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The Peon

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Posts posted by The Peon

  1. Its good to see some people are taking this poll for what it is... entertainment and not getting all uppity with a broom stick lodged in the glutes.


    Not everything here has to have 100% serious scientific undertones to it. Jeez. :rolleyes:


    And YT, your wife is a hotty! :eek::D;)

  2. since when were models good in bed? since when were nerds not?


    you'd be surprised by the sex drive many nerds have and how frigid many models are. looks certainly do not correlate with bedroom skill.


    Goddamn it... read the post before commenting....


    Of course im generalizing' date=' cause a model could be a nerd, etc. Guess this is an "im bored" poll type thing [/quote']
  3. OK so the question is pretty straightforward. You could be married forever to a model type person, which would give you explosive sex and perhaps good looking kids, or a nerd mate and although the sex might not be superb, you would be able to have tremendously satisfying intellectual conversations. Of course im generalizing, cause a model could be a nerd, etc. Guess this is an "im bored" poll type thing :)


    I am personally tired of good looking boring people. I have only met one girl who was stunningly intelligent and beautiful in equal measures, and she was taken sadly... :( I personally would now choose a nerd, knowing what I know. And I consider myself a nerd too btw. ;) Thanks for participating.

  4. do these people still believe this after we sent a rover to mars?



    That wasnt mars. It was a nasa studio sending back pictures of a red landscape (most likely painted or digitally mastered) witha bunch of rocks from outside. :rolleyes:


    Oh btw, even though my great aunt was in a concentration camp, the holocaust didnt happen either. :rolleyes:


    Speaking of which, that myth really pisses me off... I saw a pic of this mideast lady all covered up with a sign saying "Get ready for the real holocaust." I wanted to reach into my monitor and strangle her throat until she was nothing more than a cold motionless carcass... So the myth is "The holocaust never happened, even though people who survived it are still alive." :mad:

  5. I remember reading a looong time ago that the coldest temperature anything could have was absolute zero, which is like 400 degrees below 0 C. Now if that is true, and temperatures in the sun and other parts of the galaxy can reach temperatures of 10s of thousands above 0 C, would that not mean our planet is relatively cold in the universe? Perhaps im missing something here, but it does seem odd (in a cool way) if true.

  6. I would think homosexual desires would be more from an "imbalance" of hormones in ones biochemical makeup rather than a specific gene. Lets face it, chemicals force us to feel certain things regardless if we want to or not. Take testosterone for instance... Thats just my 2 cents and makes more sense to me than a gay gene.

  7. I voted in this poll...

    I said spin because astronauts in training spin around very fast on some sort of thing (sorry' date=' that's all I know about it). The spinning increases the G's to match those of taking off in a space shuttle. So maybe we shouldn't be laughing at all.




    LMAO!!! Dont worry I still love ya bro :D

  8. I'm afraid to eat out now. I don't eat out that much though so it won't be too bad.


    Meh its not that bad, if they have fountain soda just ask for no ice, and if they have bottled drinks even better. Some restaurants allow you to bring your own wine so maybe a glass with dinner would suit you well, besides, wine once a day is good for your heart.

  9. I cant help it... I love this topic so here is more info I dug up recently. It might all seem redundant but perhaps someone in the future who comes to these forums might be as interested in this topic as I am. This is, perhaps, one of the topics I am most fascinated in.





    Not sure the validity of this one and I have not read the whole page yet, but it seems to be a good source of speculation and information. It also talks about how certain mental and genetic disorders might have came about...



  10. OK so question... I hear that they say gravity is a weak force in nature, but what if we think its weak because the matter on our planet is so undense? Like, maybe on a pulsar, since the mass is so great in such a small area, that gravity shows its true power? Am I missing something here? I guess my question is why is gravity a weak force based on what we observe as its effect on our planet? :confused: Is it due to its effect on a particle to particle basis?


    (oh and LMAO at the guys who voted in this poll :) )

  11. While I find that hard to believe I can see what you are saying. What's your source for the ice/fecal matter? (I sure hope it's not true)





    BTW, I also saw on CNN TV a few nights after I read this story, they sent reporters/scientists to restaurants in Chicago, NYC, Miami and LA and in all citys the restaurants they tested proved to have the same results... unsanitary. BTW when I said fecal matter I should have worded it as E.Coli bacteria. My bad.

  12. BTW, its been found that ice in restaurants contain more fecal matter than toilet water in the same restaurants. So just because a dogs mouth is "cleaner" doesnt mean you need to french kiss it. :P

  13. This got me to thinking... I remember reading once about super string, how they say its actually possible to "create" a new universe in your basement by appying M-theory, which would be totally harmless to our universe as it would occupy its own space and time. Well, what if God was some scientist in another universe and he created our universe, then grew old and died. LOL Well, I guess the title would be true than ;) Of course I dont believe any of that nonsense im just speaking in worthless speculation. :D Not to mention who knows what laws of physics exist in other "universes."

  14. The biochemical information can be looked up in the UK online guide to clinical biochemistry: labtestsonline. If you look up creatine kinase and select "the test" it says "People who have greater muscle mass have higher CK levels (for example a young fit male will have more muscle mass and hence a higher CK level than an elderly female)' date=' and Afro-Caribbeans may have higher CK levels than other ethnic groups."[/i']. Also for creatine: "creatinine levels are in proportion to muscle mass"; it is higher in black people, but they don't mention ethnic groups because the influence is small and doesn't have to be taken into account. Sorry they're not 'proper' references.


    But obviously these are quite specific and unimportant differences and are just based on population averages. I just think sometimes it's a bit naive to say "we're all the same, there's no such thing as race", when racial differences are staring you in the face. The important thing is that whatever differences there are are pretty inconsequential.


    I can see your point and I agree to an extent. I wont debate this further here since this is a bit off topic. I think you were blowing my original comment way out of proportion. I still stand that they are mostly myths and stupid myths at that.

  15. whats the big deal with abortion? if a woman doesnt want her kid, why stop her flushing it? millions of kids die every year from disease and starvation, why is abortion worse? and isnt it better to kill an infant rather than have a brat nobody wants? its not as if we have a shortage of people.


    Yes because we are sure that he/she will be a brat, and not the next Einstein. OH noes! Killz it!! Killllzzzz it!!!111 :rolleyes:

  16. LOL ok I know its a funny title, but my brother who was pretty atheistic was arguing with me yesterday about the possibility of a god. After going back and forth for a bit, he said "What if god used all his energy etc to bring forth the universe and then expired because of it?" I then went into the whole M-theory super string multi universe talk but it still struck me as something I never thought of. Im sure some of you thought of it before but it seemed pretty freaky to me to imagine.

  17. They're not ALL myths. For example Afro-Caribbean people on average [/i']are more muscular. This observation is backed up by higher blood levels of creatine kinase and creatinine, which correlate with muscle mass. I've always wondered why there are so few black swimmers though, compared to other sports. I know there are a lot of silly racial myths, but they should be ignored because they are false, not just because they attribute traits to races.



    Where did you get your information. I would love to read it.

  18. Any racial myths really tick me off...


    IE: Blacks have large members, jews have small members, asians are naturally superior intellects, etc etc etc ad infinitum.


    I dont want to hear this garbage again until I see solid statistics proving otherwise (and dont say asians are smarter cause they score higher on "IQ" tests in some surveys. For one, IQ is NOT a measure of intelligence, and for two, they have a superior education system *at least in china and japan from what ive read* than the west).

  19. Hey Peon, I see you are in to anthropology so mabey you can answer me this: Have any studies been done as far as the mating practices of early, clan society humans? Did they mate for life or generally F the circle? What about abortions among early humans? Anyone?


    Good question. From what I remember reading, humans have been a pair-bonding species for a looooong time. Im talking back to our early trasistion to eating meat and becomming bipedal. You see, as the males began to leave to hunt, gradually to ensure the sick or less able males didnt mate with the females and thus take the chance for the stronger males to pass on there genes, pair-bonding became more and more important to hominids. A male could feel safer leaving his mate knowing they had a bond, and a female could feel secure in the fact that others around would respect that bond.


    In primate societys like Baboons and Chimps, the pack is usually always around eachother wandering and looking for food. Thus the strongest male could always keep track of his mates and stop weaker or sickly males from mating with them. As mentioned, as hominids took to hunting, this was more troublesome, and thus the pair-bond emerged.


    I can assure you that pair-bonding was more geared towards the ladies biology. For instance, a male produces enough sperm to populate NYC in ONE day, while a female only produces one egg a month. Thus, a male could sex everything in sight without quelm (much as he tries to today) while a female needed to be selective about her mates to ensure strong offspring (much as she does today).

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