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Everything posted by Caleb

  1. As far as I see it, I cannot find any reason why humans could have caused significant global warming. According to the data from the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii, there has been a steady increase of carbon dioxide levels in the air since about 1920. Then according to the data from 1979 to the present taken by NASA satellites, there is not a corresponding increase in the temperature of the earth. Instead, the average global temperature increased in a very shaky pattern by about 0.5 degrees Celsius. After that, however, the temperature change varies up and down quite a bit, but continues to hover around zero. Could someone please help me to figure this out.
  2. I acually prefer the modern planes when you dogfight. But when it does come to shooting from 100 miles away, thats when I prefer the older aircraft when they acually did something.
  3. I am just wondering if anyone is interested in flight simulators.
  4. This thread has been posted in the homework section too. So, is this a homework question or something that needs a complete answer?
  5. Caleb

    What is it?

  6. Caleb

    What is it?

    I am used in chlorine and sodium hydroxide manufacture, fungicides ect. I am toxic and teratogenic, although an emperor from ancient China took intravenous amounts of me as he thought I was the elixer of life because of my beauty. What am I?
  7. That was thermite, the equation for it is Fe2O3 (s) + 2 Al (s) = Al2O3 (s) + 2 Fe (s) It is a very hot and dangerous experiment, it gets hot enough to melt the iron it produces.
  8. On the north pole of saturn, there is a group of clouds that are the shape of a perfect hexagon. http://www.hemmy.net/2008/08/03/mysterious-hexagon-on-saturn/
  9. I was just wondering how some of you got interested in the sciences. To start out with, when I was about six years old my mom and I made little water molecules useing toothpicks and marshmallows. I thought that was so fun, I started to read my dads chemistry books.
  10. Okay, I didn't know. Thanks,
  11. I do not understand what you mean? Could you please explain. Thank You,
  12. Potassium Acetate is an acidic salt, according to General Chemistry, by professers Whitten and Gaily the definition of salts are compounds that contain the cation of a base and the anion of an acid. Potassium is the cation of potassium hydroxide (KOH) and acetate is the anion of acetic acid (CH3COOH). Now, an acidic salt is KOH is a strong base and acetic acid is a weak acid. So, when you combine KOH with HC2H3O2, the compound you will get (potassium acetate) is slightly basic, then a pH test should work with potassium acetate in an aqueous solution.
  13. Caleb


  14. Caleb

    Bond Angles

    Thanks for the advice! I guess creating some real chemicals is farther down the road for me, I will just have to slowly work my way up as the chemicals I invent become more and more real.
  15. Caleb

    Bond Angles

    I have been wondering how to calculate the angle of a bond in a chemical compound. I have found an old thread by Chemsiddiqui on the subject but no one replyed to it. As I have been learning more about covalent and ionic bonds in chemicals, I have been doodling some of my own on paper, now I am up to the bond angles and I want to create chemicals (on paper of course) that could actually exist. Thanks,
  16. Caleb


    Is there a way to change the details on the poll?
  17. Caleb


    Just seeing if I can get a poll up.
  18. I found this a couple days ago, so I tried it today. It actually works, I am just wondering how?
  19. After doing some reasearch, I have been wondering if making this ester at home would be okay, but I would like a second opinion (or more ) before I try it. I am thinking (if it is safe) to try ispropyl alcohol and acetic acid, to make isopropyl acetate and water: C3H7OH + HC2H3O2 = H2O + C5H10O2. Thanks,
  20. It is a lot colder than usual here in the mid-west, it snowed on October the 5th. To be exact, the METAR for my local airport is: KMLE 291510Z 14006KT 5SM +DZ OVC008 12/10 A2966 Which means, on the 29th of October at 15:10Z, winds where at 6Kts and at 140 degrees, visibility at 5 statue miles, moderate dizzle, overcast at 800ft, temperature is 12 degrees celsius, dewpoint at 10 degrees celsius,and baromic pressure is 29.66in.
  21. Caleb

    sulfuric acid

    Since my bad experience with chlorine gas, it just makes me nervous when somebody else wants to try it. As the old adage states; first impressions are lasting impressions.
  22. Caleb

    sulfuric acid

    I do not recommend trying this without an experts approval, when I was about 10 years old I tried an experiment that created just a little bit of chlorine gas, my nose bled on and off for about a week because of the gas. Granted, a little bit will not kill you or give you permanent disabilities, but if you do it for to long or breath to much it, will give quite a tough time.
  23. Thanks for correcting me,
  24. Try this link,
  25. To start out with, as nuclear fusion starts occuring, hydrogen is transformed into helium through different processes like the proton-proton reaction pathway as shown: H + H => D + neutrino + positron + .42MeV D + H => He2 + γ + 5.49MeV He2 + He2 => He2 + 2H + 12.86MeV This starts occuring at 4000000K, as gravity pulls in all of the starting materials and reaches this temperature, hydrogen starts fusing together creating deutrium (isotope of hydrogen), positrons and neutrinos plus some energy. Then, the deutrium starts fusing with some more hydrogen creating some helium 3 and gamma rays as Klaynos had said. Which evetually reaches the edge of the sun, making it shine. I hope that helps a bit.
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