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Posts posted by TheGeek

  1. hi

    i was reading some ways to protect my notebook from being stolen. i found this software called lo-jack for laptop. once installed it can be used to track back the laptop if stolen.

    there are three ways it's tacked: ip-address, phone number *if dialup connection*, and a third way that's not shared with the public

    according to the menufacturer, the software can survive a format of the harddrive and a fresh windows reinstall. my question is how does it do that:confused:

    i thought windows reinstall would get rid of everything on the pc.

    i'd just like to know how this software works if someone can help me understand it better.


    here's the forbes review for the software: http://www.forbes.com/technology/2005/08/19/digilife-lojack-laotops-cx_daa_0819digilife.html

  2. hi

    i bought a new laptop and need to setup a home network. the main reasons why i want to do so is because, i want to print from the local printer from my notebook, i want to be able to share files from my desktop to my notebook, i want to be able to play lan games.


    what i have

    -an hp desktop

    -gateway notebook

    -linksys wireless router

    -hp printer

    -xp on both desktop and notebok


    currently the printer is installed locally with the desktop. The desktop is connected to a port on the back of the router. the notebook is using the wifi from my router.


    what's the easiest way to set this up?



  3. hi

    there is going to be a sale at bestbuy after thanksgiving and i need help deciding from the two notebooks below.


    here are the two options:



    hp dv6108nr

    price: 379.99 + tax

    link: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage....=1158317339111



    gateway mx6453

    price: 699.99 + tax

    link: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage....=1157067806537


    please help me choose. things to consider- price, speed, and quality.


    i'm new to notebooks and have not clue how well the turino processor is. please help me understand that better. The thing that confused me whas the gateway processor is x2 but the speed is only 1.6 and the core solo has 1.86. how could that be?



  4. hi

    my friend was telling me that his computer was infected with a virus that infected all the usb devices he plugged in. He plugged in his ipod and the ipod contained the virus. This didn't do any damage to his ipod but when he connected the ipod to his frieds pc, his friends pc caught the virus. He sent a couple data entries to his samsung cell phone and the phone was also infected.


    the virus only does damage to the pc's and no devices such as ipod or cellphone but the cellphone and ipod still carry them and transfer the virus to other pc's


    is there such a virus? how do you remove it?

  5. what do you think is the best email client to do what i need to do?


    I saw thunderbird saying "attaching image" so i knew that was happening but didn't know of any other client.

  6. mooeypoo, i completely respect you blocking the images from showing up. That's what i do as well.:D




    i still can't figure out how readnotify makes the image run from their server and not googles. :confused:

  7. this works and logs everything but only one problem.

    I use thunderbird to insert the image i did <img>the link to the file</img> but this logs the info of the computer i sent it from. I am testing it out by sending emails to my gmail account. I checked it and it doesn't get the image from my server it says that image is from the google servers. Do you see what i'm trying to say?

  8. thanks for your help!

    Let me get this straight:

    First, on my webhost server make an image.php. Put the following code in the image.php:


    // Get some information about the user/client

    $logString = 'Date : ' . date('Y/m/d H:i:s') .

    "\nIP : " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] .

    "\nUser Agent : " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] .

    "\nEmail Addr : " . $_GET['email'] .

    "\nEmail Id : " . $_GET['id'] . "\n\n\n";


    // Open the file for writing (append)

    $fh = fopen('test.txt', 'a');

    fwrite( $fh, $logString );



    // Send the client some image

    header( 'Content-Type: image/png' ); // Set the Content-Type HTTP Header

    $fh = fopen( 'test.png', 'r' ); // Might as reuse $fh

    while ( !feof($fh) ) { // While we haven't reached the end of the file

    $data = fgets( $fh, 1024 ); // Get 1024 bytes into $data from the file

    echo $data; // Print that to output (ie send it to the client)


    fclose($fh); // We must've reached the end of the file, so close the file handler



    second, upload the test.png and test.txt in the same folder


    third, in the email link an image from http://mydomain.com/image.php?email=some@email.com&id=howeveryouwanttoidentifythatmessage


    could you explain the third part in a bit more detail. Where it says some@email.com do you want me to put in ther reciever's email? and next to the id do i just put anything

  9. I just read that readnotify uses iFrames. What exactly are iFrames and how do we program one in an email?



    can someone explain the following code that is added to the mail:

    <DIV><a href="http://www.4pyjvpqt0tvfhk.ReadNotify.com/tg/4pyjvpqt0tvfhlhttp/travel.yahoo.com/p-travelguide">http://travel.yahoo.com/p-travelguide</a>


    <div alt="4pyjvpqt0tvfh1."><pre> </pre><pre>

    <br><Img moz-do-not-send="true" border=0 height=1 width=3 alt="" lowsrc=""

    Src=http://www.4pyjvpqt0tvfh8.ReadNotify.com/nocache/4pyjvpqt0tvfh9/footer0.gif><Img moz-do-not-send="true" Border=0 Height=1 Width=2 Alt=""

    Lowsrc=http://www.readnotify.com/ca/rspr47.gif ><BgSound volume=-10000 Alt='' Lowsrc=""


    </pre><table height=1 width=3 border=0><tr><td


    =http://0320.185.62311/nocache/4pyjvpqt0tvfhP/rspr47.gif> </td></tr></table>


  10. Thank you for your reply. I don't think i'm going to use activeX scripts, since i have no clue how they work. If the scripts are only used to time how long it's open than i don't need them. I just want to see if the email was opened or not. I guess than i only need an image that will tell me if it's been opened. I have read in other posts that php scripted images can do this. Can someone tell me how exactly to do so?

    As for mail clients, this won't work with gmail since the images are automatically blocked. This should work with others such as yahoo, hotmail, and others.

    Any ideas on how to make an image that will record if it's been opened and when? It needs to have two features:record time if opened and it should be the same color as the background or transparent so it's not seen.

  11. Hi,

    I have talked about services such as readnotify.com which tell you if your email was read or not. The only problem is that they charge you arround 30 us dollars per year. I don't want to pay that much.

    My summer vacation is here and this summer i want to figure out how this works and how to make it. As far as i know it either puts an activeX script of an image in the email.

    Can someone tell me how exactly it works and help me make something like this?

  12. thanks for your help!

    I was kinda off topic and let me clearify what i want to do. I want to host an image that will only be opened one or two times. I will host this image on my free php server. Both the times that the image is accessed i want to record when the image was accessed and who accessed it.(ip) This is completely diffrent from the proxy. For the proxy i think there are already logs that i can go back to.


    The second question i had was if i make a web page using dreamweaver and save it as a html, is there any way to look at the properties of the page and see who the dreamweaver was registered to. I am basically asking if dreamweaver leaves info that can be used to track back the page maker?


    i know both of these are not related to the proxy but don't want to start a bunch of threads that will only have a couple responses


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