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Time Particles


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I Disagree with your comments. It is entirely possible for time to exist as both a particle and a dimension. Light, I belive is the highest naturally occuring density of Time occuring in our dimension


Can you define what you mean here by "density of Time"?


(other than being a form of energy,


Light is not energy, it has energy.


after all energy is movement and movement is time). This agrees with Einstein's beleif that when any object goes faster than the speed of light(see above braceted area), It will travel backwards in time


That's not quite right, it will see things going backwards in time... But faster than light particles are quite controversial :P


(the natural state of all things is a sphere, therefore time is also a sphere,


This is an illogical step, things only form spheres because they are acted on by spherically symmetric forces, there is not evidence that time is constrained like this.


and If you travel far enough in one direction, you will arrive at a point behind where you started).


This is currently a great area of debate in astrophysics, although what you've stated is probably winning the argument atm...


Therefore, if you somehow infuse all atoms in your body with an excess in Time, you will travel backwards.


Can you explain this mathematically? It seems to make no sense.


by the same princible, removeing all Time will cause the rest of time to pass you by.


You seem to be waiving across the SR notion of the time dimension and space dimensions turning into each other? But in SR time is always dilated.


also(though I'm not so sure about this), have you ever been standing by the side of a road when a car passes by? If you have, you'll remember that the car passes, and then you feel the air rush past afterwards. this is because the car takes particles of Time from the air around it,


No the rush of air is after the car because the air particles take time to interact with each other so that moving particles interact with you. Air is certainly not a ridged body.


so the car moves faster(and slows down time slightly for the contents)


The effect is frame dependent as shown in SR and for the speed a car travels is really really really really tiny.


and the air, laging behind a bit is not moving as fast as the car(because of its lack of Time).


No, it's not moving as fast because of friction, the air is not moving with the car but being hit by the car.


I hope this answer is satisfactory. I have found no error over the many hours I have thought this over(incidentally before I read this), and if you can find error, please notify me, as this theory is in its developmental stage.


It's not a theory, theories make falsifiable, mathematical predictions.

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I thought that time might exist as particle, and thought that I'd come up with some reasonable proof. then again, I know next to nothing about quantum physics, and I haven't left school yet. I'm dissagreeing with the people who said that time is only a dimension, and I only read the month and day, not the year.

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This guy claims that time is quantized in what he calls "tempons".

Anyways, the -on in tempon has a particle ring to it, although it is most certainly not a particle.


Give us at least a preprint on ArXiv or even better a reference to a known journal.

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This guy claims that time is quantized in what he calls "tempons".

Anyways, the -on in tempon has a particle ring to it, although it is most certainly not a particle.


Can you detect these tempons only at a certain time of the month?

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The original idea,

So I just wanted to know what people thought about the existance of time as a particle.

could be intesting in this way:-


The hyothetical Higgs field, or Higgs particle gives particles mass; (px,py,pz,pt) becomes non-zero for some particles. Secondly, the electroweak force is resultant from spontaneous breaking--another (3,1) repartitioning. What field might send an O(4) space to O(3,1)?

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