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Everything posted by Yggdrasil

  1. There are three forms of prounouns, objective, subjective, and possesive. Objective pronouns (I, you, he/she/it, we, they) are used when the pronoun functions as the object of the sentence (the person performing the action). Subjective pronouns (me, you, him/her/it, us, them) are used when the pronoun functions as the object of the sentence (the person upon whom the action is being performed) or the object of a preposition. Possesive pronouns (my, your, his/hers/its, ours, theirs) are not nouns at all; they are adjectives describing ownership (note that the possesive for of it is its, not it's) Here are examples of correct pronoun usage. I gave him a quarter. He gave me five nickles. Our nickles are shiny, and their nickles are not. Regardless of what form of pronoun you use, you cannot modify a pronoun with an adjective.
  2. One inch is exactly 2.54 cm because the inch was redefined in terms of the metric system in order to make the two systems more compatible. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inches
  3. Multivariable calculus/vector calculus usually follows the material taught in calc BC. Since multivariable calculus is not available in most high schools, you would probably need to go to a university or community college.
  4. Quoting someone is a special case. Saying "hits he" is incorrect grammar. For example: Correct: Einstein said, "E = mc2" Also correct: "E = mc2," says Einstein But, Correct: Einstein spoke about special relativity. Incorrect: Spoke Einstein about special relativity. Proper nouns (any noun that you would capitalize, like a name of a country, company, or person), like pronouns, generally don't take on adjectives. Else is not an adjective. I'm not exactly sure of what the word "else" functions as. I'll look it up later. Correct. "which is," "that is," "that," "which," and even some other prepositions are often omitted in common, and sometimes even formal, speech and writing.
  5. The difference between saying "someone says" and "says someone" isn't really a gramatical one. Either form is fine. I, you, he, she, we, they, them, etc. are all a special class of nouns called pronouns. Unlike nouns, you cannot modify pronouns with adjectives. So the sentence "Angry I dislike this thing" is gramatically incorrect.
  6. The definition of time that makes most sense to me is based off of the second law of thermodynamics. Increasing time is in the dirrection of increasing entropy of the universe. Of course, that defines time only qualitatively but not quantitatively.
  7. Well, bile salts are similar in structure and fuction to detergents. Sodium hydroxide (i.e. lye) helps break down fats into fatty acids and glycerol like a lipase and most drain cleaners contain sodium hydroxide. So, if those two things have failed, I don't know what I would try.
  8. According to my notes the pKa of HF is 3.2
  9. After working out, the carbohydrate supplies of your muscles are depleted. Eating foods rich in carbohydrates (rice, pasta, bread, etc.) right after you work out helps replenish those supplies faster so that your muscles will have more fuel available for the next time you work out. Even something small, such as a fruit (which contains simple sugars) and a bagel (which contains complex carbohydrates), would help replesnish your muscles' supply or carbs.
  10. I think I know enough of hate To know that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. -Robert Frost
  11. Well, if you're interested in high-thoroughput drug design and discovery, you can search around in Chemical Genomics. Although right now chemical genomics is mainly looking at "brute force" methods of discovering drugs and protein inhibitiors.
  12. Heat will generally speed up the rate of a reaction. My guess would be that the hot water speeds up the reaction between the hypochlorite and the stains, so that the stains will have all been bleached out by the time the wash cycle is over. The reaction would still occur in colder water, but it would not proceed as fast and may not completely remove the stain.
  13. Even if you scaled down gravity proportionally, a human-sized ant would still not be able to function. Ants do not have a circulatory system; because of their small size, ants can transport oxygen and nutrients just by the "sloshing" around of their internal fluids as they move. If you scale up an ant, this system would not be able to function properly.
  14. Some of my favorite equations: 1) Fourier transform 2) Definition of Gibbs free energy [math]\Delta G = \Delta H - T \Delta S[/math] 3-6) Maxwell's equations
  15. I work in a lab at the University of California, Los Angeles Molecular Biology Institute as an undergrad doing research in the field of structural biology. If you're interested in doing research in that field, I would suggest studying biochemistry or biophysics in during your undergraduate career. Structural determination itself doesn't require too much math and physics as most of the calculations are done by computer programs, but if you want to design novel methods of protein structure determination, you definitely need a strong background in math and physics as well as in biology, biochemistry, and chemistry. As a structural biologist, my research does not just consist of finding protein structures. I do a lot of work relating the structure of my proteins to their biological function, so you could essentially be doing the work of a molecular biologist, only using structural biology as a tool to enhance your understanding of various biological mechanisms. Here's a good page with many links to resources on structural biology: http://www.biochemweb.org/structural.shtml Researching how proteins fold would definitely require a strong background in physics, math, and computer science. Many people studying protein folding are computational biologists, meaning they write computer programs to simulate biological phenomena such as protein folding. Creating a synthetic protein/enzyme is a part of a field called synthetic biology and it is a newly emerging field of research. Synthetic biology is not constrained to industry and there are a few researching synthetic biology in the academia. I remember reading a very interesting article in Science where researchers converted a ribose -binding protein, with no catalytic activity, into a triose phosphate isomerase (an important enzyme in glycolysis/gluconeogenesis). Here's the citation for the article: Dwyer et al., Computational Design of a Biologically Active Enzyme, Science 2004 304: 1967-1971 For more information on synthetic biology, you can chek out this MIT site which can direct you to more resources on synthetic biology: http://openwetware.mit.edu/index.php?title=Synthetic_Biology
  16. The answer to why most substances react is in the thermodynamics. When water/hydroxide react with carbon dioxide to form carbonic acid/carbonate, the reaction occurs because a more stable product is formed. If you think of the structure of carbonate, you see that there is resonance stabilization which makes the product have a lower free energy at certain conditions. As for the identifying water question, I would look at the boiling point and refractive index. Those are fairly good for identifiying unknown liquids, assesing their purity, and they're also pretty easy experiments to run. All you need for a determination of the boiling point is a simple distillation apparatus and the determination of the refractive index is very easy with a refractometer. If you really want to go overboard and unambiguously identify the compound as water, you can obtain an IR or NMR spectrum of the compound or feed it into a mass spectrometer.
  17. You could try measuring the activity of the enzyme if you know a target of the kinase. Just add the substrate and radiolabeled ATP and check for the presence of radiolabeled substrate after the reaction. Alternatively, if you know the downstream effects of the kinase (such as activation of a specific gene), then you can test the effects of the effector in vivo (although you would need to design some control experiements as well).
  18. Well, the melting point of an object should be the same as the freezing point. If your equipment doesn't allow you to heat the object slowly enough to obtain an accurate melting point, you could alternatively cool liquified solder slowly to find its freezing point.
  19. Both the point charge and electron are negatively charged. Therefore, the electric force between them is repulsive. Since the gravitational force acts in the negative y dirrection, the electric force must act in the positive y dirrection for them to cancel. For that to happen, the electron must be above q.
  20. Polysaccharides such as cellulose, amylose, amylopectin, and glycogen are other very large molecules. For example, glycogen can consist of up to about 120,000 units of glucose, so this gives a molecular weight of about 19 million. Another example of a large molecule is DNA. Each chromosome consists of two molecules each forming a strand of DNA. For example, human chromosome 1 consists of about 2.5x108 base pairs. Polypeptide chains can consist of up to 27,000 amino acids (approx molecular weight of 3 million). A strand of hair could even be considered a single molecule since the collagen fibers in hair are all interconnected by interchain disulfide bonds. Of course these sizes aren't that big compared to the covalently networked solids described by woelen.
  21. Ah, thanks for noticing the error. Here are the corrected equations: H2PO2- + OH- --> H2PO3- + H- H2PO3- + H- --> HPO32- + H2
  22. Yggdrasil


    As long as your object isn't moving at near the speed of light (i.e. less than 10% of the speed of light), you can approximate its momentum to be mv.
  23. Well, first we need to address the definition of the speed of a gas. Lets say you have a liter of air (for simplicity, we'll say that the air is 100% N2) at standard conditions (273K [zero celcius] and 1 atm). Within this liter you have about 2.69x1022 individual molecules of nitrogen gas. Not all of these gas molecules are moving at the same speed. If these gas molecules are at thermal equilibrium, the distribution of the speeds of the individual gas molecules can be described by the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Therefore, when describing the speed of a gas, one must measure an average speed of the gas molecules (I think, though I'm not completely sure, that the root mean squared average is used). The formulas you describe calculate the average speed of the gas molecules in a gas. At 20 deg Celcius and 1 atm pressure, the average speed of the gas molecules is the speed of sound. However, note that half of the molecules in the gas are traveling above the speed of sound and half o fthe molecules in the gas are traveling below the speed of sound. So, in your example, the molecules of gas released from your jet would be traveling at a velocity faster than the speed of sound. However, the kinetic energy of these gas molecules would be transfered to other gas molecules in the air as they collided with other gas molecules. After the air reached thermal equilibrium again, the extra kinetic energy of these molecules would have a minimal effect on the total population of gas molecules, and the average speed of the gas molecules would still be near, if not at. the speed of sound. So yes, it is possible for gas molecules to travel above the speed of sound. However, to increase the average speed of a population of gas molecules you would need to change some of the surrounding conditions -- for example, by raising the temperature.
  24. You're thinking about it the wrong way. The speed of sound is defined by the speed of the gas molecules in the air. Sound travels at the speed of the gas molecules because sound is propagated as pressure waves through the gas molecules. So, if you increase the speed of the gas moleules (i.e. by using a lighter gas such as helium), you increase the speed of sound. That's why talking with helium gives a higher pitched sound.
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