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Are there really answers to the universe?


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It's in general.


In general, there are already many answers. It's when you start to ask specific questions that you run up against a lack of answers.


But I think the "answers" you're looking for are for questions like, "What does it all mean?" and "Are we here for a reason?" and "When I die, is there more?" Maybe not.

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ontological mathematics explains most of the basic questions of existence. When pythagoras defined numbers as the arche 2500 years ago he provided humanity with the foundation to encounter the answers to the questions of existence.



But then what would explain the existence of the numbers? Or is this question wrong somehow?

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I believe the questions are irrelevant, immaterial, and illegitimate. They arise chiefly from a confusion of what it means to be an animal or a human caused by language. Life is a biological imperative and humans are a social animal. There aren't really any questions so long as we keep sight of definitions and conditions. Cultures have lost sight and formed gestalts that are not reflective of any reality. It leaves people groping for answers to questions that need no answers and aren't quite real.


Each individual has distinct needs and perspectives but each individual is very much a product of his time and place making his perspective very much a part of the whole.


We are animals who use a specific metaphysics to understand our place in nature and this metaphysics generates technology which few comprehend. Look at the question that made a run of message board a few years back about whether a plane could take off from a moving surface. This is a very simple concept and most got it wrong. Many otherwise intelligent people still can't understand and/ or accept the answers. Even fewer understand the metaphysics. Word meaning dances about and every statement can be deconstructed to mean almost anything. No matter how I phrase this people will each take their own meaning.


It's little wonder we feel adrift and lost.

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But then what would explain the existence of the numbers? Or is this question wrong somehow?

That is a great question. According to dialectical monism, the universe is teleological; the universe is evolving to seek a desired end point. Considering this, mathematics is the only way to handle ordering reality so there is a dialectical evolution of mathematics. Mathematics, in terms of its ontological existence, is constantly evolving to higher and higher states. So, if we go back in time far enough, the universe was in a state of pure potential which seeks to become pure actualization with mathematics governing that process.


This is a relevant excerpt from the Mike Hockney Book “The God Factory”. “If you want to comprehend reality you must realize that mathematics doesn’t reflect reality; mathematics IS reality. Ontology, the study of existence, is ultimately the understanding that mathematics alone determines everything that can and cannot exist. Anything incompatible with mathematics is impossible.”

Hockney, Mike (2011-08-19). The God Factory (The God Series) (Kindle Locations 100-102). Hyperreality Books. Kindle Edition.


This full text can be read free on scribd.

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