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Black Panther Party paper.


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I think something I may start posting all of my papers and essays here when I'm done with them. I'm in 8th grade, so if they don't go too much below the surface, don't be surprised, here's a paper on the Black Panther party I wrote for class.

The Black Panther Party,

By ********

In 1966 California, a movement was started by recent jailbird, Huey P. Newton, and 5 other members created a

movement based of a principal of Marxism and Black Pride, titled the Black Power Movement for Self-Defense.

The six founding fathers of the movement were Elbert Howard, Huey P. Newton, Sherman Forte, Bobby Seale, Reggie

Forte, and Little Bobby Hutton. The organization was based on the militant protection and organized establishment of a

Marxist-Socialist revolution in the US. Even selling Mao Zedong’s “Mao’s Red Book” in order to procure Shotguns

(California law stated that you could have a shotgun out in public as long it was clearly visible.) From there they

managed to write out their political and social commands in their “10 Point Plan”, which stated that they, in short,

wanted community control over the modern industry, the ending of what they saw as victimization by the government,

and the ending of what they felt was victimization by the capitalist system.

The Black Panther Party managed to become well known and recognized in the community, and the FBI, becoming what

J. Edgar Hoover said was “The greatest threat to national security”, and later ranking high on an FBI watchlist. They

also started a program called the “Free Breakfast for School Children”, which, within years time of it starting, helped fill

the stomachs of 10,000 strong.

However, things began to degenerate within the party, due to ideological disagreements and Huey P.’s drug addiction,

he is later

killed in Oakland, CA in a drug dispute. Original founding father Bobby Seale resigned from internal leadership, and the

rest falls apart.

Many regard the Black Panther Party as a violent terrorist organization, and many others regard it as a confederacy of

the disenfranchised minority of America. Regardless of your opinion on their tactics, they DID help pave the way for

organizations like The Peace and Freedom, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, and movements in the like

of Cesar Chavez and his labor movement. One other thing is certain, the Black Panther Party will be remembered as

crusaders in the civil rights and protest movement.

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I think what ACG52 & swansont mean to say is that if you post your school papers here, which are essentially a collection of interesting facts on a topic, then we have little to discuss.


However, if you add a nice strong opinion at the end, then we can discuss that (and perhaps even disagree with you, and explain why).

Or, if you ask a follow-up question, then some people can give you answers.

Or, if you like to just post something, and not discuss it much, then maybe a blog is better than the forum.


With only your paper, we just don't know what to write. All we can say is: "Yes, that's all true, probably". Or: "Good paper". Of course, someone else can start the discussion now, but we rather see that the person who starts a thread gives the discussion a certain direction.


So, in summary... there is nothing wrong with you posting here. We just don't know what to do with it.

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