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Status Replies posted by StringJunky

  1. Oh for Fucks Sake!

  2. nightmare on election day...

  3. nightmare on election day...

  4. Returned my unused Zyban and signed off from my smoking adviser today. Job done, hopefully..

  5. nightmare on election day...

  6. Vote Early! Vote Often!

  7. Returned my unused Zyban and signed off from my smoking adviser today. Job done, hopefully..

  8. Returned my unused Zyban and signed off from my smoking adviser today. Job done, hopefully..

  9. Vote Early! Vote Often!

  10. My "Web Root" anti viral system that came from Best Buy with my computer has suddenly started holding my sound system hostage. It continuously makes a loud beeping noise and flashes a warning telling me the subscription runs out in a few days. Best buy says it cannot be turned off unless i buy a new subscription... Or delete the program, but if i delete i no longer have anti virus protection... choices choices...

  11. I don't want sweet dreams anymore. They constantly remind me of what could be, but isn't.

  12. My "Web Root" anti viral system that came from Best Buy with my computer has suddenly started holding my sound system hostage. It continuously makes a loud beeping noise and flashes a warning telling me the subscription runs out in a few days. Best buy says it cannot be turned off unless i buy a new subscription... Or delete the program, but if i delete i no longer have anti virus protection... choices choices...

  13. My "Web Root" anti viral system that came from Best Buy with my computer has suddenly started holding my sound system hostage. It continuously makes a loud beeping noise and flashes a warning telling me the subscription runs out in a few days. Best buy says it cannot be turned off unless i buy a new subscription... Or delete the program, but if i delete i no longer have anti virus protection... choices choices...

  14. My "Web Root" anti viral system that came from Best Buy with my computer has suddenly started holding my sound system hostage. It continuously makes a loud beeping noise and flashes a warning telling me the subscription runs out in a few days. Best buy says it cannot be turned off unless i buy a new subscription... Or delete the program, but if i delete i no longer have anti virus protection... choices choices...

  15. Think I'm free of cigarettes now. Can't see myself smoking in the foreseeable future. Just got to see if I feel the same when the Zyban stops.

  16. My "Web Root" anti viral system that came from Best Buy with my computer has suddenly started holding my sound system hostage. It continuously makes a loud beeping noise and flashes a warning telling me the subscription runs out in a few days. Best buy says it cannot be turned off unless i buy a new subscription... Or delete the program, but if i delete i no longer have anti virus protection... choices choices...

  17. My "Web Root" anti viral system that came from Best Buy with my computer has suddenly started holding my sound system hostage. It continuously makes a loud beeping noise and flashes a warning telling me the subscription runs out in a few days. Best buy says it cannot be turned off unless i buy a new subscription... Or delete the program, but if i delete i no longer have anti virus protection... choices choices...

  18. I don't want sweet dreams anymore. They constantly remind me of what could be, but isn't.

  19. I don't want sweet dreams anymore. They constantly remind me of what could be, but isn't.

  20. I am slowly getting into prog rock as well as reggae and dub now. I haven't given up on metal yet.

  21. Think I'm free of cigarettes now. Can't see myself smoking in the foreseeable future. Just got to see if I feel the same when the Zyban stops.

  22. I am slowly getting into prog rock as well as reggae and dub now. I haven't given up on metal yet.

  23. Think I'm free of cigarettes now. Can't see myself smoking in the foreseeable future. Just got to see if I feel the same when the Zyban stops.

  24. Think I'm free of cigarettes now. Can't see myself smoking in the foreseeable future. Just got to see if I feel the same when the Zyban stops.

  25. Think I'm free of cigarettes now. Can't see myself smoking in the foreseeable future. Just got to see if I feel the same when the Zyban stops.

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