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About Inferno

  • Birthday 04/21/1990

Profile Information

  • Location
    A secret missile silo in the Atlantic
  • Interests
    Astronomy, Biking
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    Sophomore, amateur astronomer, aspiring astrophysicist
  • Occupation


  • Quark

Inferno's Achievements


Quark (2/13)



  1. I stand corrected. I believe I am correct about the infinite amount of energy being needed to push something to the speed of light, though. Someone tell me if Im wrong.
  2. From what I understand, its a physical barrier. As you get closer to light-speed, your mass becomes less and your density becomes greater. Basically, you get really small and really heavy. At the barrier of light-speed, you are supposed to have no mass and infinite density. Theres one problem with that- how to accelerate someting infinitely heavy. The object being accelerated would get heavier and heavier, but it would need to be accelerated faster and faster. Thus, an infinite amount of energy would be needed to push something to light-speed. Impossible.
  3. I doubt you could also round up all the dust that is out there, even up to a single AU. A particle of dust going 16,000 miles an hour can do a lot of damage.
  4. unless the sphere had an opening, it would also restrict space travel to inside the sphere. well, i guess it depends on whether you had a dyson shell or a swarm. which are you talking about?
  5. Ashley, your phobia is not illogical. I'll try to support you more from now on.
  6. "The strongest man is he who stands alone." -Thomas H. Huxley, English Biologist, 1825-1875 (and my signature, too \/)
  7. What about Nitrogen? Would there be any nitrogen in the air, if nothing was here?
  8. Another reason is that your eyes do not continuously scroll across a sentence. they move in jerky movements, and your brain gets a chunk of info at a time. thats why you can understand what people write by only seeing the first and last letter.
  9. And also, what is outside the 'barrier' of space? since outside of the barrier takes up space, it cant be nothing.
  10. Question: If we did that to our sun, wouldnt Earth die out since it wouldnt be getting any sunlight? so whats the purpose of doing it, unless it is to another star?
  11. An old muscle memory trick I learned in gym- walk to the middle of a doorway, and press your arms against the frame. (the outside of your wrists should be pressing against the frame) Press as hard as you can for 90 seconds, walk out, and your arms will 'magcally' float up. its old, but kinda fun.
  12. I dunno if this matters, but in Georgia, the legal limit for hot tub tempartures is 106 F. Of course, its not like a guy goes around to every hot tub with a thermometer, but its gotten to where they wont sell them unless the highest possible temp for the water is below 106.
  13. I'd think there would be tons of CO2 in the air, snce there wouldnt be any plants to turn it into oxygen... if Im wrong, tell me. I havent taken chem class since the 7th grade- but im starting again this year.
  14. http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2005/24jun_electrostatics.htm?list757502 Interesting concept... does anyone think it will work?
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