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Everything posted by silkworm

  1. Please read it again. The sunlit side is hotter, the dark side is colder. It makes sense.
  2. Well, thermodynamics says that all mass in the universe is working towards being the same temperature. Whatever temperature that is would be the average for whatever mass you want. And I don't think you can say the Earth is a cold cold planet. It's just right. And thankfully it has so much water and rotates well enough to moderate its temperature. Here is a list of temperature descriptions of other planets in our solar system from http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0769141.html
  3. My guess is that it probably has something to do with the interations between the 4s2 and 6s2 complete sublevels. The energy for the new molecule to sustain itself at that height in a new sublevel would probably be too much for it to be stable. That's probably a horrible answer, and to be honest I have no idea if it's true. I haven't been in anything that has focused on the transition metals or the Lanthanides and Actinides. I'm interested though.
  4. So, what you're saying this is a physical phenomenon and no chemical reactions are taking place?
  5. I know. I was referring to m4rc's post. If you're saying that an object that gains mass by picking up a photon and then loses that mass by emitting it, how do you know that your measurement is from a change in mass and not a change in energy, vibration.
  6. Do jumping jacks on a scale and tell me what happens. Although your mass doesn't change it will appear to because you're jumping on the scale. Hell, I've never spent a day over 150 and I can get the scale over 300 by jumping on it. To a lesser degree, if you stand on a scale and wobble around a bit the needle will jump all over the place. I wonder how we controlled against this phenomenon.
  7. Just a small note. If a photon had mass, whatever was emitting the photon would have to lose mass by doing so.
  8. Looks like silkworm has a new enemy. Just tell me who the CPSC is and I'm on it.
  9. I'm sure this is all based on a misunderstanding of entropy and what amounts to freshman chemistry. Their arguments against radiometric dating are equally charming. I spent Thursday night at a creation science meeting, and I didn't attack. I just asked for clarifications and watched their whole thing disentigrate as my PhD ringer simply asked that scientific definitions be used. The trick is not to attack them point for point. These people are scientifically illiterate and scared, so gentleness and simpleness is the best approach. I tried to point out a few points to that while their argument is that evolution could not have occured because their misinterpretation of entropy can not be violated and that God created man by violating entropy that that invalidates what they understand to be entropy which then can not be used to invalidate evolution as in the original argument, and that you can't argue against radiometric dating and then continue to misapply C-14 to say that the earth is less than 10,000 years old. Then I asked simple questions like if I'm a creation scientist and I have God in my toolkit at which point is it justified to quit and say he did it, and how I could go about proving "mature starlight" scientifically. Again, I didn't attack. Just asked for clarfifications. Oddly this didn't fall on deaf ears as many of the crowd came to the conclusion they don't know anything. I behaved myself, even when a group of people were referred to as "sodomites."
  10. I always enjoyed the one where these rednecks drove out to this field with their dog to light sticks of dynamite and throw them. Big boom, great fun. Anyway, they lit a stick of dynamite and threw it, and the dog thought they were playing fetch so he ran and got the stick like any good dog would. So, the rednecks freak out and throw rocks at the dog and scream at him to try to keep him away or make him drop the dynamite. Well, all that did was scare him and he ran to hide under their truck. I can't remember if anyone other than the dog died.
  11. Wow, I would have posted earlier but I had no idea there was a post here. I looked for a good list of a whole series of functional groups to give you a proper idea of how IUPAC does it, but a pretty girl is using my book and I don't trust my memory well enough to post the order of carboxylic acid derivates all the way down with any real certainty. I can say this though, at the top are carboxylic acids and their derivatives and at the bottom are alkanes. As soon as I run across a list I'll post it here.
  12. 1. ecoli 2. klaynos 3. bascule 4. bascule 5. Ryan J 6. sunspot
  13. Hmmm. I don't know what Brownian motion is, but the way I understood it is that it was driven by the convection engine that is the Earth. OH, I just realized you said outer core. Sorry, I was thinking you mean the mantle. I think the word rotation made me think mantle. Stupid mistake, sorry. As far as I know it hasn't really been well established where the Earth's magnetic field comes from. But we'll go with the idea that there is a super dense iron nugget at the core, if the earth were geologically dead under that model it would because the nugget chilled out and wasn't driving geologic activity.
  14. What do you think drives plate movement? Think about it.
  15. Okay. Then I would say that our current freshwater reserves would become so stagnate they would swarm with all types of bacteria and other critters that it would become undrinkable without serious amounts of treatment. Also, we'd have to desaliniate massive amounts of seawater in order to irrigate to feed our plants, animals, and our selves, and even participating in that only the plants we focused on wouldn't die out eventually. So there would be a massive loss of vegitation. The composition of the atmosphere would change gradually by most assuredly without correction because there would be no rain to grab any of the gasses up there on its way down. Most prevalent would most likely be CO2 because of our dying vegitation and so eventually we'd most likely suffocate, if we haven't already starved. Also, due to one of the conditions were that solar raditiation could no longer cause water vapor, be prepared for extreme temperature changes between night and day because the process of water trapping heat is important for temperature regulation. If the earth became geologically dead there would no longer be a magnetic field, no volcanos to create new land, and all of the very deep ocean animals who living off of the energy supplied by thermal vents would die. If this geologic death implies that somehow all of the rock under the crust solidifies, I can not anticipate the problems that would cause. I'm sure there's a lot calamity I'm missing, but that's all I could think of off of the top of my head.
  16. I think I can answer this but first I must ask, by no weather system do you mean that it could not rain? And if it could not rain, do you mean to imply that solar radiation could not cause water to evaporate?
  17. I think that the quality of posts would reach a whole new level if everyone would make it a point to actually read the post they are responding to. It's frustrating to explain something or make a point and then get a response based on something that I never said. Also, to keep an open mind and not close your mind for just stupid and non-progressive debate also takes things a few notches down. If you make a stance, and you've been shown that you have done something wrong, don't continue backing your position just because you're in a debate. I've always thought that was stupid. It should be about taking the best girl home instead of leaving with the one you brought. Also, the boob density seems to be rising. Whoever is in charge should probably ban everyone who pretends to be two different people in order to support their own arguments. It would also be nice if policy was actually talked about in politics and not just spin. Earth and Planetary Science, especially since we appear to be in a golden age of exploring new worlds, and Anthropology Forums may heat things up a little bit too. I'm just happy to see that there seems to be a lull in threads talking about God and religion. There are better ways to waste your time. I too anticipate the return of Mokele.
  18. I don't think the argument is that these athletes do or do not have specialized skills that are high in demand but low in supply and luckily happen to be in an area that makes a lot of money. I think the argument is their disproportionate amount of income versus their value to society.
  19. You don't mean ester yuo mean ether, and you start the carbon count from based on the hierarchy of functional groups, so the carbon double bonded to oxygen would be carbon 1. Carbon 2 would be the one attached to the OH, but then the chain is interrupted at the methyl group. The ether that is part of this ring seriously disrupts the naming unless there is a special name for this ring that you can simply sub from. This is what darkblade had in post # 9 of this thread: Obviously this ring has a special name designated by the pyran- prefix. So then just naming the additions to the ring work. Note: Esters have the form COOR. Or O=C-OR. The OR and the =O are attached the the same carbon. That is not present in this ring.
  20. I liked the original thought that supporting the troops would mean not endangering their lives unless absolutely necessary and if it were absolutely necessary proceeding in the most competent and effecient manner possible to insure their safety. But this works too. This is a war supported by ignorance and racism that has cost the lives of many innocent people and a strategically idiotic move considering we were already at war and haven't captured who we set out to capture. I can't wait for it to end, but honestly I hope it doesn't end until 2008 to avoid invading yet another country.
  21. I'm saying that if you made a list of professional athletes who have made $1 million in one year, which is a fairly recent phenomenon, versus a list of scientists who have made $1 million in one year then the list of athletes would be much longer than the list of scientists. And it's furthermore guaranteed that most of these scientists did not make this money by virtue of the fact that they were awesome scientists, but because they sold a product that was a result of their research. The original discussion on this thread was concerning the salary of scientists and professors versus professional athletes, "musicians", "actors", and other realitively worthless people in the real world.
  22. silkworm

    Second Coming

    06/06/06 this year for the first time in 100 years, and the first time for the millenia. It will be a pleasure being tortured in Hell for eternity with the rest of you.
  23. May I ask how you noticed this UV light?... ..... Sorry, disregard. I thought you meant you noticed some UV light of unknown origin penetrating this tank. I didn't realize it was from a part of the tank. My apologies.
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