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Everything posted by FreeWill

  1. Recognizable information about Reality. The recognition and the reaction on a scenario which is aligned with the recognition and reaction of the general population (i.e killing another human being is bad)
  2. Keith will be conscious at some level. I think consciousness is about awareness /sense about the physical properties one exist with ( feelings, thoughts, knowledge included)
  3. Maybe you just do not recognize sentience. The AI works with big data. My operations(sentient actions) executed on previously learned and processed big data. I think basic sentience in AI is not that far away(if not already exist).
  4. Everyone and everything I experienced had some level of impact on me. The understanding of this experience is mine. I think that is my personality.
  5. Somewhere we are forced to act upon those values (language, culture, experience, learned knowledge). We have the freedom of choice, built on this past experiences, to act upon on any way we physically can in any scenario. I think that is Freedom. My choices are predetermined, but I have the possibility and potential to impact any moment of my life's timeline. The choice is mine and the result is depending on my knowledge, understanding, awareness and of course the most important: the physical circumstances. What it says that freedom of choice is real and it can be impacted. Can something be predetermined and free at the same time? Predetermined because of the past but free in the present moment? Any thought will be built on past experiences.
  6. Faith is sensing and believing in something, that is yet not possible to prove, but the currently observable and available information for us suggest its existence. I have the faith in a God Eise just called: "When you ask him, he explains that all the laws of nature he calls 'God' (So God for him is not the 'historical' Yahweh or Shiva, it is an abstract concept.)" It is my free will to let evidence-based faith evolve in me. It is part of the way how I exist.
  7. We are predetermined physically, genetically, culturally, socially, educationally, which gives parts to Our intuition and subconscious, impacting every decision we make. Still, at the moment of decision in a scenario, every option for a possible outcome is available and the path of continuance will be determined by my decision. That is mind-boggling freedom.
  8. Hello Prometheus, Hello Everybody. I think AI can become objectively sentient. It depends on the capability to recognize positive and negative values and information and be able to execute an impact, based on the recognition of the original information.
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