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Everything posted by Electrum

  1. That is a great question. According to dialectical monism, the universe is teleological; the universe is evolving to seek a desired end point. Considering this, mathematics is the only way to handle ordering reality so there is a dialectical evolution of mathematics. Mathematics, in terms of its ontological existence, is constantly evolving to higher and higher states. So, if we go back in time far enough, the universe was in a state of pure potential which seeks to become pure actualization with mathematics governing that process. This is a relevant excerpt from the Mike Hockney Book “The God Factory”. “If you want to comprehend reality you must realize that mathematics doesn’t reflect reality; mathematics IS reality. Ontology, the study of existence, is ultimately the understanding that mathematics alone determines everything that can and cannot exist. Anything incompatible with mathematics is impossible.” Hockney, Mike (2011-08-19). The God Factory (The God Series) (Kindle Locations 100-102). Hyperreality Books. Kindle Edition. This full text can be read free on scribd.
  2. ontological mathematics explains most of the basic questions of existence. When pythagoras defined numbers as the arche 2500 years ago he provided humanity with the foundation to encounter the answers to the questions of existence. http://www.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/index.htm
  3. This statement was first established by Leibniz and is perhaps one of the most ingenious ideas of all time allowing man to answer some of the most difficult questions. Something cannot come from nothing. Since we know there is something, nothing could never have existed and never can exist since something cannot become nothing. The big bang singularity was a dimensionless point, and did not exist in physical reality but it was something. Black hole singularities are also dimensionless points but they have mass hence are something. These two phenomena are in fact evidence of the dimensionless domain of the mind. Once ontological existence of zero is defined as something, we can see that the big bang did not arise from nothing, but from ontological zero, the same domain that is defined by any given mathematical point. The physical domain is defined by dimensions measurable by numbers greater than zero and less than infinity. The mental domain is defined by zero and infinity. The universe is composed of one substance, and that is ontological complete mathematics which manifests in these two domains. Ontological complete mathematics solves cartesian duality and refutes scientific materialism since science denies the ontological existence of zero. http://www.armageddonconspiracy.co.uk/index.htm
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