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Everything posted by SergUpstart

  1. I believe that in accordance with the third law of Hegel's dialectics ( development goes in a spiral), physics will somehow return to the ether as a medium for the propagation of interactions. Of course, not to the Lorentz model, but on a new level. Most likely, the term "ether" itself will be replaced with another one.However, this is already happening, because the vacuum in the modern sense is not a void.
  2. https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/abs/2018/12/aa32898-18/aa32898-18.html
  3. Saoussen Mbarek and Manu Paranjape at the Université de Montréal in Canada say they’ve found a solution to Einstein’s theory of general relativity that allows negative mass without breaking any essential assumptions. Their approach means that negative mass can exist in our universe provided there is a reasonable mechanism for producing it, perhaps in pairs of positive and negative mass particles in the early universe. https://medium.com/the-physics-arxiv-blog/cosmologists-prove-negative-mass-can-exist-in-our-universe-250a980320a7
  4. According to Hawking, the energy of space is negative. Excerpt from Stephen Hawking's final book "To help you understand this strange but important idea, let me draw a simple analogy. Imagine a person who wants to make a hill on an even place. The hill is the universe. To implement his plan, our man needs to dig a hole in the ground and use the soil to fill the hill. In other words, it creates not only a hill, but also a pit, which is essentially a negative version of the hill. The substance that was in the pit is now in the hill, so everything is perfectly balanced. The same principle underlies the creation of the Universe. When the Big Bang produced a huge amount of positive energy, it simultaneously produced the same amount of negative energy. Thus, negative and positive energy add up to zero-as usual. Another law of nature. Where is all this negative energy now? In the third ingredient of our cosmic cooking recipe — in space. It may seem strange, but according to the laws of nature related to gravity and dynamics — one of the oldest scientific laws — space is a huge store of negative energy. Enough to balance everything and reduce it to zero."
  5. Einstein was not against the ether in principle. See his article "Ether and the theory of relativity" 1920.
  6. If we consider the gravitational field as a medium for the propagation of electromagnetic waves, the refractive index of this medium can be described by a very simple formula N=sqrt (Phi)/c this formula shows that the refractive index N depends only on the gravitational potential of Phi and does not depend on the frequency of photons, that is, there will be no dispersion in this medium. Photons propagate in a physical vacuum, and even if there are 0 protons per cubic kilometer in it, still from the point of view of modern physics, a vacuum is not a torricellian void, that is, a vacuum can be considered as a material medium. Yes, OP's mode cannot be considered a full-fledged theory of gravity, but it can be considered a theory of the interaction of gravity and electromagnetism.
  7. And here the question should be put so, which model is simpler from the point of view of mathematics, i.e. more convenient for calculations.
  8. This means that the description of gravity by using LITG will be more complicated than GR ??
  9. Three coordinates of the gravitational acceleration vector + three coordinates for the torsion field vector?
  10. Yes. J/kg = ( kg * m^2 / s^2 ) / kg = m^2/s^2
  11. The dimension of the gravitational potential is the square of the speed, or m^2/s^2. What is this speed? It is logical to say that the gravitational potential at any point in space is the square of the speed of light at that point.
  12. mechanical moment vector is vector product of the radius of the vector and the pulse vector
  13. There is a certain asymmetry between matter and antimatter. Тhe proton's magnetic and mechanical moment vectors are directed the same way, while the antiproton's vectors are directed in opposite directions. This should lead to the fact that if the proton and antiproton are close to the event horizon of the black hole, they will have different probabilities of not being drawn under the event horizon.
  14. Viruses only affect certain cells with a specific genome, meaning that bacteria are likely to be indifferent to a virus that affects certain cells of the human body and they simply do not need to be immune to this virus. Bacteria and fungi are constantly at war with each other for living space, for which they produce antibiotics, but viruses are insensitive to antibiotics.
  15. Put a plate with a gold border in the microwave and you will get what you wanted
  16. The us West Texas Intermediate (WTI) light crude futures contract for delivery in may ended the trading session on April 20 at minus $37.63 per barrel, according to data from us exchange operator CME Group. So the mass can also be negative.
  17. If you compare these two images, it seems that we are not dealing with a sharp blow, but with a time-stretched process
  18. Perhaps, but where is the flash from that other event? It had to manifest itself either in the x-ray or in the visible range. It is also possible that we are dealing with a false detection.
  19. Here is the latest photo of Betelgeuse, which is published on the Internet. It refers to December 2019. It shows that the star has lost its Central symmetry. From this, we can make an assumption about what the gravitational waves detected on January 14, 2020 meant. They could indicate an event that occurred 640 years ago and was that the star turned over like a Janibekov's nut. If we had photos of the star for January 2020 at least one day apart, we could confirm or deny this assumption. If confirmed, we could measure the speed of gravitational waves with high accuracy.
  20. The day before yesterday there was good clear weather and I looked at Orion with the naked eye. The Rigel (in the lower right corner) shines the brightest there now, the brightness of Betelgeuse, Mintaka, Alnitaka, and Bellatrix is about the same.
  21. In a state of free fall, the pendulum clock will not work at all in the orbit of a spacecraft, an unfortunate example.
  22. Can this be stated in other words, "Electromagnetic waves are only transverse and gravitational waves are both longitudinal and transverse" ?
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