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Everything posted by danny8522003

  1. A law is a law, you cant break a law.
  2. Yea but it violates Conservation of Energy, unless there are parallel universes which would resolve the paradox. Like i posted in another thread.
  3. Well no - i dont think the painting would disappear. Im trying to prove to yourdadonapogos that it would have to disappear for it to work properly, which cant be possible. Otherwise we get something from nothing.
  4. If i dont send it back on the 20th then how can i find it on the 15th? Therefore, if i dont find the painting, i dont have the painting on the 15th. Oh wait, i just realised that i still would have painted it, maybe. Quite right, i would have it on the 21st unless i keep sending it back. Or... Although if i find the painting on the 15th but when it comes to the 20th i dont send it back, then there would be no painting to be found on the 15th and i wouldnt have it on the 20th. But i obviously do have it on the 20th if i dont send it back because the fact is that i did find it on the 15th and didnt send it back when it got to the 20th.
  5. Right, and so if i dont send that painting back, how does me in the past get it? If i dont send the painting back i dont get it on the 15th, if i dont send it back then i 'cant' have it on the 21st. Sounds like a paradox to me...
  6. So the painting just disappears?
  7. So what happened to the painting i found in the time machine?
  8. That's why it's a paradox. Your saying that i receive the painting and then i paint it, but how is it possible to paint the exact same painting im holding in my hand?
  9. So i get it, then i paint it? How does that make sense? How can i paint something i already have?
  10. That's what i thought, but id be glad to hear more from swansont on the matter. Although i should point out again that this isnt something i thought of alone, a physicist from the IoP thought it up. Im merely putting it in the way as a problem with time travel.
  11. Yea that looks correct anthropos.
  12. I've read similar things. Apparently if you hold a magnet to cornflakes floating on milk they will be attracted to the magnet.
  13. Which law have i broken? Can you elaborate on the rest? - I'm not sure i understand
  14. No - the only thing travelling into the past is the painting and the note. I dont travel through time at all except in the usual way.
  15. I didnt go into the past - i just sent the painting back. Id just carry on living my life as normal after i send the painting back the first time. Id just keep living my life as normal, i wouldnt bump into my future self on the 20th.
  16. So now there is two of me? That doesnt make any sense lol
  17. Im confused - they're calling this the 10th planet but i thought Sedna was being called this when it was first discovered. No-one has said anything about Sedna on the news for a while so is it actually classed as a planet now?
  18. But i havent painted it cos i already have it, and no-one else has. So where did it come from? Edit: Does anyone else have any ideas or views on this?
  19. I get the painting in my time machine on the 15th with a note saying i sent it on the 20th of that month. What happens when I (the person finding the painting) gets to the 20th of the month?
  20. But if i sent the painting back to myself, then what happens when i get to the 20/3/05 from my reference as the receiver of the painting? IoP = Institute of Physics
  21. So if i have the painting that i sent back on the 19th, then what happens on the 20th? *I cant find anything on Google about this paradox but it was thought up by someone at the IoP.
  22. I am: 20/3/05: I paint a painting and send it back to myself 5 days prior to this. 15/3/05: I find the painting in my time-machine If on the "second" 20/3/05 i send the painting back then no-one painted the painting cos i already had it in my possession. Or on the "second" 20/3/05 i dont send the painting back then it came from nowhere. The time MUST flow from the 15th to the 20th, therefore causing the paradox.
  23. But then that jumbles up the thermodynamic arrow of time. The future cannot happen before the past or the present.
  24. Even if i do send the painting it still doesnt work. I send back painting1 and receive it 5 days in the past, if i have the painting i cant paint it again in order for it to be sent back in 5 days time. So now i have a painting, already painted, of which i need to paint in order to send back. If i dont paint the painting the second time, how does it come into being?
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