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I can't say much more than, Just Listen.


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"If the statue of liberty could speak, she might say... I cannot be broken... If you hurt me I'll get stronger."


I think the song's author has confused the statue of liberty with the incredible hulk.



"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

with conquering limbs astride from land to land...

She cries with silent lips, "Give me your tired, your poor,

your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

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In the spirit of a fair and balanced portrayal of a song about America I offer this...



In the spirit of fairness and balance +1

I am not American so take my observation as an outsider with a pinch of salt. (IMO) A weak America would be a disaster for the world; an honest America would be an asset to the world!


Later edit: forgot to activate the promised +1 - have now done so!




Edited by Joatmon
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One of the nice things about America is that everyone's entitled to voice their own opinions. For example,

, although a bit outdated (has it really been 40 years?!). I think America has some unique qualities, which I think are based on personal freedoms, that others have tried to imitate in their own ways but have hurt themselves in the process ... the Soviet Union, Japan, perhaps the European Union, and also perhaps China. (I might also add to that list, the southern US Confederacy.) It also doesn't hurt to have such vast and diverse natural resources as the US has. As always, time will tell.
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One of the nice things about America is that everyone's entitled to voice their own opinions. For example,

, although a bit outdated (has it really been 40 years?!). I think America has some unique qualities, which I think are based on personal freedoms, that others have tried to imitate in their own ways but have hurt themselves in the process ... the Soviet Union, Japan, perhaps the European Union, and also perhaps China. (I might also add to that list, the southern US Confederacy.) It also doesn't hurt to have such vast and diverse natural resources as the US has. As always, time will tell.

It's a fact America doesn't always get it right and the The Civil War was undoubtably our greatest tragedy. But yours is an excellent assessment of our good and bad qualities. Thank you.
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In the spirit of fairness and balance +1

I am not American so take my observation as an outsider with a pinch of salt. (IMO) A weak America would be a disaster for the world; an honest America would be an asset to the world!


Later edit: forgot to activate the promised +1 - have now done so!

Ya gotta remember one thing Joatmon, you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
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Ya gotta remember one thing Joatmon, you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear.


I guess sometimes you must do the best with what you havesmile.gif


I'd like to say (to nobody in particular) the Bible gets it wrong when it says "Blessed are the peacemakers".

It seems to me that Peacemakers get attacked by both factions.sad.gif




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