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Should abortion be legal in the united states.


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1). My group’s topic is abortion and my main question that I twitter searched is, Should Abortion be allowed in the United States. When I searched this question on twitter I found some answers that were pro life and many others that were pro choice. When it comes to a topic like Abortion there is always two sides to it; people that are against it and people that are for it. In my twitter search I found a lot more tweets saying Abortion should be allowed because there is freedom in the United States.

2). What I find very interesting that has a major role in this topic is the women who actually do abortion. I am just interested in the state of mind she is in. I can’t even imagine that coming to my mind. This happens all around the world and a lot of women finish this process. I am interested in how they feel, why the do it, how they feel afterwards, and if some ladies actually regret it? If I meet someone who completed this process, those would be the exact questions I would ask them .

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Here you go sir. I am not a woman, nor have I had an abortion. I think you may find this article on Post Abortion Stress Syndrome a good read though. It takes into consideration how emotional distress related to an abortion can lead a woman into PTSD.


  1. Guilt: Experiencing guilt does not imply that you made a mistake or “violated your own moral code,” as some pro-lifers would imply. However, feelings around having an abortion may be complex and have to take into account fear of what others might think.
  2. Anxiety: General anxiety is a common symptom of PTSD—in the case of PASS, there might be a particular anxiety over fertility issues and the ability to get pregnant again.
  3. Numbness, Depression: Again, common symptoms of PTSD.
  4. Flashbacks: Abortion is surgery, and in most cases, it’s surgery that happens while the patient is fully conscious. This can be a distressing experience.
  5. Suicidal thoughts: In extreme cases, the PTSD that results from a controversial abortion could lead to suicidal thoughts or tendencies and would require immediate treatment. It’s important to note that this is not a common or expected symptom of PASS, but as with any form of PTSD, it is possible.



Oh, and yes, yes it should be legal.

Edited by Pozessed
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PASS is a thorny area. I think if we are going to talk about mental health we ought to stick to peer-reviewed articles - especially in such a politically tense subject as abortion in the USA


The relationship between induced abortion and mental health is an area of political controversy.[1][2] Major medical bodies have found that induced abortions do not cause mental-health problems, and that the risk of mental-health problems is equal whether an unplanned pregnancy is carried to term or terminated via abortion.[3][4] Pre-existing factors in a woman's life, such as emotional attachment to the pregnancy, lack of social support, pre-existing psychiatric illness, and conservative views on abortion increase the likelihood of experiencing negative feelings after an abortion.





More at



Edited by imatfaal
bad citation link
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Abortion happens whether it's legal or not. We have lots of data to back that up. The actual operation needs to be available safely no matter what you think of it ethically.


I would do everything in my power to avoid abortion for anyone I had influence over, but my situation isn't universal.


I think the worst aspect right now is how many of the anti-abortion crowd are trying to make women who have abortions seem like irresponsible sluts killing babies as a means of birth control. Until they need one themselves, then they're happy to whip out their No True Scotsman fallacy card and claim THEIR abortion was different.

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1). My group’s topic is abortion and my main question that I twitter searched is, Should Abortion be allowed in the United States. When I searched this question on twitter I found some answers that were pro life and many others that were pro choice. When it comes to a topic like Abortion there is always two sides to it; people that are against it and people that are for it. In my twitter search I found a lot more tweets saying Abortion should be allowed because there is freedom in the United States.[/size]

I'd turn this around. By what Constitutional authority does the government have the power to prevent abortions? The government isn't empowered to act without that authority.



2). What I find very interesting that has a major role in this topic is the women who actually do abortion. I am just interested in the state of mind she is in. I can’t even imagine that coming to my mind. This happens all around the world and a lot of women finish this process. I am interested in how they feel, why the do it, how they feel afterwards, and if some ladies actually regret it? If I meet someone who completed this process, those would be the exact questions I would ask them .[/size]

Not really a political question.

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