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Sriman Dutta

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Everything posted by Sriman Dutta

  1. Hmmmm............Thaaaaaannnnnnnnkkkkkkkssssss
  2. As far as I know chlorophyll is a compound of magnesium. So soil enriched with Mg may be useful. I might be wrong....
  3. Emotions are those small things that make life meaningful.
  4. My exam starts from 21st Nov.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sriman Dutta

      Sriman Dutta

      Haha...Actually it's the Selection Exam before the main ICSE. Anyway thanks for your wishes.

    3. imatfaal


      Good luck - and remember to read the question. This advise is not as silly as it sounds.

    4. Function


      Indeed, Eric. The Great Honours I've missed due to faulty reading ... Poignant!

  5. I see... But unfortunately I'm not aware of the method to be used.
  6. Right studiot, the arrangement of the modern periodic table into groups and periods is both interesting as well as significant. Its significance lies in the fact that all elements down a group have same number of valence electrons and the elements across a period have same number of shells. In other words, the group number denotes number of valence electrons and period number represents the number of shells .
  7. That means you want to convert variegated leaves into green ones.
  8. Logic and rationality fails in paranormal activity cases.
  9. Relativity says that any massive body distorts or warps space-time. This distortion causes the attractive force of gravity. Basically you can also say that you can attract any other massive body ( though your gravity will be tremendously small).
  10. I understand that but can you please explain me why should we use c in place of v for a medium in which light travels at v , v<c ?
  11. Within a material in which light travels at v, all observers will see light at v and not at c.
  12. I never believed that Donald Trump would win.
  13. Universe=infinity But, infinity is not equal to universe. LOL
  14. What is the very latest. ?
  15. PV=nRT is derived from Boyle's Law and Charle's Law.
  16. That proves that addition of velocities in SR is not linear, as in Galilean Relativity.
  17. In the periodic table, all elements are arranged according to increasing atomic numbers of elements. And atomic number of an element is number of protons present.
  18. Our psychology. It creates the distinction between humans, because a person of the lower strata may not seem as worthy as a person of higher class. This is how our inner mind works.
  19. What is exactly religion ? Religion is a particular system of faith and worship followed by a group of people. It should be noted that religion, in its strict term, does not create groups, it is humans who create religions according to the needs of the groups.
  20. Oh yes yes.... Good point swansont. I totally missed it out. If [math]R[/math] is the radius of planet and [math]h[/math] is the distance of the object from the planet's surface and [math]S[/math] is the distance between their centres, then [math] S = R+h [/math]. Using this we get- [math] h(R+h)^2 = \frac{1}{2}GMt^2 [/math]
  21. Hi Sensei, I can't understand from where you get protons. Please explain.
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