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Everything posted by RyanJ

  1. Its an interesting idea though, it may not have any evidence yet but its going to be interesting to see how this one turns out. @Martin: I would have one question that would relate to the idea of multiple universes and multiple big crunches, if it were to have happened many times before then there are a lot of interesting questions right? Such as why this time does the universal expansion seem to be accelerating rather than slowing down... As I said I look forward to hearing developments about this Cheers, Ryan Jones
  2. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,19130870-421,00.html?from=rss I presonally agree with that 100% - copyright should only be enforced where people are gaining money from selling copies and stuff... its about time a country stood up to this damn madness - they have taken copyright way too far. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  3. Nice site, thanks for sharing! Cheers, Ryan Jones
  4. It certainly seems like its saying a big crunch may have occured - there was no big bang, simply a rebound when the point reached some critical density... If this proves to be correct it could mean that the universe we know today may be just one in an infinate seriese of universes. Lets hope we can get more details about this, its interesting stuff @Martin: I do try to find interesting articles, not often does one as interesting as this turn up though. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  5. RyanJ

    IQ of nature

    Well, I say that nature has no IQ because its not alive... oh great now we beed to define what alive is Cheers, Ryan Jones
  6. Wouldn't the answer be n! Or 8! which is 40,320 possible combinations? The full formula being: [math]\frac{n!}{(n-r)!}[/math] I believe Where r is the number of elements to be chosen and n is the total number of objects. Because n=r it counts as a factorial. And welcome to the forums by the way Edit: No thats not going to work actually... We have 8 possible positions but only 2 variables, h and H... Cheers, Ryan Jones
  7. RyanJ

    IQ of nature

    Well, a good start would be: 1) Define exactly what nature is. 2) Define exactly what IQ is and how it should be measured. Both of those can be interprited in a number of ways so you'd have to start there before trying anything else. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  8. A new study by the a group of physicists has shone new light on the big bang, using a modified form of Einstein’s cosmological equations. They have shown that the big bang may infact have been a a sort of "quantum bounce". This is a stunning revelation, as if it proves to be correct it will mean that there may have been another universe before this one, that may have suffered a fate such as the big crunch. http://www.physorg.com/news66660003.html - Ryan Jones
  9. Firstly sorry to hear about the news Kirlian. I would just like to add that it also strongly depends on the type of cancer, some remain unnoticed for longer then others and then spring up when its too late. It depends on where and what type of cancer it is just as much as anything else. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  10. Only advice I can actually offer is too look for a pattern. Let me try an example, nets take [math]2^n[/math] The first few results are: 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 But we only want to know the last digit. Then we only need to consider the last digit of the previous term because "larger" digits of the previous term only contribute to "larger" digits of the current term: 2 2*2 = 4 4*2 = 8 8*2 = (1)6 6*2 = (1)2 As you can see, we're back to 2 again. So the sequence of last digits is 2, 4, 8, 6, 2, 4, 8, 6, 2, 4, 8, 6, etc. Therefore: Last digit of: [math]2^{4n} = 6[/math] Last digit of: [math]2^{4n+1} = 2[/math] Last digit of: [math]2^{4n+2} = 4[/math] Last digit of: [math]2^{4n+3} = 8[/math] Hope that helps... its the best I can do Cheers, Ryan Jones
  11. No, not at all. Just wondering if its theoretically possible for something larger then a virtual sub-atomic particle pair to appear from the quantum foam and gain enough energy to become a real particle given enough time. Like I said its not linked to the expansion of the universe just that if it is possible sometime in the future when all the stars and planets are long since gone it may be possible for something to pop into existance... just curious about it. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  12. Hi everyone! I have a question for you all, we know the universe is currently expanding at an accelreated rate, if this continues then eventually every particle will end up along on its own - with nothing else anywhere around it. My question is this, given enough time could the method that created virtual particles create something much bigger such as a planet, star or a galazy? I know if it were possible it would take a very long time as the probabilies are so low but my question is could it actually happen? Cheers, Ryan Jones
  13. The smaller they are the hotter the back hole is and the faster it evaporates so yea it would probably only be around for a few milliseconds. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  14. Who said you needed too? I'm only making the point its easy enugh to bypass given enough knowledge. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  15. Your right but there are always ways to get around poblems... I do agree with the idea to some extent though I believe a lot of people who know more than a little about ICT can bypass any blocks and or controls put in place. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  16. The net should remain neutral... once they get control over one thing whats to stop them actually going further? Draw the line before anything actually starts... Cheers, Ryan Jones
  17. Yea... should be easy enough. Use use CD to change the current directory then when at the correct dir use del *.* to delete all files in the folder. Cheers, Ryan Jones
  18. When I use managed C++ I use the IDE MS provides with VS, when I'm working with normal C++ or C I use an IDE called Dev-C++ (http://www.bloodshed.net/dev/devcpp.html) Both are good for their own uses Cheers, Ryan Jones
  19. I really don't see the point, people today are getting better and better at using computers at a younger and younger age, with a little knowledge they can easily disabled or remove these types of controls. This is why I don't see the point... Cheers, Ryan Jones
  20. Just remember outside the event horizon its exactly the same as everything else, the strength of its gravity outside is relative to its mass so it can't exactly pull in the planet when its that size. Think of it this way, if we replaced the sub with a black hole of equal mass the planets would not get sucked in - they would stay in their normal orbits but everyhting would be darker. Also, how do you know they have not made one already? How do you know that micro-black holes are not formed when cosmic rays interact with other high energy particles? Cheers, Ryan Jones
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