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Everything posted by Moreno

  1. What do you think about hypothetical supercapacitor in which charge would be stored in electron-hole double layer created between a conductor (which could be graphene or activated carbon) and a hole conductor (which could be a P-type semiconductor)? Difference in work function suppose to prevent electrons migrate inside a P-type semiconductor and recombine with the holes. A hole conductor could serve as a separator between electrodes. Were there such ideas in the past? What farther could prevent recombination? Do you think such capacitor going to leak charge?
  2. By the word "interceptor" I didn't mean it was an old plane. Just some military plane. Here seem to be some similar info for the summer of 2018, but this time no fatalities mentioned. China shoots lasers at two US pilots of the C 130 aircraft Airmen injured
  3. Do you regard it fiction or plausible?
  4. According to some info that flashed through some non-western media (please don't ask to specify) China destroyed two US interceptors somewhere over Pacific in the last few weeks. It happened right after Huawei director arrest in Canada. If this is true, strange that US media keeps silence on that.
  5. Here is an interesting article on the subject. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v9/91
  6. I've already explained this. By reducing pressure on tank walls many times.
  7. What do you think could become the most common type of a motor fuel, if plug-in hybrid will become the most common type of vehicle and cars will use only 10% of fuel they use today? I think for now there may be insufficient supply of propane or ethanol to replace all the gasoline and diesel, but what if cars will use many times less fuel than now? Will global transition from gasoline and diesel to cleaner fuels make sense?
  8. A sorbent could reduce propane tank weight a lot and allow to make it of more conventional and cheaper squarish shapes. Commonly propane liquifies at 12-15 bars and require heavy tank. In a sorbent it can be stored at 1 bar pressure or even lower what still may provide sufficient supply to the engine.
  9. One of the zinc-air rechargeable battery largest problems is water based alkalic or acidic electrolyte. However promising organic, polymeric and ionic liquid electrolytes provide thousands of times smaller currents than water based ones for now. What is exactly problem there? https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2014/cs/c4cs00015c Which type of rechargeable metal-air battery could be more promising than zinc-air?
  10. The first firm day after the winter solstice.
  11. The solstice always happens either 21 Dec. late evening or 22 Dec. early morning making the difference between these two days insignificant. In this way 23 Dec. is the day which could be taking for the daytime increase mark. This is in Northern hemisphere of course, but I think it's still better to a have a New Year connected to some astronomical event than to none at all.
  12. Which astronomical event is associated with 1 January that we mark a New Year start from this date? Wouldn't it be more logical to mark it from 23 December when the daytime starts to increase? What do you think about possibility to shift it on 23 Dec.?
  13. I think that at present level of technology only metal-air fuel cells may allow to refuse from any motor fuels, but would require a giant investments in infrastructure and some technology improvement. They are obviously better than hydrogen, what makes a hydrogen powered cars historically obsolete. Those batteries which are electrically rechargeable look a much promising for plug-in hybrids than all-electric.
  14. Could you advise me please, some powerful, non-toxic, cheap and readily available laxative? It should be powerful enough to prevent any consumed food to stay inside of body even for half an hour. I suspect it could be some kind of non-toxic soap. But which exactly?
  15. What type of hydrogen storage and size of a fuel tank do you assume?
  16. It looks like the largest problems of EV/hybrids (which is the price of the batteries) is still far from the ultimate solution. Are they going improve zinc-air batteries (or some other inexpensive variety of batteries) well enough just in 20 years to make the breakthrough?
  17. Majority of Western European countries have outlined the date when they will prohibit cars based on internal combustion on their roads. Typically these dates range from 2025 to 2040. The similar initiatives are attempted in India and China. I have hard time to believe it is realistic. Do you? What technology are they going to implement to make it real? Maybe what they've meant is plug-in hybrids rather than all-electric? https://money.cnn.com/2017/09/11/autos/countries-banning-diesel-gas-cars/index.html
  18. Do exist some kind of Mott or charge-transfer insulators which do NOT undergone metal-dielectric transition and always remain Mott or charge transfer insulators regardless density of carriers increase? In one word they do not suppose obtain metallic properties.
  19. I think propane can be stored in adsorbent at low pressure, something like 1 bar. I think it could be sufficient to create constant supply to the engine.
  20. Could you advice me some free of cost and good modeling software which allows to model solid state and atomic physics? For example model such things as CMOS capacitors made of different exotic materials including graphene, semiconductor devices similar to diodes, spintronic devices, ferroelectric capacitors and similar staff.
  21. There are claims that storing methane in adsorbed state allows to reduce pressure quite a lot preserving the same energy density (by volume). https://www.nature.com/articles/srep33461 Is the same true about propane? I think it should be even easier as pressures of LPG are typically much lower than that of CNG.
  22. Either it can be stored under small pressure like gasoline vapors in a regular gas tank, or some physical effects can be used to make it heat up and expend a bit, similar to passing electric current through a wire.
  23. A sponge can be a rock-hard zeolite. Surface tension may prevent LPG leak out and lack of oxygen inside of it may prevent it to explode even during a strike.
  24. Why not? I though that been stored in an absorbent it would less likely leak and ignite and also pressure needed for the storage could be reduced.
  25. How much safer would LPG become if we will soak some sponge with it?
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