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Everything posted by Giacomo525

  1. Hello fellow scientists, I am starting a new website, based on scholasticism, and one of the things I'm including is the publication of articles pertaining to different subject matters. If any of you have unpublished articles that you have written, or are interested in writing an article that you would like to see published, please let me know. Basically, I have lots of bandwidth to kill, and this collection would be more reputable than, say, a personal page provided by Yahoo! or AOL. You can PM me for more details. Sincerely, cweb255
  2. When infants are born "brainless", they aren't literally born with no brain, just a very small, and oft not working brain. Usually the parts that don't work are the frontal lobe, most of the cerebellum, and IIRC the brain stem only to a certain degree. It would be better that they be not born.
  3. Marriage was around before man invented God.
  4. Marriage is a legal contract that two people enter into to recognize them as a family. You can love someone and not marry them, and you can marry someone you don't love. The latter is often the case.
  5. purpose? what purpose? Do you want women to constantly get themselves into abusive relations or allow women to be deceived by an abusive husband who wasn't forthcoming about the last three women he beat or how about the man who was unaware that his new wife had about 7 other divorces with each of the men losing large portions of their money because she was scheming. Should we allow mentally and financially incompetent parents raise children?
  6. my sister has haemophilia, had two blood transfusions and is finally recuperating alright. oh, and what tesseract said, but shouldn't that be obvious?
  7. Yes, it should be very regulated, like all things, like marriage, we should also regulate that, and birth, and abortion, and cars (cars can be very dangerous, make the tests stricter). I'm all for that! cweb255 (and not being sarcastic)
  8. Though Communism in theory is a nice solvant, it doesn't diminish the fact that all political science theories are mere theories when compared to fact. Capitalist? Ha! Communist? Ha! Elections? Ha! I think, though, that you're moving into economic sciences, a very different, though related, branch than political sciences.
  9. This should be fairly easy to test. Just get into a debate with a Christian fundamentalist and see how angry you get.
  10. Political science is figuring out why the heck are people so uninformed about politics, which in turn is nothing more than war without that many people dying.
  11. heh, listen to fariychild, programming a perfect program is a very religious experience. oh, I forgot to answer your question 5: C/C++ including Win32, (X)HTML, XML (and related technologies), PHP, SQL, Perl (not much but enough from learning C first), Javascript, a little VB, and ...well, I guess that's it! My favorite is C, although I use C++ much also.
  12. Go with C - not only does C (which can be ugraded to C++) work extremely well with Win32 (for Windows programming, or Qt+ for Linux programming) but OpenGL is the preferred choice of major graphics programming (sharply in debate with DirectX, also C++ tradition). Java is more for small web apps. Nothing serious is made in Java.
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