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Everything posted by aman

  1. Machines ruling humanity is Sci-fi since we are not stupid enough to ever let it happen. They will be usefull tools and we just have to be cautious like with power tools or appliances cus they still can be dangerous. Just aman
  2. Do you know of any studies between EM fields and behavior. There are studies of brain waves and brain activity and areas of the brain associated with control or inhibition of behavior. I am just try to understand your suggesting of an EM/behavior connection. Just aman
  3. North Korea might start putting some nukes on the market. Saddam still has plenty of money and he just needs a little time. The real market will be for the enriched uranium. Saddam already has the trigger explosives although he said he used his stockpile to make concrete after the inspectors were kicked out. A crude nuclear bomb would be easy even if he was surounded by idiots. Can't give him much more time. Just aman
  4. Then with that analogy the new pictures from the edge of our observable universe would actually by bent around from behind so they seem to come from somewhere they really aren't. It sure seems like we can look 14 billion years away in just about every direction. Just aman
  5. That would be 1 degree on average. I wonder if some of the molecules on collision lose all their energy and collapse out of existance? A good percentage must be near or at 0. Do you think the cloud is losing mass this way? Just aman
  6. I'd like to hear more about this frozen head example. Do you mean froze or just very low temperature? Just aman
  7. People live under power lines in high EM fields and get headaches and wind up sick. That is real. Some people wear tin foil hats. I think they were crazy before the EM got them. I don't know if there is any research on actual meanings to the subtle EM fields generated by the brain. Just aman
  8. It is simplest to look at a gas on the atomic or molecular level. When you visualize the atoms and consider temperature then diffusion makes sense. The energy of temperature keeps the atoms in motion and they will wind up spreading out until they collide with something. Just aman
  9. Was there ever an independant report done on how many of the caualties in bombing Iraq came from all those missiles and shells the Iraquis put in the air? That was a lot of explosives they put up to rain down wherever. I wonder if the UN would say it was ok if Saddam fired all his missiles and destroyed them over Israel. He'd be complying kinda.:flame: :flame:
  10. Maybe the Neandertals were white and after a little inter-breeding the white genes just filled up Europe. Just aman
  11. I thought it was 140km since that generally would make any missile fired from Bagdad land generally on the Irqui border. I think he should haul em all out to the desert, something like 150 missiles and 350 extra engines, and let us destroy them. If he takes his time like 1 every day, we will be waiting till hell freezes. Just aman
  12. The brain does seem to operate as multitudes of binary signals. The complicated processing though results in what we call a consciousness and that's multiple inputs before an output. It seems a lot more complicated in the brain then on a circuit board. Someday maybe we can make an actual schematic of a brain. Just aman
  13. I had a 2 1/2 ton 6 x 6 truck with equipment for a filming expedition. A general was moving troops in the back of old pick ups. He wanted my stuff, I got tossed in prison. They tried to make me sign a blank confession they would fill out later. I refused, was tortured and stayed in prison. Just aman
  14. Thanks guys, I learned something and found this too. For an extra resource since your into chemistry, put this in your files if you need it. organic formulas just aman
  15. If your European then the French is easy since you can also visit and learn it by use. If your US then Spanish is probably the most useful as far as future potential and also local use. French taught by cute women is easy but by old men sucks. Spanish is just fun. The other courses are pretty basic but stick with the physics in case you change your mind about your major. I thought it was pretty much required anyway to enter college. Just aman
  16. Saddam has about 140 missiles he'd sorely love to use against the forces around him. His nuts are in a vice and he better make up his mind to destroy them and if he does that he might as well throw in the towel. I think Powell has asked him politely enough but to humor the people who say we only want war. OK ask him ONE MORE TIME. Then try to surgicaly fight a new kind of war killing only the bad guys to the best of our militarys abilities. Just aman
  17. What I'm suggesting is that if matter was not this wonderful accident of nature, then entropy would have happened very quickly and the universe would have been a dud, but energy somehow got locked up in organized stable structures and were not sure exactly why yet. Waxing philosophic. Just aman
  18. Maybe I should have said flat two dimensional and relative to an outside observer. Now at C you should be flat and at C+ you should start to re-expand but ass backwards. Maybe? Just aman
  19. Matter is a good way to store a lot of energy in a small stable configuration. It's why the universe has lasted so long. Without it the big bang would have dissapated into a homogenous cloud of plasma and there would be 14 billion light years of sparks. Maybe? Just aman
  20. It is sad how France is going to stand there all together by itself while we and all these other countries are going to have to go it alone. Blix gave Saddam till March to show his intentions. I thought he was making a report at the end of Feb? I think Saddam killed the real Blix last visit and this new guy is an Iraqui flunkie, or maybe he's drugged, or possibly he just really is an idiot. Just aman
  21. aman


    But what a really great illusion. By our stratum I imagine you mean the realm of from 14 billion measurable years down to the microcosomic measurement of observable quantum phenomena. For analogy, using radiation frequencies we can measure from microwaves, radio, infra-red, visual, ultra violet, x-ray, gamma ray and place them to scale on a line stretching from Earth to the Sun. The visual spectrum would be the diameter of a molecule. Our stratum of experience is only a small slice of millions of miles of activity but it's real to us and not really an illusion. It's just a very very complicated reality. Just aman
  22. I wish you could have grown up with MR. Wizard on black and white TV in the 50's. That was fun. My advice would be read the past forums here and print out a lot of Fafalones and blikes resources or save them and read em later. We've touched on quite a bit in the past and there's been some patient help to some of us who aren't as fast as the others here. Good luck. Just aman
  23. Since we live in a sensory existence sort of like a holographic existance bounded by the microcosom there is no reason the microcosom can't be fluid until it is measured or experienced. It seems to behave as though it is fluid and on hold until it is effected. The light interference experiments seem to verify this. Our conscious effect on the microcosom is only to take the determinism out of the universe but that's just my opinion. Just aman
  24. If I imagine that the center of a black hole can gobble up even light trying to escape with immense gravitational forces at work, and I see the Einstein visual aid of a heavy ball on a stretched sheet as to the black holes effect on space, I find it needs more for the new kids growing up. I'm an old kid growing up so me included. Start with a two dimensional model of a black hole, a dot at the center of a sheet of paper. Would space be to scale at the edges of the sheet but as you get near the dot, would space be compressed? 1"=10miles 1"=100miles maybe like logarithmically as you approach the dot? If space could be compressed to a certain point, then even at the speed of light 1" could never be crossed. Just aman
  25. I'm worried it will just boil and broil and people will get killed and the UN isn't going to do anything. If Iraq, North Korea, Palastinian/Israel, Syria, Lebenon, Libya, Chechnya, Burma triangle, Indonesia, China/Tiawan, get settled. Maybe the world can concentrate on some of the other horrors that countries can't get out of by themselves. I think it's going to take help from outside and not like the aid we gave the Nicaraguans against the Sandanistas. Just aman
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