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Cowboy and his Horse


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Here's a riddle for you guys...if you know it already, please don't give it away.


A cowboy gets on his horse, on Monday, and rides from his town for 1 day and them journeys back the next day. He arrives back in town on Saturday. How is that possible?

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Well.. The horse in my riddle is indeed named Saturday. I changed the name so you guys might have a harder time finding the answer by just googling it.



Ok... try this one...


"What always remains down even when it can float up in the air?"

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Damn...I can't trick you guys, can I?


Ok...one more before I give up...


"A horse is tied to a 10 ft. rope and there is a bail of hay 20 ft. away from him. However, the horse is still able to eat from the bail of hay. How is this possible"

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