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Everything posted by clarisse

  1. I was wondering whether anybody here has experience in trying to make hardcoded parameters flexible. I'll explain a little bit of the situation to be more specific: Say I have a program that I have to run in handheld devices. When I have this program compiled, it propagates from the server to the devices. However I need to be able to update some parameters that are currently hardcoded into the code from the server as opposed to having to go to the code, change the values, recompile and have to propagate them again to the devices. Any suggestions? As you can tell, I am a complete novice so I would really appreciate some help and suggestions
  2. So the time to declare my major has finally come... and even though I can still change it later on I would like some advice possibly from people in the fields I am considering. So when I entered college (this year, I am a freshman) I thought I would major in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, leaning much more towards the Computer Science area. However, the requirements for the major are quite strongly Electrical Engineering oriented and I am unsure whether this would make me unhappy later with my choice of major. I therefore have another option that I had never considered before which is Mathematics with Computer Science. I would have to take many more math classes than I ever thought I would but I can choose to take the computer classes that interest me the most (all more theoretical than applied I suppose, like logic and algorithms.) While there are many things that I am taking into consideration I have been thinking about the job and career opportunities I would have after graduation. I suppose that here we have mathematicians, computer scientists, electrical engineers and a combination of these and I was wondering whether any of you (or anyone else who would like to), could give me any ideas, advice and possibly tell me about your experience in your field and how you made your decision.
  3. Laws of Nature, Source Unknown It's a nice article that appeared in the NY times. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/18/science/18law.html?_r=1&oref=slogin
  4. I didn't read it through but I think that if you're not getting the correct answer it's because you're getting the integral of [math]e^(2x)[/math] incorrectly. Remember the chain rule, so if you differentiate what you got for by integrating [math]\frac{dv}{dx} [/math], [math]v = e^(2x))[/math] you would get [math]2e^(2x)[/math] so to cancel out that extra two just divide it by two so your [math]v[/math] should equal [math]\frac{e^2x}{2} [/math]
  5. While your U-substitution is fine (and so is your resulting integral) I don't see it getting you very far. If I were you I would do integration by parts. If you have any problems you can ask but it is fairly simple if you remember to be consistent in your choice of u and dv/dx. The dx, simply refers to "change in" x I think, as you know that a derivative is a rate of change so dy/dx simply means the change in y over the change in x. And I think that the reason the sine function graphed in 3d appears as a plane, is because x is a plane itself because y= sinx would be true for all points in the z-plane. (I don't know if I worded that clearly enough).
  6. Ecoli hi! I know... it's been so long, but hopefully I'll be able to contribute to the forums more now that school is almost over. While tuition is an issue they accepted me even though I applied for financial aid (well one was need blind.) Nevertheless I was planning on asking my government for help and if that doesn't work out, I got a list of entrepreneurs who could potentially be interested in sponsoring me and my dad is selling property so I'm hoping the financial part will work out. I know you must have been choosing just a few years ago. How did you choose?
  7. I really do like engineering, it's more of a thing between the match between me and the school Klaynos, and I can always do a minor on something else that I like. Thanks Phi, I had already thought of doing that but mainly to see if I could get a sponsor for college, although that may be quite hard I do not know. However, I'm still not sure that will help me to choose where to go because both of the two cities I'm in between (Boston and New York) I've heard offer great job opportunities and regarding internships, both of the universities also have great options. I did like New York more than Boston though, but ... I'm trying not to choose based only on how impressive I found the city.
  8. Thank you for moving it, I do hope I'll get better replies (like Phi's) because time is really running out for the decision and I think I'm more confused than ever. While family for me is important I already made my decision to leave the country seeing that I only applied to colleges in the US (and therefore have to make my decision to May 1st.) I could in the end well stay here but I think that I am ready to leave, and it is something I have been thinking of doing for many years already. Partly why I'm so confused is that I am not 100% sure what I want to major in but since I'm really interested in artificial intelligence I think I might want to study either electrical engineering and computer science or mechanical engineering to enter the world of roboritcs and perhaps do a minor or concentration in psychology or cognitive science. Then again, I would just love to study maths or literature and lingüistics but I think that I would have better job opportunities in the other fields. Hopefully I will not have to work while attending classes because most of the colleges where I applied where need-blind and the other have agreed to give me some financial aid. And finally, while academic rigour is indeed very very important for me, I think that all the colleges I got into will give me all the academic rigour I need, and perhaps more he he, but I'm really willing to try, the thing is that I went to visit my first choice while I was on spring break, and I didn't feel very comfortable with the people, (obsessed with alcohol, more immature that I had exected, excessively competitive about grades, etc) but I've been told it is going to be the same everywhere, and that wherever I go I will find all types of people and only have to find my own group. So, I think that the long speech colleges give you about finding the "right match" for you and following your "gut feeling" is true, so I want to know how some of you decided which one was the "right match." Thanks for the help!
  9. Ok so I haven't posted in a very long time but I figured some of you could offer me some help or advise. So I have to decide where to go to college and I assume many of you went through the period of total confusion I am going through. So can anyone tell me what helped you decide? And how do you feel about your decision? Any regrets? Did you have a hard time adjusting? Thanks!
  10. I was wondering if there is an easy way to check if RAF exist like with sequential files with the .exists() method. I checked in the Java Sun website and apparently there isn't so the only thing that occured to me was to get the file pointer (getFilePointer()) and if it is null then the file doesn't exist. Any suggestions?
  11. I thought it was nice, even though if he started multiplying figures with numbers like 6 or 8 it would be pretty tedious Math Lesson: A new way to multiply
  12. someone? help? please? Ok, I think I know why the resulting substance wouldn't display optical activity: because it would be a recemic mixture... which means that the two enantiomers are being produced in approximately equal proportions. I however don't see how this helps explain the mechanism of the reaction.
  13. I am really lost with this question... could anyone please point me in the right direction? 2-chloropropanoic acid and 2-hydroxypropanoic acid can both show optical activity. Identify the feature whcih both molecules possess that accounts for this property. When 2-hydroxypropanoic acid is formed from 2-chloropropanoic acid, the product shows no optical avtivity. Deduce the type of nucleophilic substitution that takes place and explain your answer. The first part is ok. I however can't figure out the following part. Working kind of backwards I would think that perhaps it is an Sn2 mechanism because the formation of the carbocation is not favoured because of the C=O bond of the carboxyl group and the H on the other side so the carbocation wouldn't be stabilized? I however can't see how the product isn't optically active. Help please?
  14. This one's better... http://eepybird.com/dcm1.html
  15. 1) So that the soldiers would lick the wound? 2)Because jam had a very high concentration of sugar so when a microbe stands on it water molecules move to the jam because of osmosis?
  16. Thanks for the help everyone. I had the test today and I only one question had to do with hybridization.
  17. This is a question from a multiple choice exam but I am not sure if I got the answer right: which species is/are sp2 hybridized? I. C2H4 II. C2H6 III. C3H6 a. I only b. I and II only c. I and III only d. II and III only Well II I obviosly know it isn't because it must be sp3 hybridized. Oh I think I see now, because the other ones formm double bonds they must be sp2 hybridized? Am I right?
  18. I don't think you'll be cloning a frog anyday soon... But you can always try to extract DNA from a banana
  19. Sing, dance, Stumble! eat, learn. You can always try to burn your bed, but that's no fun. Especially the part when you're trying to stop the fire. (I would know because my brother thought it was fun to set my bed on fire... long time ago of course) Well, if you want to have fun with science I think it's always way more fun if you plan your experiment not if you just follow someone else's instructions. You could try to do a bonfire with different types of paper and depending on the metals they have you'll see the flame turn different colours. I did that one day when my brother and I were desperate because we had had no light for two nights on a row... and so we started getting many weird chemicals and burning things.. it was great fun but you have to be careful with fires and flammable chemicals... And really, you don't necessarily have to be destructive to have fun.
  20. With you cell phone. (Using the number keys) i.e. 9= W, 33 = E, 555 = L, and so on. So it says "Welcome to the... bla bla bla"
  21. Well, they are not in order and it doesn't really help with the symbols but still it might help a little. http://www.privatehand.com/flash/elements.html
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