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Everything posted by scherado

  1. Exactly. I have an admin member working with me about the issue related to my question I ask in the OP Thanks for your replies.
  2. UK is on verge of breakdown of civil society no matter whether they have no-go zones Look at the gang-rape obscenities I post about in this thread and the "grooming" gangs.
  3. "intellectual conscience"---the ability to distinguish right from wrong in the intellectual realm (My words.). When I set out to read Nietzsche (in English), after reading repeated references here, there and, yes, everywhere, I decided that I would do it with the following in mind: I would not read second-party analysis; I would read the originals only; and that I would read mulitple translations, which I did for a few. One particular passage I've always liked--I call it a lamentation--concerns the intellectual conscience: . From The Gay Science, BOOK I, #2, by Friedrich W. Nietzsche. (Possible translator, Walter Kaufmann, 1974. Alternate titles: The Joyful Wisdom) . Here is an alternate version, for your pleasure...or distress. The Intellectual Conscience, translated by Thomas Common . . The two books that forced me to read Nietzsche: The Closing Of The American Mind, by Allan Bloom The End of History and the Last Man by Francis Fukuyama
  4. I think the several groups of distinct occupations for computer software, hardware, database and so on will continue to be a source of jobs, though I don't think "create huge" applies.
  5. A few weeks ago, I found a small book, 1934, Essays in Science, a collection of essays by Albert Einstein. It is one fine collection. I'll look through this for something about your topic.
  6. I have boycotted O'Reilly's show or any other content, written, braille, for at least a decade. That's all I need to reveal about that subject. I will start with France, as that is the country about which I first read and heard about the term "no go zone". I will return with that list and you can pursue your refutation. Here is a quick quote from a muli-part study on the subject, within which you will find the link to the interview with Fabrice Balanche: When I populate my ignore list, I omit some malcontents and otherwise maladjusted ones who deserve to be on it for the simple reason as they perform the valuable service of exposing others who fit the description but are less visible and, secondly, provide reinforcement for my decisions to place the ones already on the list. You have provided such a service. I thank you. Please see my links above in this post. Thanks.
  7. Have you ever seen what a woman's face looks like after an acid attack? I have seen pictures. Do you know how many acid attacks have been committed in London since the first one occurred? Some give the number over 1000. The exact number doesn't matter much. I don't know whether acid attacks are worse than the Muslim child sex grooming/rape gangs in Liverpool, Rochdale and Birmingham, where the number may be as high as 6000 over 5 years. Thank you for clarifying that you have no interest in the truth. You have said that because of teh no-go zones in teh UK we will regret our lack of privately owned guns. But you also say you don't know anything about those zones and can't provide evidence for them. It may be just me who thinks this, but if that's how helpful you are going to be, why don't you just leave? Welcome as the first today to be added to my ignore list. Congratulations! (Well, that didn't work. I was not permitted. Silly me. I'll just have to ignore you the old-fashioned way. Welcome to my personal bleep list.)
  8. I do not mean that story, though I have not looked at it. How is it I know? The term "no go zones" were first given to the many areas of France that Sharia law supplants French law and law enforcement and fire/rescue might not go. I've never known anyone who has been to one to give an eyewitness account. The ones that may be in Britain, Sweden Germany or Belgium, on those I have no information and have no interest. I made it clear in the post above yours that I know of NO no-go zones in USA, though there are places where I personally would not go, which is something entirely different.
  9. No. I apologize for the lack of clarity. The no-go zones to which I refer are in Europe and I first heard the term in reference to a few hundred places in France, but there are, as far as I know, some in Britain and Sweden and, possibly Germany and Belgium. I wrote above that if there are some eventually in the USA, the that would mark the time when those who sit around polishing their bullets--not literally, but you get the idea--that will mark the time when the American patriot might get off his armchair. That, I have decided, will be the time that I will abandon what's left of my "supermarket life" and save the country, seriously.
  10. Does anyone know how to search for postings for a particular member? Thanks.
  11. Now that makes perfect sense. But this question? Not so much!!!!
  12. What do you mean? Did you not read the part that I don't own a firearm? I can assure you that there are more than a few who DO NOT own firearms in the US.
  13. I'm well aware of places where one doesn't go day or night in the USA. A no go zone is a place where police, fireman and emergency people don't go. Do you know the difference? If the same happens here in the USA--there are no "no-go zones" in the USA--that is when we all here get out our personal guns--if we have them, I do not possess any--and take back the country. Please see my reply to "DrP" above. Thanks.
  14. The west? Britain, France, Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Spain. The ignorance of all religions? It's the violence and suppression of a particular religious faction that has a strangle hold on many places called no go zones in France, Britain, Sweden, Germany and Belgium. It's been in the news for years.
  15. Do you mean: "And where are the physics?"
  16. Preposterous. If you disagree point to the simple double-standards.
  17. I read all that, but found the last sentence to be not true based upon the sentences that precede it.
  18. Which do you mean? Or do you mean the Second Amendment of the US Constitution? I can tell you that you might wish you had a firearm very soon in Britain, depending upon where you sit, in the not-so-distance future. I have written off your nation, it has been going on....I think, 4 years now. I'm referring to your level of Sharia compliance. Do you know what I mean? This brings up the timely question: When will you be requiring the U.S. of A. to rescue either you Europeans or you British in particular when the conflagration, aka breakdown in civil society begins? I need to plan my future. In many of the European countries the deterioration is at a critical stage. In other words, the state of our gun laws is a preposterous subject in comparison to your breakdown of civil society. I will use three words: No Go Zones.
  19. Lock this bleeping thread or resign your responsibilities on this forum. You are over your head. If you haven't been able to detect my views--I'm being kind here--then you ought not be in a position to evaluate anyone's views. Lock the bleeping thread. Thanks in advance. If you haven't been able to detect my views--I'm being kind here--then you ought not be in a position to evaluate anyone's views If you haven't been able to detect my views--I'm being kind here--then you ought not be in a position to evaluate anyone's views
  20. I can assure you--so you can sleep better at night or day--that I am quite Agnostic with respect to any religious subjects, as well as any fey cosmological theories. I don't intend to rewrite anything: you have me confused with someone else, obviously. Let's be clear: what doesn't matter one bit, cyber, financial, sensible, or otherwise is whether or not Cosmologist X says A, or Cosmologist Y says B, or vice versa. Do you follow? The "price of eggs in China" are not interested, though some people take fine paychecks.
  21. There are many reasons that a person should not ignore the differences between men and women when choosing another person of the same sex in one context and a person of a different sex in another context. I will give two examples. When an adult man mentions that he is seeing a therapist, I ask, "Oh, that's nice, how old is he?" If the man tells me, oh, it's a woman and the man is your garden-variety heterosexual man, then I ask him whether that's a good idea. I tell him this: 1. There is no bleeping way the woman therapist knows the trials and tribulations of having a penis. You might think, what if he's not there for sexual issues? On the slim chance that there's no issue there, I then go to #2. 2. Many men are quite skilled at getting women to "mother" them. Some make entire lifestyles out it. 3. There must be no chance the the therapist will become sexually attracted to you the patient. Some people don't have to worry about that, though they may be surprised. Now, if you take these considerations into a sponsor/sponsee relationship in one of the 12-step, self-help program, Alcoholics Anonymous, for example, then these considerations become a matter of life or death. The differences between men and women become essential and "the men stick with the men", the "woman stick with the woman." The homosexuals and bisexuals have different issues. What's prudent is that a male doesn't get a bisexual or homosexual sponsor; similarly for woman.
  22. The Islamic State propaganda arm Amaq asserts that Paddock has converted to Islam and gave his Islamic name. Those who follow the "official" propaganda organ Amaq assert that most of their claims are warranted. From rappler.com ISIS 'sanctioned, if not directed' Resorts World attack
  23. You remind me of the detestable, execrable racial hustler Al "Sharpie" Sharpton, "But resist we much. We must, and we will much- about that- be committed." On the upside, you have quite a few tallied red marks under your rank-level name. I'm going to browse your "content" to determine whether you deserve that high number. My guess rhymes with "guess". (Hey, that's pretty funny.)
  24. Now you know! Further, I reject out of hand any references to the Wiki-pee-D-uh sources. I like my arse, if that's any of your business. (Schwing! top of the page!)
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