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Everything posted by Mart

  1. Yes, an equals sign in an equation leads one to expect some form of equivalency. Can you explain further?
  2. Mart

    Beta Decay.

    Thanks for the advice but I didn't ask you a question. If the advice had come from swansont I would have got his point. Here's a question to you. Do you get my point?
  3. Ophiolite didn't. I was asking this : if energy = mass * constant is the mathematical form of the relationship that Einstein wrote down and if from this he reasoned "therefore I can transform energy into mass" why can't the same reasoning be applied with any mathematical relationship that has the same form . I used volume = mass * constant for a substance and asked why can't the volume of something be tranformed into its mass.
  4. From this I reasoned that since there is at least one Earth locally there could be many everwhere.
  5. So how would you transform mass into volume? And if it can't be done what is the significance of the same mathematical structure representing the two quite different relationships.
  6. I agree. Theories that can explain but can't predict and theories that can predict but can't expalin aren't scientific.
  7. So if i was to say that it was less than 0.1s and more than 0s would that be incorrect?
  8. I thought mass and energy are two aspects of the same thing.
  9. That's what I think. Does this mean lots of earth-like planets some with life forms?
  10. Someone said that we're all looking back in time because light takes billions of years to get to us from far away places. Were they right? What would those places look like if we could see them close up?
  11. Did you mean not acceleration any way - like in any direction?
  12. When you throw a stone vertically it reaches a maximum height and so for an instant (I'm told) it has zero velocity. How long is this instant?
  13. Mart

    Beta Decay.

    How long is the half-life of a neutron?
  14. I don't know anything about this. What is the difference?
  15. It would depend on the variant. If it didn't allow us to discover/invent all the other necessary support then maybe not.
  16. I agree. From sea to land - another aspect of asymmetry.
  17. Mart

    Beta Decay.

    How long is the half-life of a proton?
  18. It has a horizontal velocity not a horizontal acceleration. Think of a gun held horizontally (parallel to the ground). Fire the gun. The bullet is accelerated horizontally but the force that creates the acceleration ceases after a very short time. The bullet is now subject only to the force of gravity (as long as we neglect air friction). Therefore only vertical acceleration. The bullet eventually hits the ground. Strange as it may seem a bullet dropped from your hand (where you're holding the gun) will take the same time to hit the ground as the fired bullet. Impossible I hear you say!
  19. Agreed. But to me that suggests a difference between knowing the state of the cat and what state the cat is actually in (irrespective of our knowledge). Now, it may be the case that for quantum events there is no actual until there is knowing but does this apply to cats?
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