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Why haven't they made nano factories and a little bit bigger nanobots yet?


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Why haven't they made not even see able factory's or machines and to revolutionize us then being able to have small things or the first nanobot that would then duplicate, even one that a little bigger and just use that multiplying jem for now...?


***Anyhow more importantly, indeed, why haven't they made a bigger than wanted nanobot that is still small and can't see, even almost in the wanted size range, but morrrreee bigger so well we can build one for now, and then have it multiply and cure lots of stuff including ageing...And then just have the fisrt little bigger nanobot, by wireless commands, duplicate....?????

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How big? We have manufacturing robots. Can you define your interpretation of nanobot?


Like why is there not factories of robots or a single robot + wireless components (that you cannot see with your eyes at least, or maybe smaller but much bigger than the ones they are working on) that then are fed wireless signals and make another one, and after multiplying couldn't they build big things with nano detail, & complexity, and maybe still be used in us? Could they all take newly made brain cells in a dish and be put near in the head and carry and place in the brain? What do you think?

Edited by ADVANCE
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Ask yourself whether we actually possess such technology today, and are able to produce the kind of volume of nanobots that would be needed for something like what you suggest.

Yes, a good starting point would be seeing how small a Wireless antenna is if you want them to talk wirelessly.

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They, the scientists or researchers or anybody out there that is trying to create the first one and have it duplicate.


? Can't a wireless picker-upper antenna be in a nanobot you can't even see? Why does it have to be bigger? So that's ruled out definitely?

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Are you talking about the idea of having a small robot build a smaller one and that smaller robot building a much smaller one and so on until you have a nanobot?


I'm sure I have read a sci fi story about that idea.

Either with that as you said ya, or one just built under microscope, my question is why isn't there one built yet from either those two ways, that is bigger than the ones there trying to build right now, but still can't see.........other question was can a wireless thing be in the nanobot be not see able?


A useful thing I said above was:

"that then are fed wireless signals and make another one, and after multiplying couldn't they build big things with nano detail, & complexity, and maybe still be used in us? Could they all take newly made brain cells in a dish and be put near in the head and carry and place in the brain? What do you think?"

Edited by ADVANCE
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How do you propose this would actually work with current technologies?


WiFi requires electromagnetic signals, therefore antenna, for any kind of efficiency the size of the antenna matters, currently the smallest are still to large for what you are proposing. The same goes for all fabrication techniques and useful processing power. What you want is not feasible. It is akin to turning up after the Wright brothers first flight and asking why they don't just fly to Pluto.

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ADVANCE, they have not done this yet because the technological challenges are enormous, involving major developments in a host of engineering fields, following the development of detailed theories on how to do it. Your question is equivalent to someone asking in 1532 A.D., "why have they not built a really large rocket and put an airtight room atop it and sent people in it to the moon?"


Do you think they could have done this in 1532? Do you see why we have not done what you ask about in 2014?

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