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Everything posted by Itoero

  1. There is hardly any religion where I live. The fact that you see a decline of religion in well faring and peaceful countries while wars and famine cause a rise in religion, should give you an idea of what religion is really about. And what if you are a Christian in an islam-village? You have this idea that you need religion to be completely moral or 'at peace'. Atheism is the lack of a believe in deities, it has nothing to do with being content or fearful.
  2. Can you give an example of this? And when is a religion well understood? You clearly misunderstand atheism.
  3. So because we can measure a lot, we can measure everything? I'm starting to understand why people believe in indeterminism. The absence of evidence becomes evidence when it looks very fancy Inserting indeterminism is like inserting intelligent design.
  4. I think flies eat the dead skin, salt and oil. So flies help to keep you clean
  5. No. The NT seems more moral then the OT but there is a lot of paradoxes and immoral stuff, it's just less obvious then in the OT. Like I've said before, religion slows down moral and science evolution. A world without religion would be an upgrade compared to this one.
  6. I will:) The fact that I'm sure there are hidden variables doesn't mean I can find them. Our science s just not evolved enough to explain hidden variables. No & no
  7. I just would like to know why you think like that. Both NT and OT are filled with immorality. It's just less obvious in the NT.
  8. I see. So all immoral stuff and the ridiculous paradoxes are not there? We only think they are there because we misinterpret everything?
  9. The inequalities show that our theories concerning local hidden variables can't explain quantum effects. It does not say anything concerning the absence of local hidden variables. There is zero evidence for the idea that our science has evolved sufficiently to explain quantum effects. A hidden variable is any factor that effects the results of en experiment or measurement that you can't measure or observe. If space time is built by entanglement then there is obviously a hidden reality. It's obviously not what (classical) physics calls reality...that's why it's a hidden reality. Most physicists agree that everything is made up of energy. Some mechanism must cause the forming and behavior of fundamental particles. Without a mechanism, energy would remain energy, there wouldn't be matter without a hidden mechanism. A hidden mechanism is the same as hidden variables or a hidden reality.
  10. Why do you think your interpretation is the correct one? And all the moral paradoxes in the NT are written by wise men?
  11. The Germans released my shipment after 11 weeks. It's now pretty close in a fedex settlement. The idebenone I buy now is very expensive...the big quantity is about 7 times cheaper. I will compare it under my microscope. It's an orange/yellow crystalline powder, so I should be able to see and compare the quality. I'm extremely happy.
  12. Don't you think the bad stuff overshadows the good? I haven't seen good data. I do know someone which was sexually misused by a Priest...as a kid. And there have been many articles in newspapers concerning pedofily in the catholic church. Priests can't have sex, that breeds psychological problems. What are you talking about? Use your head. Of course religion contains good and bad stuff. But if you look to the bigger picture then you see that religion creates groups/strife, it slows both moral and science evolution.
  13. @Mordred, this is the arxiv paper. It's called 'Tomography from Entanglement'. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.1879v1.pdf A hidden variable is any factor that effects the results of en experiment or measurement that you can't measure or observe. If space time is built by entanglement then there is obviously a hidden reality. You can't do a tomography from entanglement if there is no hidden reality. It's obviously not what physics calls reality...that's why it's a hidden reality. Most physicists agree that everything is made up of energy. Some mechanism must cause the forming and behavior of fundamental particles. Without a mechanism, energy would remain energy, there wouldn't be matter without a hidden mechanism. A hidden mechanism is the same as hidden variables or a hidden reality.
  14. Yes but you said it was established empirically proven science that local hidden variables are absent. Yes, without a mechanism there would not be order...there wouldn't be fundamental particles.
  15. Enrich your soil with N(Nitrogen) and M(Magnesium). N and M are building blocks to make Chlorophyll. K(Potassium) helps transport Chlorophyll. But to much K inhibits Chlorophyll uptake so I would be careful when you add K. This is what a chlorophyll molecule looks like: edit: When you add to much nitrogen, the grass might look burned and might die. This can also happen when you pee on the grass. Especially when you've eaten a lot proteins, your pee will contain a lot of nitrogen (ureum).
  16. And you don't understand that disproving a local hidden variable theory does not disprove local hidden variables. There is imo a hidden reality which causes quantum effects, we can't observe (yet). Hirosi Ooguri wrote a paper about space time that arises from entanglement. http://www.ipmu.jp/en/node/2174
  17. I agree, but how does that relate to the bible?
  18. Because we are not knowledgeable enough to create correct local hidden variable theories, there are no local hidden variables?
  19. Thanks for the compliment. Do you know what a scientifically proven fact is? It's not established science, it's an established interpretation.
  20. I forgive you. OK, if you don't think the bible(NT) is a moral book then why does it look like you are defending the NT?
  21. Dealing with emotional turmoil is something they have to learn themselves. In there education they learn mostly about theology/spirituality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priesthood_(Catholic_Church)#Education Yes but there is a lot of immoral stuff. So why would you use the bible as moral guidance?
  22. I have several arguments but why should I keep repeating them? That's not true. It's empirically proven that local hidden variable theories can't explain quantum mechanics. The absence of hidden variables can never be proven. Thinking you can is imo a logical fallacy.
  23. It's perhaps where you live like that. You should realize that your personal experiences are not a directive for what's going on in the rest of the world. Priests aren't trained to do that either. A priest also needs to learn those skills...just like other people. Which society? You are again thinking personal experiences are a directive for what's going on in the rest of the world. The % of pedofiles is a lot higher in priests then in other able people. Why would you trust your story to a Priest when there is a real chance he's a pedofile? huh?I did not say anything of the sort.
  24. Yes I do There are imo local and nonlocal causes.
  25. Yes but does a baby laugh when he or she is alone?
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