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Everything posted by doG

  1. I think the real question is this, "Did her lawyer really act in the client's best interest?" She should ask another attorney if she has a case for legal malpractice...
  2. Yes it is. If the family hadn't sued then Wal-Mart could have sued to recoup its expenses since their insured was not at fault. The health care plan it provided the family could bear the expense of providing care. That's the way a lot of car insurance works, your insurance pays for your care if you're in an accident and it sues the other insurance company if their insured is at fault and most policies state in the fine print that if you litigate yourself then they get to recoup their expenses from your settlement. BTW, you missed the question about setting a precedent for future discrimination claims from other employees. Assume for a minute that they let this family keep the money but they go after the next employee in the same situation except the next incident turns out to be a black employee or a latino or some other minority. Could that employee then make a questionable case because they are black, hispanic, etc.? Would a jury of their peers rule in their favor because of the previous precedent? How do you think Wal-Mart's attorney feels about these questions? It would be nice if Wal-Mart felt some moral need to help this family out but "expecting" them to do so is an unreasonable expectation. Charity isn't charity when someone blackmails you for it!
  3. Why? Would you feel different if the family had won $5 million or $10 million and honored the contract they signed with Wal-Mart? If they let this family off the hook does it set the stage for future employees to sue for discrimination if they're not treated the same? It's bad news but I don't see an ethical problem here.
  4. Quick, call Ghostbusters....
  5. doG

    Bush's War

    Well, I guess the site got overloaded. It now says "Service Unavailable". It was a compendium of news clips of politicians statements about the certainty of Saddam's possession and intent to acquire WMDs. It contained some statements from Hillary and her husband that I thought I would share since she's a candidate. If it becomes available again I'll fix the link with more of an abstract on it. Seems the link is working again - http://www.bercasio.com/movies/dems-wmd-before-iraq.wmv Many call it Bush's War but this movie shows it was quite a bipartisan effort that began before Bush. It includes statements from Madeline Albright, President Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sandy Berger, Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean, Jay Rockefeller, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, John Edwards, Evan Bayh and Bush himself.
  6. It sounds like you don't have 48 bit LBA support enabled in your version of Windows. Windows only supports drive to 137gb without it. Go to MS support and search 48 bit LBA.
  7. Google "48 bit LBA" and look through the results. Your BIOS will need to support 48 bit Logical Block Addressing and you may have to configure you edition of Windows for it as well. What sizes does your BIOS report that the drives are?
  8. I'd suggest trying melatonin...
  9. IMO the government still overstepped its bounds. The government has no money to give to those bank customers that it didn't take away from someone else that earned it. Why are the people responsible to the members of this bank?
  10. doG

    Animal Testing

    In the event that animal testing ends are you volunteering to be a test human Joey?
  11. doG

    US recession?

    Don't count the eggs too soon. I know at least one of us (me) that got a double notice with the first mailing. Now I wonder if both of my first notices will get doubled the second round for a double double notice. I'm not normally a conspiracy theorist but now I'm beginning to wonder if this was all a scheme to stimulate the postal service since their rate hikes seem to be coming more frequently now....
  12. One more variable for the mix, the oceans are getting deeper and sea levels are predicted to fall over the next millennia...
  13. Is this your way of saying that the Big Bang did not come before our solar system? That there was no before or after anything before man's existence? That there was no sequence of causal events prior to man's existence, that all events were simultaneous? That none of this occurred prior to man and man's creation of an ideological concept to explain and understand this as an intrinsic property of the universe? Time itself is not man made, only his understanding of it. IMO time itself had no beginning. It has always been and always will be. It is independent of the existence of anything else, including man.
  14. Yes but the OP asked about the speed of the stars so I would think you should use a sidereal day for this which is a true 360º rotation relative to the stars...
  15. Well, the North Star is named that because it appears to hang over the north pole with the rest of the sky revolving around it (for northern hemisphere viewers that is). Stars in the equatorial plane appear to move the fastest. What is it that causes this apparent motion?
  16. Imagine how we feel. Its like trying to convince someone that space existed before the Earth did. Are you trying to pull our leg here? Do you really want us to believe that's what you believe?
  17. I'd say its simply the measurement of time that was created by man. Time is simply the property of when an event occurs relative to other events. If any two events do not occur simultaneously then there is an amount of time between them. Man, or his means of measure, do not need to exist in order for time to exist between events.
  18. That's hard to say. There are members and non-members of the Geneva Conventions. Do non-signatories have the same rights as member states? While some terrorists are also citizens of member states there are some that have been stripped of their citizenship. If, as an individual, they are not a citizen of a member state, do they and should they have the same rights as signatories to the Conventions? If so, should groups like Al-Qaeda and Hamas be expected to also grant their prisoners the same rights as provided for in the Conventions? The Geneva Conventions are treaties aren't they, with an expectation that all parties will grant each other's citizens the same rights as they expect for their own?
  19. Who exactly would they declare war on? That's been the whole problem with the war on terror. There's no country or other entity to declare war against but the very act of declaring war changes how some of the laws are applied because certain things are allowed during wartime that wouldn't be otherwise. IMO, there's a precedent setting legal case in there somewhere.
  20. On my machine its named "Symbol"....
  21. Time flowed long before man.....
  22. You can use any fat though. I used to use butter for gumbo roux and switched to canola oil several years ago. It's still fat but not as bad a fat as butter. As iNow mentioned, okra works well in gumbo as an additional thickener.
  23. When making a roux mix the fat and the flour in equal portions. If you simmer this until the flavor of raw flour is gone and it is a smooth consistency it will not clump up when you add water. As an added note, the less you cook the roux the more thickening power it has but it will add less flavor to the meal. As it darkens the flavor will strengthen but it will lose thickening power. Very dark roux, like that used for gumbo, will hardly have any thickening power at all.
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