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Everything posted by DoYouEvenScienceBro

  1. I installed Windows 10 on my backup hard drive just to give it a few test spins before I decide to upgrade on my primary drive. No go. There are some nice new features, however, it mostly feels bloated, and the UX simply is not as good as Windows 7. I'll stick with the aforementioned 7 until I have no choice but to upgrade.
  2. I'm listening to The Chillenden Murders, a two-part BBC documentary on the brutal hammer murders of an English mother, her daughter, and their pet dog in 1996.
  3. Trump being impeached is little more than left-wing fantasy. Let's remember: They've been screeching about a Trump impeachment since his election victory. This isn't a case of evidence for impeachment-worthy violations being found, followed by cries for impeachment. This is a case of cries for impeachment, followed by an evidence-free witch hunt to justify those cries. Let's also not forget that democrats repeatedly made it clear that the U.S. election could not, in any way, shape, or form be "hacked," up until Trump's victory, at which point, election hacking went from an impossibility to a certainty in the blink of an eye. These are not serious, rationally-minded people. These are hyperpartisan political hacks spouting out nonsense because they're spoiled little brats who can't handle not getting their way.
  4. There aren't many, unfortunately, as atheism is a bit intellectually bankrupt. The most widespread is probably the multiverse theory. Of course, when I point out positing an infinite number of parallel universes to explain a single universe is essentially a reframed infinite turtles argument that's been prettied up with sciency-sounding language, that argument quickly fades away.
  5. I still believe in God because I find the evidence God more compelling than the evidence for any competing hypotheses.
  6. You believe intelligence is magic. That's . . . that's weird.
  7. It's a logical conclusion, one I've brought up many times. If [pi] materialism is true, meaning all which exists is merely different configurations of matter, and [pii] both time and matter are infinite, meaning we end up with an infinite number of configurations, then [c] everything which can exist, will exist, infinitely. In other words, being both a materialist and a believer in an infinite universe logically entails belief in reincarnation. Strange, huh?
  8. It's an interesting question. I posed something similar on another site: How many years of failures must the abiogenesis position go through before it's even considered a possibility that it's wrong?
  9. I saw James Woods posted this on Twitter (sorry, I can't figure out how to embed tweets): We've seen a meteoric rise in the stock market, post-Trump election win. What do you think is that cause of this? Is it a case of correlation, but not causation, or did Trump's win directly led to the rise? How did some many prognosticators get it so wrong? They all predicted doom and gloom on election night and the days after, yet the opposite has happened. What does this suggest about uncritically accepting so-called authority opinion?
  10. Science needs to worry more about its many deeply-disturbing internal issues, not manufactured external ones.
  11. Given that those individual choices have proven to be irresponsible, and pose such dire consequences for society, as a whole . . . Yes. Your scenario, even if true, would be the lesser of two evils.
  12. I'd be all for banning cigarettes. I'm also all for a return of prohibition, or at least much stricter alcohol laws. There are just too many issues linked to alcohol consumption.
  13. I hate to burst bubbles, but Trump's not being impeached, nor is he resigning. This is all a continuation of the "Drumpf's done this time" fantasy that's been pervading liberal thought for about two years now. It's not happening, ladies and gentlemen. Now, please, instead of trying to sabotage our president, and harming out country in the process, let's start working together to build a more prosperous America.
  14. I'd guess America's more widespread religiosity plays a big role in it.
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