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About Vladimir

  • Birthday 05/31/1927


  • Meson

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Baryon (4/13)



  1. The league of gentlemen (which i quite enjoy but am just using it as an example) and other bizarre programs were'nt around some time back, and am curious as to why they exist, and what effect they have on our morality, list also includes reality television, especially the live plastic surgery ones
  2. Cultural perspective. America is renowned for its greed and it never ending quests for more profit. If you feel that people in the middle eastern regions Asia are being opressed look at your own population.
  3. Your ignorance shocks me. What is so civilised about the western world that would allow you to sit on your high horse and preach truth this is a science forum, and im sure if i tracked through your posts Bettina i would find absolutely no science at all
  4. Who the hell are you to decide who is civilised and who isnt
  5. Big mistake. Listen to me what makes you so civilised!
  6. I thought pluto had officially beem discounted as a planet?
  7. The eight glasses a day is just something that the mineral water companies made, what it actually is, is that you need the equivalent of eight glasses a day, including food and any other drinks, though drinking a fair amount of water is reccomendable
  8. To do something solely for economic purposes, is clearly wrong. This was in response to Periahs thread. Do you believe that becasue there is an absence of democracy class systems will widen?
  9. A time when it was ignored? A time when the child was to blame? Hysterical? If you can think of a better way for a society to eradicate a problem i'd very much like to hear it
  10. Vlad? If you have the guts? This entire thread is about tryign to decide what the definition of a peadophile is. All of tehse young restless teenagers your talking about, ever ben to teh british ilses? There is an island were sex is completely discouraged and is thought of as something that must be done as quickly as possible. Then again tehre is an island in australasia where sex is openly talked about, taught and completly open, in both extremes there isnt this problem, which is what it is.
  11. The sexual organs are not developed enough, there is a difference between a childs, and an adults
  12. Are'nt they testing communicatin with entaglemetn terought he great wall of china?
  13. They cannot achieve orgasm. I have never heard of tehm at that age doing it htough. However, after a few years, teh child stops, and tehn only continues at puperty.
  14. Ever heard of political sciences buddy. If you want to take over the world thats fine, but your all aiming ot low, and thats wrong
  15. BUt old growth forests house a greater habitat, tehre roots are deeper, and so on, if try to fix this one problem then a myriad of otehr problems will occur. This has been mans problem with attempting to solve ecology since we started.
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