thinner then an atom which i know it isnt possible to have layers thinner then the atoms in those layers. it like the thing one of my teachers said about if ia guy was waolking across the road but could only do it in halves (so at first he woud be in the middle of the road second he would be 3/4 of the way across...and so on. but he could never make it across the road. obviously not realistic the teacher made his point) but i did this like 6 months ago so i might have scred up the math on how many indium atoms thick 0.8mm would be. but am positive it was 3.8 to the 43rd
  4. so first off i know this is weird but i would like to have an ampule or vial with my a small amount of my blood in it. past attempt's have failed since the blood coagulates and separates. i do not need "preserve" the blood so to speak since i will never inject it back in. my question: is there a household chemical or easy to get chem that will keep the blood stable (how it looks when it comes out) i know it is dangerous but i did lots of research and talked to a fe healthcare professionals about ho to extract the blood as safely as possible. thankfully i have good veins so even if said chem will ruin the blood all i care about is that it stays the same color please dont ask me why i ant to do this, i just do and am willing to take the risk to do so.
  5. see i asked here http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/60773-thorium-nitrate-displacement-reaction/page__p__633301__fromsearch__1#entry633301 i figured that zinc is reactive and should work if Al and Mg would, and if it wasnt more reactive then the Hg then nothing would happen, just like the silver nitrate- copper metal reaction produces silver and created copper nitrate
  6. what about a chemical method of purification? not sure if its possible and if it is i doubt it better the distilling it. i have no clue if this would work, what im setting up just an example that MIGHT work, i have no clue if it would but its just to give you an idea of what im talking about. ok so dissolve the Hg into an acid to make an hg salt that is water soluble then covert the salt to a chloride or iodide or some other salt that sufff like lead isnt water soluble and i precipitate out leaving me with a more put Hg salt that i reduce back into metallic Hg by some method
  7. their 1 time use shipping container is $490 thats the rental charge for the container to ship the mercury to them
  8. well because someone on here told me it would cant remember who but obviously he was wrong so any ideas as to what the end product i have is?
  9. thank you for your post, its not just a dont do it its dangerous post but you explain why and steps to take its very informative and i WILL heed your advice and do this correctly and prepare for everything to go wrong. im in no hurry so i have plenty of time to create a safe setup for myself and the environment as well as other around so thank you
  10. so in an attemot to get thorium metal out of a thorium nitrate solution. first i dipped a q tip in the thorium nitrate solution and rubbed that on zinc which turned black so i thought it was thorium metal that was forming. the reaction happened pretty fast so i know its not just the water reacting with the zinc. but now i have a cloudy substance and i have no clue what it is. it smells like bleach/chlorine/nitrogen oxides it did consume part of the zinc. any ideas as to what i have created? yea i know i should have asked this question first
  11. all i can find is the first page, do you have a link that shows the entire process?
  12. i do have a Mercury Vapor/Chlorine Gas Respirator and it is not that hard to prevent the vapor from reaching the atmosphere, im not going to just throw it on a stove and see what i can catch! it is possible to distill mercury safely
  13. well im going to do it, i just want to know the best way, i have 16lbs of contaminated mercury that i would like to be purified so unless you have a better idea on how to do this im going to distill it
  14. dont do it with stainless or do you mean dont do it at all?
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