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A Tripolation

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Status Updates posted by A Tripolation

  1. Nice to see you back.

  2. Congrats on making expert! I didn't notice 'til just now. How long has it been?

  3. Nice post in that philosophy thread.

  4. What can I say? Every comment I make is gold. Gold, baby! But I actually am pretty proud of it. :D

    I still want a cool "Expert" tag under my avatar though...

    *seethes in jealousy again*

  5. Can you recommend any good introductory books on differentiable geometry? Preferably one with a lot of hand-holding, and in-depth explanations of the various concepts?

  6. Take home Circuit Theory Final!!!!! Oh yeahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ydoaPs


      the game

    2. A Tripolation

      A Tripolation

      your mom. I just had sex with her.

    3. ydoaPs


      You put her back in the casket when you were done, right?

  7. Daylight savings time is this great nation's most serious threat. In adding an extra hour of daylight, we give the sun that much more time to melt icebergs and raise the ocean's water level. If you care about humanity, you will join me in the effort to TAKE BACK THIS COUNTRY, starting with eliminating global warming. Make this your status if you love America.

  8. Congrats on making Expert.

    *seethes in jealousy*

  9. It seems to me that most advanced math is a form of, or heavily relies upon, differentiable geometry. Is this the case, or am I mistaken?

  10. Apparently someone filmed me dancing to Ne-Yo's "Closer". Awesome. I see no way to avoid the inevitable extortion.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. A Tripolation

      A Tripolation

      My footwork is just as fancy. Better even. Because I is sexy.

    3. ydoaPs


      |)00|), j00 |2 73h /\/00|3

    4. A Tripolation

      A Tripolation

      look again. No, still chimichangas.

  11. I have a Russian physics professor, complete with long hair, unkempt beard, a thick, heavy accent, and a general disdain for English Units. My dream has come true.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ajb


      There can be some cultural differences when it comes to ex-Soviet scientists and western scientist.


      They tend to like to give hard seminar talks for example. Their supervision of PhD students can be less "hands-on" than that typical in the UK. (or that maybe just the Novikov school from Moscow)


      Anyway, I get on with ex-Soviets ok and you should also.

    3. A Tripolation

      A Tripolation

      I get along with him just fine. He gets flustered easily when he feels that theorems and such are misnamed. :D It's hilarious.

    4. chinmayrshah
  12. It's ok. I was very offended in my first post, but not really in any of the others. My messages may seem to come across as more emotional than they actually are. That is not the case. Thank you though.

  13. I do not have internet access out in the sticks where I live. Not until I return to college in the fall. And since I won't be able to defend my initial ultra-conservatism YEC babble, I feel like I shouldn't post much. :D

  14. You realize your positive-rep put me at exactly 100 points?

    You can take credit for my second green card. ;)

  15. The sentiments are mutual, tar. ;)

  16. Thanks mooey, I appreciate the sentiments. But I think, if ever a loss could be viewed in debating, then I and others that shared my opinion most certainly lost. :D

  17. No, that was not my intent ;) Just saying you do some awesome arguing.

    Good luck to you, Ms. JillSwift

  18. Stop posting in that marriage thread...you're really making my arguments look bad. :D

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