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What is derivation of the equation of total energy?


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Start with [math]E = {\gamma}mc^2[/math]


expand gamma, equating it to the right-hand side of the equation. Multiply through by the denominator


[math]{\gamma}m^2c^4-{\gamma}m^2v^2c^2 = m^2c^4[/math]



move the negative term to the other side and note that


[math]{\gamma}^2m^2v^2 = p^2[/math]


Left-hand side is E2 and the right-hand side is m2c4+p2c2

Edited by swansont
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Start with [math]E = {\gamma}mc^2[/math]


expand gamma, equating it to the right-hand side of the equation. Multiply through by the denominator


[math]{\gamma}m^2c^4-{\gamma}m^2v^2c^2 = m^2c^4[/math]



move the negative term to the other side and note that


[math]{\gamma}m^2v^2 = p^2[/math]


Left-hand side is E2 and the right-hand side is m2c4+p2c2

I have understood only the start.

I think [math]{\gamma}^2m^2v^2 = p^2[/math]

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I have understood only the start.

I think [math]{\gamma}^2m^2v^2 = p^2[/math]


Yes, typo.


It's algebra.


If you really need to see the two steps I skipped



But note he uses relativistic mass in some of the equations. However, his labeling is clear.

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The question must now be where does [math]E = \gamma m c^{2}[/math] come from?


Another way to get at the equation you seek is to consider the world line action of a free relativistic particle. Depending on how you formulate this, there are several ways, you see that [math]E^{2}-p^{2}= m^{2}[/math] comes out as an equation of motion.


That is all classical physical particles must obey this relation, including massless particles. That why we can talk about on-shell and off-shell in quantum field theory. This means if the classical equations of motion are imposed or not. For example, people will talk about virtual particle being off-shell for exactly this reason; they are not constrained to obey the classical equations of motion.

Edited by ajb
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The easiest way would be to use four-vectors. The four-momentum is:


[math]p^\mu = (E/c, \vec{p})[/math]


This can be found easily by simply defining four-momentum as mass times four-velocity, where four-velocity is the derivative of position [math]x^\mu =(ct,\vec{x})[/math] with respect to proper time. We know that the magnitude of the four-momentum must be constant for every observer:


[math]p_\mu p^\mu = const.[/math]


If we consider the frame where a particle is at rest, its momentum becomes:


[math]p^\mu = (E/c,0)[/math]


But when a particle is at rest its energy is just its rest energy, which is equal to its mass:


[math]p^\mu = (mc,0)[/math]


Its magnitude squared is:


[math]p_\mu p^\mu = m^2 c^2[/math]


In some other general reference frame we have:


[math]p_\mu p^\mu = E^2/c^2 - |\vec{p}|^2[/math]


But as I said these must be equal, so:


[math]E^2/c^2 - |\vec{p}|^2= m^2 c^2[/math]


You can do a little rearranging to get it into the more familiar form:


[math]E^2 = m^2 c^4 + |\vec{p}|^2 c^2[/math]

Edited by elfmotat
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