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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. You can try boiling down some purple cabbage leaves, then after a couple minutes the purple water from the boiled cabbage will turn something acidic; red, while something basic; blue.
  2. Sorry if my post in your thread how to make acid cheap and easy seemed to be a bit harsh. I had a bad experience with doing experiments, when I was about 10 years old I wanted to make my mom a "super bathroom cleaner" for her birthday :rolleyes:, so I experimented with some strong bathroom cleaners to see what was best. I ended up makeing lots of chlorine gas and I had nose bleeds on and off for about a week. It was nasty, so I do not wish that on anyone, so if you have any ideas post them here first.:D

  3. You can take some purple cabbage, boil it in a pan with water, take the purple water out and you can use it to test whether something is a base or an acid, when it is an acid the purple cabbage water will turn bright red (depending on how acidic it is ) and a base will turn blue. It is fun when you do the classic vinager and baking soda experiment.
  4. Thanks,
  5. Is the sulfuric acid in an ester reaction a necissary component of the reaction? Or can it be done without the sulfuric acid? That will help a lot thanks,
  6. As I have been studying some chemistry, I came across how they make esters. It is a carboxilic acid + an alcohol, they say that they use sulfuric acid as a catalyst, now my question is, do you need a catalyst for some chemical reactions to work or does it just speed up the process? How can you tell which types of chemicals work as a catalyst in a chemical reaction? Thanks,
  7. Caleb

    Unknown Chemical

    The second chemical is not rust, when you press down on it, it acts like mud, it clumps together then falls back into a power when you release the pressure.
  8. Caleb

    Unknown Chemical

    I was looking through some old stuff and found my dads old chemistry set, there are a couple chemicals that I do know what they are, my dad was sort of mischievous as a boy:rolleyes:, so I don't want to mess around with any of these until I know what they are. I did a coulple simple experiments with them. So, I was wondering if someone could help me, The first chemical I think is a metal, because it is magnetic, solid at room temperature, conducts heat, and it possess a metallic luster, but I am at a standstill at what type of metal it is. The second chemical I have no clue because, it possess a pink-red color, and it is like powdered clay.
  9. Where you using disstilled water, and where there any bubbles? If you were not using disstilled water it could be the other minerals in the water. If you were using disstilled water it could be, like Dr. Syntax stated, the chemicals composing of the container. Now, my wild theory is, if there where not any bubbles it might be the hydrogen and oxygen from the electrolysis of the water reacting with something else in there, but, I am not an expert and I am not completly sure.
  10. Even with water experiments could be dangerous, what kind of experiments do you plan on doing with some of these acids? Depending on what you do with them, the experiments you could do could be fun or extreamly dangerous. Trust me, after a mistake I made with "experiments" do not play around with chemicals unless you know what you are doing. Study up on it, take precautions, tell an expert what you think, then try it.
  11. I guess I need to check when it is posted next time.
  12. Try using distilled water, see what happens.
  13. Hello, I am 14 years old and I am starting college science soon. My favorite hobbies are flying aircraft and doing martial arts. In college, I really like chemisitry although I occasionally do a lot of physics, meteoroligy, astronomy, and college math. I am not very good at history, english, wrighting, or spelling, but I try to do my best. So, I think this forum might help me with my week points and my favorite subject, the sciences.
  14. I have been thinking, if you could possibly take a three dimetional object and put it into the second dimetion. Theoretically, that limited three dimentional object would spread out into infinity in the second dimetion. Then, if you take that infinite two dimetional object and put it into the first dimention, yet again it should be infinite. Now if you take that infinite first dimetional object and put it into the next dimention below, the zero'th dimetion, which technically does not exist? Am I very confused or have I just lost my marbles?
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