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Everything posted by DocBill

  1. OK. NOW....who decided what "Usefull" means?
  2. Hmm. Churlishness? Big words. Could you please, then answer my simple questions? Where did you recieve an education that allows you to be free of bias? I know several post docs in your country and they have been unable to do this (being only human). I am curious. How ever did you manage this feat?
  3. It may seem so to you, but to those who actually wish to understand.... But..we scientists don't have all the answers, ulike you.
  4. Will you really? Well, I am quite concerned about that, let me assure you. And it was sent as a PM out of courteousy of not wishing to point out what an utter arse-head you are, that you would not know scientific method if it jumped up and gave you a hair cut, but as you seem to want to discuss this publically..so be it. Before you explain how it is poissible to have "no bias" please give me a bit of background on your self: 1. Where did you earn your first Masters from? What subject? 2. Where did you earn your second matsers from? Subject? 3. You first Ph.D? Subject? What national or international journals, publications, professional publications have you been: cited in, or published in? OK. Please send me that info post haste, and I can then decide if I should be "afraid." PS: if there are "Clever" people like yourself, how did modern science arrive at the need for "Peer review?" Ahh. I see. People like you HAVE no peers? Good.
  5. And that means what exactly?
  6. Yes..this is obvious. Yet how is it you can see this so clearlly, yet state that "good scientists" are unbiased??? I am confussed here. perhaps you could enlighten me?
  7. And.........as a scientist I can state that it is YOUR inability to accept the fact that bias is in everyone and all things, that will keep you from being taken seriously. Bill
  8. I meant only to state that, of the 3 levels of sleep. REM seems to have the most bearing on information processing, etc.
  9. In my last book there was, at the very beginning a chapter on how to spot BS. It was VERY complete. I doubt if anything that was Pseudo could slip past a reader who actually read my book. Bill
  10. Yes, REM sleep is "mid wave" sleep cycle that runs between 20-40 min. cycles, intermixed with "High" amd "Low" wave sleep. It is a processing period. Here's a trick we shrinks learned when talking to someone (who did not wknow we were DOD, etc.) Watch a person's eyes as they answer questions. Almost ALL poeple (unless trained not to) will look upwards and left when "inventing" or assembling information, and upwards and right when "recalling" information. What is the significance? Truth or deception. Durring rem sleep cycles, the eyes are following this same idea, only by closing the yes, the optical stimulation is shut off, and alpha waved begin to decrease rapidly. Hope that helps. Bill PS: is that why the invissible man went bonkers? No REM sleep as he could always "see" something?
  11. yup. infact, my most popular book is now a free e book. It is available at my web site: http://www.wsdavis.org Bill
  12. Actually it is only REM sleep that he require (I don't know about other species). People in studies who were given meds to reduce or stop REM sleep, even though they "slept" several hours awoke tired, and after just a few days could hardly read, write or do anything. Is that what you meant? Bill
  13. In a reducing atmosphere with H20 in a vapor or liquid form, about 1/10,000 Bill
  14. The MP roams about some 2-4 km every year. There is no "Planet X" and it does not flip..it migrates at a fairly steady rate and stays put for a few 100 millenia. Bill
  15. Perhaps the question might be: "Why do we have REM sleep" or "Why do we have low wave sleep" etc. It is a bit like saying why is there life? Too broad. If you can narrow it down, that would help. Bill
  16. I also went to public schools. I also taught in them many years latter. I also have participated in studies that show an undeniable doward spiral in the quality of the educational system. You can agree or disagree. Facts are facts. I also have students from places like Siera Leone who went to school in grass huts, and spke 5 languages by 6th grade. These, they are quick to point out, are only "average" students for their nation. They make our "average" student look very pathetic in comparrison. I also have witnessed my old HS graduating more than one person who could not read or write, as he was 19 and needed to be out. I don't want the US to become a nation of janitors and maids. I realize it is not "politically correct" to point them out..but someone has to. And I am just direct enough to do it. Bill Thanks Bill
  17. That was my point..ethics are subjective..everyone's are different and fluid. I have never met anyone who claims that this is right and 20 years latter does no think differently. I guess I have been lucky so far.
  18. It was not an Opinion..it is a fact. Unless you are devoid of any reasoning and historical experience, your bias has been shapped. It is really as simple as that. Bill
  19. DocBill

    Cuban crisis

    I recall everyone beigh uptight. The Russians and their socialist moutjing off (a bit like the Hilderbeast a few years ago). Everyone wondering what to do..do we allow this? We can't..can we stop it? but how. who makes the call..will it be political suicide? will it be genecide if we don't? I am glad it happened, as it showed the world that what Admiral Tojo exclaimed after 1941 "We have Awakened the sleeping giant." Cuba almost was stepped on. Bill PS: I love the looks of a map of the US. Look at florida....what's it look like to you? Looks to me like we are pissing in Cuba.:lastyear:
  20. DocBill

    Hair and eye colors

    Actually, Red eyes would serve as a "slight" advantage in dusk or low light conditions. Is your friend a Bandicoot or semi-nocturnal mammal? Bill
  21. It all comes down to your idology. ANYONE who says that they have no bias is either one of two things: 1. An idiot; 2. A Liar. I have a bias, we all do. However..is there AMPLE reasons to halt, or, overselly continue this research based on either side?? Beats me. Bill
  22. I am dyslexic, and..I can't spell small words. Bill PS: Blackadder: Have you ever been to Wales, Baldrick? Baldrick: No, but I've often thought I'd like to. Blackadder: Well, don't. It's a ghastly place. Huge gangs of sinewy men roam the valleys terrorizing people with their close-harmony singing. You need half a pint of phlegm in your throat just to pronounce the place names. Never ask for directions in Wales, Baldrick. You'll be washing spit out of your hair for a fortnight.
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